Authex is a simple JWT authentication and authorization library for Elixir.
The package can be installed by adding authex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
In addition, we must also add a JSON encoder/decoder. Jason is recommended. But any of these will work: jiffy, jsone, jsx, ojson, Poison.
Finally, if you wish to use any of the plug functionality, make sure to add the plug dependency.
def deps do
{:authex, "~> 2.0"},
{:jason, "~> 1.0"},
{:plug, "~> 1.0"}
See HexDocs for additional documentation.
To get started, we must define our auth module:
defmodule MyApp.Auth do
use Authex
def start_link(opts \\\\ []) do
Authex.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__)
# Callbacks
@impl Authex
def init(opts) do
# Add any configuration listed in Authex.start_link/3
secret = System.get_env("AUTH_SECRET") || "foobar"
opts = Keyword.put(opts, :secret, secret)
{:ok, opts}
@impl Authex
def handle_for_token(%MyApp.User{} = resource, opts) do
{:ok, [sub:, scopes: resource.scopes], opts}
def handle_for_token(_resource, _opts) do
{:error, :bad_resource}
@impl Authex
def handle_from_token(token, _opts) do
# You may want to perform a database lookup for your user instead
{:ok, %MyApp.User{id: token.sub, scopes: token.scopes}}
And add it to your supervision tree:
children = [
We can then create, sign, and verify tokens:
token = Authex.token(MyApp.Auth, sub: 1, scopes: ["admin/read"])
compact_token = Authex.sign(MyApp.Auth, token)
{:ok, token} = Authex.verify(MyApp.Auth, compact_token)
We can also convert resources to and from tokens.
token = Authex.for_token(MyApp.Auth, user)
compact_token = Authex.sign(MyApp.Auth, token)
{:ok, token} = Authex.verify(MyApp.Auth, compact_token)
{:ok, user} = Authex.from_token(MyApp.Auth, token)
Please check out the documentation for more advanced features.
- Easy to integrate with almost any app.
- Handles both authentication + authorization.
- Convert data to and from tokens.
- Handle persistence for things like blacklists.
- Batteries included for plug integration.