C++ Technology Template by Harsh Jalutharia and Elijah Whittle Features Programming Language: C++ Build System Generator: Cmake Toolchain: GNU Toolchain (gcc, gdb etc.) Testing Framework: GoogleTest Continuous Integration: CircleCI Static Analysis: clang-tidy Code Formatting: clang-format Package Manager: None License: GNU GPLv3 Instructions You need to have git, cmake, gdb, g++, make (gnu toolkit) installed. Don't download the code as a zip. Clone the repo and use "--recurse-submodules" when cloning since it uses the googletest repository as a submodule. git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/harshjalutharia/cpp_template_v3.git Go to the project's root folder. Type the following commands to build the project: mkdir build cd build cmake .. make This will create 2 files, one called Main and the other called tests. You can run either of them using the following commands: ./Main ./tests