Allows anyone to submit the settlement proof generated by the Offchain State ZkProgram
Allows a user to register a name with the given name and name record. This method emits a state change event for the offchain mapping. The state change requires the from value to be undefined and the to value to be the name. This state change is not applied directly but is applied when emitted state change actions are settled.
Allows a name owner to update name record.
Allow a name owner to transfer name's ownership.
Returns owner of the given name
Returns name record of the given name
Returns premium rate in nanoMINA
Returns the current admin
Returns true if the zkapp is paused
Allows admin to set and update premium rate.
Allows admin to pause or unpause the zkapp
Allows admin to transfer admin rights.
npm run build
npm run test
npm run test:provable # test proofsEnabled=true
npm run test:all # run all tests
npm run coverage