diff --git a/src/ohow/markdown_builder.ml b/src/ohow/markdown_builder.ml
index 75844a5..4daa498 100644
--- a/src/ohow/markdown_builder.ml
+++ b/src/ohow/markdown_builder.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
open Import
open Operators
open Wiki_syntax_types
@@ -273,9 +272,6 @@ end
and MarkdownBuilder :
(Wikicreole.Builder with type param = unit and type flow = string) = struct
-module rec MarkdownBuilder : Wikicreole.Builder with type param = unit and type flow = string = struct
->>>>>>> 5fba9e5f2ce558dcc4c036efab7a5416c6d5eb56
type href = string
type param = unit
type phrasing_without_interactive = string
@@ -288,7 +284,6 @@ module rec MarkdownBuilder : Wikicreole.Builder with type param = unit and type
let strong_elem _ l = "**" ^ String.concat "" l ^ "**"
let em_elem _ l = "_" ^ String.concat "" l ^ "_"
let br_elem _ = " \n"
-<<<<<<< HEAD
let img_elem attrs href alt =
let my_attrs = get_attributs attrs in
@@ -297,10 +292,6 @@ module rec MarkdownBuilder : Wikicreole.Builder with type param = unit and type
let tt_elem _ l =
"" ^ escape_html (String.concat "" l) ^ ""
- let img_elem _ href alt = "![ " ^ alt ^ " ](" ^ href ^ ")"
- let tt_elem _ l = "`" ^ String.concat "" l ^ "`"
->>>>>>> 5fba9e5f2ce558dcc4c036efab7a5416c6d5eb56
let monospace_elem _ l = "`" ^ String.concat "" l ^ "`"
let underlined_elem _ l = "" ^ String.concat "" l ^ ""
let linethrough_elem _ l = "~~" ^ String.concat "" l ^ "~~"
@@ -311,7 +302,6 @@ module rec MarkdownBuilder : Wikicreole.Builder with type param = unit and type
let emdash = "—"
let a_elem_phrasing _ href l = "[" ^ String.concat "" l ^ "](" ^ href ^ ")"
let a_elem_flow _ href l = "[" ^ String.concat "" l ^ "](" ^ href ^ ")"
-<<<<<<< HEAD
let make_href = href_of_link_kind
let string_of_href href = href
@@ -372,36 +362,10 @@ module rec MarkdownBuilder : Wikicreole.Builder with type param = unit and type
\n\n" ^ String.concat "" rows ^ "\n
- let make_href _ url _ = url
- let string_of_href href = href
- let p_elem _ l = (* "debut p" ^ *) String.concat "" l (*^ " fin p \n" *)
- let pre_elem _ l = "```\n" ^ String.concat "\n" l ^ "\n```\n"
- let h1_elem _ l = "# " ^ String.concat "" l ^ "\n\n"
- let h2_elem _ l = "## " ^ String.concat "" l ^ "\n\n"
- let h3_elem _ l = "### " ^ String.concat "" l ^ "\n\n"
- let h4_elem _ l = "#### " ^ String.concat "" l ^ "\n\n"
- let h5_elem _ l = "##### " ^ String.concat "" l ^ "\n\n"
- let h6_elem _ l = "###### " ^ String.concat "" l ^ "\n\n"
- let section_elem _ l = String.concat "" l
- let ul_elem _ l = String.concat "" (List.map (fun (item, _, _) -> "- " ^ String.concat "" item) l) ^ "\n"
- let ol_elem _ l = String.concat "" (List.mapi (fun i (item, _, _) -> string_of_int (i + 1) ^ ". " ^ String.concat "" item) l)
- let dl_elem _ l = String.concat "" (List.map (fun (is_title, item, _) -> if is_title then "**" ^ List.hd item ^ "**\n" else ": " ^ String.concat "" item ^ "\n") l) ^ "\n"
- let hr_elem _ = "---\n"
- let table_elem _ l =
- let rows = List.map (fun (row, _) -> "| " ^ String.concat " | " (List.map (fun (_, _, cell) -> String.concat "" cell) row) ^ " |\n") l in
- String.concat "" rows
->>>>>>> 5fba9e5f2ce558dcc4c036efab7a5416c6d5eb56
let phrasing s = s
let flow s = s
let list s = s
-<<<<<<< HEAD
let error s = "~~" ^ s ^ "~~"
type plugin_content =
@@ -413,26 +377,11 @@ module rec MarkdownBuilder : Wikicreole.Builder with type param = unit and type
let plugin = MarkdownPlugin.plugin
let plugin_action _ _ _ _ _ _ = ()
- let error s = "~~" ^ s ^ "~~"
- type plugin_content =
- [ `Flow5_link of (href * Wikicreole.attribs * flow_without_interactive)
- | `Phrasing_link of (href * Wikicreole.attribs * phrasing_without_interactive)
