- File extensions should always be lowercase.
- When possible, lazy-load assets.
- Files can be checked into source control if they're under 5MB, and don't have a method of getting them through an automated process. Alternatively, provide a build task that will create/download those assets that are larger or depend on data sources (such as the covers for the book concierge).
- Music should be encoded as 128bps CBR Stereo:
- MP3:
lame -m s -b 128 input.wav output.mp3
- MP3:
- Voice should be encoded as 96bps CBR Mono:
- MP3:
lame -m m -b 96 input.wav output.mp3
- MP3:
You can resize images on the command line with ImageMagick. This script (borrowed from the Ellicott City project) will look at all the JPGs in a folder and saved the resized versions in a resized
for f in *.jpg; do convert $f -quality 75 -resize 1600x1200\> -strip -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -define jpeg:dct-method=float -interlace Plane resized/$f; done
Video encoding depends on the role of the video in a project--ambient video (such as animated backdrops) should be much smaller, because the user doesn't have a choice about playback. On-demand video can be much larger--but consider uploading it to a hosting service like YouTube instead of manually encoding, since those will automatically size and compress for different screen sizes and bandwidth requirements.
When encoding for a browser, use FFMPEG to output as MP4. The command for doing this in a way that will cooperate with all platforms is somewhat verbose:
ffmpeg \
-i inputfile \
-ss 0 -t 5 \
-an \
-vcodec libx264 \
-preset veryslow \
-strict -2 \
-pix_fmt yuv420p \
-crf 21 \
-vf scale=800:-1 \
Note that the order of arguments is important. Some of these parameters may be tweakable depending on what your video is meant to accomplish.
- Removes audio for autoplaying video in modern browsers-ss X -t Y
- Extracts Y seconds, starting at X-vf scale=ZZZ:-1
- Resizes the video to ZZZ across, maintaining its current aspect ratio.-crf X
- Sets the quality of the compression to X, where 0 is lossless and 51 is gibberish. 21 is a good starting place.