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69 lines (46 loc) · 2.44 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
69 lines (46 loc) · 2.44 KB

My Ricing so far :

  1. DISTRO -> Arch Linux (with linux zen kernel)
  2. WM -> Hyprland
  3. Login Screen -> LY here
  4. Shell -> zsh
  5. Package Manager -> yay
  6. Audio -> pipewire-jack
  7. Font -> SpaceMono Nerd Font

Current Config is using:

  1. Hyprland
  2. Hyprlock
  3. Hypridle
  4. swww (wallpaper daemon)
  5. wlogout {OUTDATED}
  6. ags {waybar is OUTDATED}
  7. swaync {OUTDATED}
  8. dunst (notif daemon)
  9. satty
  10. rofi-lboon-wayland
  11. wf-recorder
  12. cliphlist (and wl-clipboard-history-git)

Other Configs:

  1. Terminal -> kitty [AUR package]
  2. Shell -> oh-my-zsh with Theme: Powerlvl10k powerlvl10k
  3. music -> cmus / spotify (with spicetify) [AUR package]
  4. Anime -> ani-cli [AUR Package]
  5. File Manager -> Dolphin / Superfile (also have Ranger) superfile
  6. Sound Effects -> easyeffects easyeffects
  7. Bar -> ags aylur's gtk shell
  8. Editor -> Code OSS [AUR package] (either code or visual-studio-bin works) (the older purple theme)


Newer gruvbox theme




(Wallpaper for hyprlock and rofi change automatically with the and others using sed not pywal)


I cannot make rofi themes but I took a lot of inspiration from this repo and a lot of other repos I found from unix porn and stuff

AGS default config is from Aylur's dotfiles but with some modifications


Using waybar to get information of disk, memory, cpu so on. AGS is the default bar in this config


  1. Proper config of ags
  2. Get into nvim and have create a config
  3. Prettify dotfiles as whole and have installation and cleanup scripts