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Get Started with XGBoost4J-Spark with Spylon Kernel Jupyter Notebook

This is a getting started guide to XGBoost4J-Spark using a Spylon Kernel Jupyter notebook. At the end of this guide, the reader will be able to run a sample notebook that runs on NVIDIA GPUs.

Before you begin, please ensure that you have setup a Spark Standalone Cluster.

It is assumed that the SPARK_MASTER and SPARK_HOME environment variables are defined and point to the Spark Master URL, and the home directory for Apache Spark respectively.

  1. Install Jupyter Notebook with spylon-kernel.
    # Install notebook and spylon-kernel (Scala kernel for Jupyter Notebook),
    # You can use spylon-kernel as Scala kernel for Jupyter Notebook. Do this when you want to work with Spark in Scala with a bit of Python code mixed in.
    RUN pip3 install jupyter notebook spylon-kernel
    RUN python -m spylon_kernel install
    # Latest version breaks nbconvert:
    RUN pip3 install ipykernel==5.1.1
  2. Start Jupyter Notebook.

You can debug from webUI http://your_ip:your_port with your password.

``` bash
export JUPYTER_CONFIG_FILE=~/.jupyter/

rm -rf `dirname $JUPYTER_CONFIG_FILE` && mkdir -p `dirname $JUPYTER_CONFIG_FILE` && echo """
c.NotebookApp.password = your_hashed_password
c.NotebookApp.password = your_password 
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False
c.NotebookApp.port = your_port

jupyter notebook --allow-root --notebook-dir=$WORKSPACE --config=$JUPYTER_CONFIG_FILE &
  1. Prepare packages and dataset.

    Make sure you have prepared the necessary packages and dataset by following this guide

  2. Run scala notebook (e.g. mortgage-gpu.ipynb)

    # Suppose your Scala file is $WORKSPACE/mortgage-gpu.ipynb
    jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --stdout --execute $WORKSPACE/mortgage-gpu.ipynb
    # -------you will see output looks like ----------------
    # { 
    #   "cells": [
    #   {
    #    "cell_type": "code",
    #    "execution_count": 1,
    #    "id": "5ca1ae16",
    #    "metadata": {
    #     ........
    #     ........
    #     ........
    #   "language_info": {
    #    "codemirror_mode": "text/x-scala",
    #    "file_extension": ".scala",
    #    "help_links": [
    #     {
    #      "text": "MetaKernel Magics",
    #      "url": ""
    #     }
    #    ],
    #    "mimetype": "text/x-scala",
    #    "name": "scala",
    #    "pygments_lexer": "scala",
    #    "version": "0.4.1"
    #   }
    #  },
    #  "nbformat": 4,
    #  "nbformat_minor": 5
    # }

    You can also run python notebook with Spylon Kernel

    # restart Jupyter Notebook
    export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=jupyter
    export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS="notebook --allow-root --notebook-dir=$WORKSPACE --config=$JUPYTER_CONFIG_FILE"
    pyspark &
    # Suppose your python file is $WORKSPACE/mortgage-gpu.ipynb
    jupyter nbconvert --to notebook--stdout --execute $WORKSPACE/mortgage-gpu.ipynb
  3. Launch ETL Part

  • Mortgage ETL Notebook: Scala or Python
  • Taxi ETL Notebook: Scala or Python
  • Note: Agaricus does not have ETL part.
  1. Launch XGBoost Part
  • Mortgage XGBoost Notebook: Scala
  • Taxi XGBoost Notebook: Scala
  • Agaricus XGBoost Notebook: Scala