On our Storage server in Stratos Datacenter we are having some issues where nfsuser user is holding hundred of processes, which is degrading the performance of the server. Therefore, we have a requirement to limit its maximum processes. Please set its maximum process limits as below:
a. soft limit = 1025
b. hard_limit = 2026
$ <domain> <type> <item> <value>
The following list provides a definition for each field:
- domain: A domain can be a user, user group, GUID ranges, etc.
- type: The type of the limit. It can be either hard or soft.
- item: What resource will be limited. For this guide, we’ll be using “nproc”.
- value: The value of the limit.
sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf
nfsuser soft nproc 1025
nfsuser hard nproc 2026