This is very simple example for release build.
Builds Akaria RISC-V toolchain docker image using 16 processes in parallel
Toolchains are placed in /result directory
Creates container from the built toolchain image
Copies toolchains from created container
# docker build -f docker/Dockerfile_ubuntu20 -t ubuntu_tool:20.04 --build-arg PARALLEL=16 --build-arg PARALLELMFLAGS=-j16
# docker create ubuntu_tool:20.04
(Show the container_id)
# sudo docker cp container_id:/result ./
This section describes options that are used in the examples. For more details, please refer official documents of docker CLI.
-t tag_name:tag_version
You can use any tag name (ubuntu_tool in this example) and tag version (20.04 in this example) as you like. It is easy to recognize docker image after build.
--build-arg argument
Pass the argument into the docker container.
Number of processes for parallel build. Build system will use 1 if this argument is missing.
Makeflags for GNU libc build. Unlike PARALLEL, this is not a number, need to specify options of make like as "-j8".