diff --git a/packages/obuilder-spec/obuilder-spec.0.6.0/opam b/packages/obuilder-spec/obuilder-spec.0.6.0/opam new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cc4b7f0ecdc --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/obuilder-spec/obuilder-spec.0.6.0/opam @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +opam-version: "2.0" +synopsis: "Build specification format" +description: + "A library for constructing, reading and writing OBuilder build specification files." +maintainer: [ + "Tim McGilchrist " + "Antonin Décimo " +] +authors: [ + "Antonin Décimo " + "Arthur Wendling " + "David Allsopp " + "Kate " + "Lucas Pluvinage " + "Mark Elvers " + "Patrick Ferris " + "Thomas Gazagnaire " + "Thomas Leonard " + "Tim McGilchrist " +] +license: "Apache-2.0" +homepage: "https://github.com/ocurrent/obuilder" +doc: "https://ocurrent.github.io/obuilder/" +bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocurrent/obuilder/issues" +depends: [ + "dune" {>= "3.7"} + "fmt" {>= "0.8.9"} + "sexplib" + "astring" + "ppx_deriving" + "ppx_sexp_conv" + "ocaml" {>= "4.14.1"} + "odoc" {with-doc} +] +build: [ + ["dune" "subst"] {dev} + [ + "dune" + "build" + "-p" + name + "-j" + jobs + "@install" + "@runtest" {with-test} + "@doc" {with-doc} + ] +] +dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocurrent/obuilder.git" +url { + src: + "https://github.com/ocurrent/obuilder/releases/download/v0.6.0/obuilder-0.6.0.tbz" + checksum: [ + "sha256=07637b0d8010770b5ef89f07891dbc6155e4741582faf081ef7335ba123b3140" + "sha512=62ecd0a06d4b97f5288ecc0031b27a5588f7bdd44b8de4ff4293ba2228589de7b13d1c6d4e24c8c755bb3dea2e97eb6f8b9a7bbfb7d35c1e12ef6220632c9a4b" + ] +} +x-commit-hash: "d944aef9b04e0c45e584f73d3f49b821bc8421d8" diff --git a/packages/obuilder/obuilder.0.6.0/opam b/packages/obuilder/obuilder.0.6.0/opam new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4a52763777c --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/obuilder/obuilder.0.6.0/opam @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +opam-version: "2.0" +synopsis: "Run build scripts for CI" +description: + "OBuilder takes a build script (similar to a Dockerfile) and performs the steps in it in a sandboxed environment." +maintainer: [ + "Tim McGilchrist " + "Antonin Décimo " +] +authors: [ + "Antonin Décimo " + "Arthur Wendling " + "David Allsopp " + "Kate " + "Lucas Pluvinage " + "Mark Elvers " + "Patrick Ferris " + "Thomas Gazagnaire " + "Thomas Leonard " + "Tim McGilchrist " +] +license: "Apache-2.0" +homepage: "https://github.com/ocurrent/obuilder" +doc: "https://ocurrent.github.io/obuilder/" +bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocurrent/obuilder/issues" +depends: [ + "dune" {>= "3.7"} + "lwt" {>= "5.6.1"} + "astring" + "fmt" {>= "0.8.9"} + "logs" + "cmdliner" {>= "1.2.0"} + "tar-unix" {>= "2.4.0"} + "yojson" {>= "1.6.0"} + "sexplib" + "ppx_deriving" + "ppx_sexp_conv" + "sha" {>= "1.15.4"} + "sqlite3" + "crunch" {>= "3.3.1" & build} + "obuilder-spec" {= version} + "fpath" + "extunix" {>= "0.4.0"} + "ocaml" {>= "4.14.1"} + "alcotest-lwt" {>= "1.7.0" & with-test} + "odoc" {with-doc} + "conf-which" {with-test} + "conf-bash" {with-test} +] +build: [ + ["dune" "subst"] {dev} + [ + "dune" + "build" + "-p" + name + "-j" + jobs + "@install" + "@runtest" {with-test} + "@doc" {with-doc} + ] +] +dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocurrent/obuilder.git" +url { + src: + "https://github.com/ocurrent/obuilder/releases/download/v0.6.0/obuilder-0.6.0.tbz" + checksum: [ + "sha256=07637b0d8010770b5ef89f07891dbc6155e4741582faf081ef7335ba123b3140" + "sha512=62ecd0a06d4b97f5288ecc0031b27a5588f7bdd44b8de4ff4293ba2228589de7b13d1c6d4e24c8c755bb3dea2e97eb6f8b9a7bbfb7d35c1e12ef6220632c9a4b" + ] +} +x-commit-hash: "d944aef9b04e0c45e584f73d3f49b821bc8421d8"