- | `Flow5 of flow
- | `Phrasing_without_interactive of phrasing_without_interactive ]
- let plugin = MarkdownPlugin.plugin
- let plugin_action _ _ _ = fun _ _ _ -> ()
->>>>>>> 5fba9e5f2ce558dcc4c036efab7a5416c6d5eb56
let link_action _ _ _ _ _ = ()
let href_action _ _ _ _ _ = ()
and MarkdownPlugin : sig
-<<<<<<< HEAD
val plugin :
-> Wikicreole.plugin_resolver option
@@ -792,79 +741,3 @@ let write_markdown oc s =
(String.concat ""
(Wikicreole.from_string ~sectioning:true () (module MarkdownBuilder) s));
flush oc
- val plugin : string -> (Wikicreole.plugin_resolver option * (unit -> Wikicreole.attribs -> string option -> MarkdownBuilder.plugin_content))
-end = struct
- let plugin name =
- match name with
- | "header" ->
- (None, fun _ _ content ->
- let content = match content with Some c -> c | None -> "" in
- let processed_content = Wikicreole.from_string () (module MarkdownBuilder) content in
- `Phrasing_without_interactive (String.concat "" processed_content ^ "\n\n"))
- | "div" ->
- (None, fun _ attribs content ->
- let class_attr = match List.assoc_opt "class" attribs with
- | Some c -> c
- | None -> ""
- in
- let content = match content with Some c -> c | None -> "" in
- let processed_content = Wikicreole.from_string () (module MarkdownBuilder) content in
- `Flow5 ("" ^ String.concat "" processed_content ^ "
- | "section" ->
- (None, fun _ attribs content ->
- let class_attr = match List.assoc_opt "class" attribs with
- | Some c -> c
- | None -> ""
- in
- let content = match content with Some c -> c | None -> "" in
- let processed_content = Wikicreole.from_string () (module MarkdownBuilder) content in
- `Flow5 ("" ^ String.concat "" processed_content ^ ""))
- | "span" ->
- (None, fun _ attribs content ->
- let class_attr = List.assoc "class" attribs in
- let content = match content with Some c -> c | None -> "" in
- let processed_content = Wikicreole.from_string () (module MarkdownBuilder) content in
- `Phrasing_without_interactive ("" ^ String.concat "" processed_content ^ ""))
- | "outline" ->
- (None, fun _ _ content ->
- let content = match content with Some c -> c | None -> "" in
- let processed_content = Wikicreole.from_string () (module MarkdownBuilder) content in
- `Flow5 ("" ^ String.concat "" processed_content ^ "
- | "a_manual" | "a_api" | "a_api_type" | "a_api_code" | "a_file" ->
- (None, fun _ attribs content ->
- let href = match List.assoc_opt "href" attribs with
- | Some h -> h
- | None -> "#"
- in
- let text = match content with Some c -> c | None -> href in
- `Phrasing_without_interactive ("[" ^ text ^ "](" ^ href ^ ")"))
- | "a_img" ->
- (None, fun _ attribs content ->
- let src = List.assoc "src" attribs in
- let alt = match content with Some c -> c | None -> "" in
- `Phrasing_without_interactive ("![ " ^ alt ^ " ](" ^ src ^ ")"))
- | "code" ->
- (None, fun _ attribs content ->
- let language = match List.assoc_opt "language" attribs with
- | Some lang -> lang
- | None -> "text"
- in
- let class_attr = match List.assoc_opt "class" attribs with
- | Some c -> " ." ^ c
- | None -> ""
- in
- let content = match content with Some c -> c | None -> "" in
- `Phrasing_without_interactive ("```{" ^ "." ^ language ^ class_attr ^ "}\n" ^ content ^ "\n```"))
- (* | default_case -> *)
- (* print_string ("Handling default case : " ^ default_case ^ " \n"); *)
- | _ ->
- (None, fun _ _ _ -> `Phrasing_without_interactive "")
-let print_markdown l =
- print_string (String.concat "" l)
-let markdown_from_string s =
- print_string (String.concat "" (Wikicreole.from_string ~sectioning:true () (module MarkdownBuilder) s))
->>>>>>> 5fba9e5f2ce558dcc4c036efab7a5416c6d5eb56