diff --git a/src/runtime/fibers.ts b/src/runtime/fibers.ts
index 13b2124da..7dea4a466 100644
--- a/src/runtime/fibers.ts
+++ b/src/runtime/fibers.ts
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ export function makeRootFiber(node: ComponentNode): Fiber {
current.appliedToDom = false;
+ if (current instanceof RootFiber) {
+ // it is possible that this fiber is a fiber that crashed while being
+ // mounted, so the mounted list is possibly corrupted. We restore it to
+ // its normal initial state (which is empty list or a list with a mount
+ // fiber.
+ current.mounted = current instanceof MountFiber ? [current] : [];
+ }
return current;
@@ -152,6 +159,7 @@ export class RootFiber extends Fiber {
const node = this.node;
this.locked = true;
let current: Fiber | undefined = undefined;
+ let mountedFibers = this.mounted;
try {
// Step 1: calling all willPatch lifecycle hooks
for (current of this.willPatch) {
@@ -173,7 +181,6 @@ export class RootFiber extends Fiber {
this.locked = false;
// Step 4: calling all mounted lifecycle hooks
- let mountedFibers = this.mounted;
while ((current = mountedFibers.pop())) {
current = current;
if (current.appliedToDom) {
@@ -194,6 +201,15 @@ export class RootFiber extends Fiber {
} catch (e) {
+ // if mountedFibers is not empty, this means that a crash occured while
+ // calling the mounted hooks of some component. So, there may still be
+ // some component that have been mounted, but for which the mounted hooks
+ // have not been called. Here, we remove the willUnmount hooks for these
+ // specific component to prevent a worse situation (willUnmount being
+ // called even though mounted has not been called)
+ for (let fiber of mountedFibers) {
+ fiber.node.willUnmount = [];
+ }
this.locked = false;
node.app.handleError({ fiber: current || this, error: e });
diff --git a/tests/components/__snapshots__/error_handling.test.ts.snap b/tests/components/__snapshots__/error_handling.test.ts.snap
index 45f1bf43d..20ff00465 100644
--- a/tests/components/__snapshots__/error_handling.test.ts.snap
+++ b/tests/components/__snapshots__/error_handling.test.ts.snap
@@ -1191,6 +1191,135 @@ exports[`can catch errors error in mounted on a component with a sibling (proper
+exports[`can catch errors error in onMounted, graceful recovery 1`] = `
+"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
+) {
+ let { text, createBlock, list, multi, html, toggler, comment } = bdom;
+ const comp1 = app.createComponent(null, false, false, false, []);
+ return function template(ctx, node, key = \\"\\") {
+ const Comp1 = ctx['component'];
+ return toggler(Comp1, comp1({}, (Comp1).name + key + \`__1\`, node, this, Comp1));
+ }
+exports[`can catch errors error in onMounted, graceful recovery 2`] = `
+"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
+) {
+ let { text, createBlock, list, multi, html, toggler, comment } = bdom;
+ const comp1 = app.createComponent(\`Child\`, true, false, false, []);
+ const comp2 = app.createComponent(\`Boom\`, true, false, false, []);
+ return function template(ctx, node, key = \\"\\") {
+ const b2 = text(\`parent\`);
+ const b3 = comp1({}, key + \`__1\`, node, this, null);
+ const b4 = comp2({}, key + \`__2\`, node, this, null);
+ return multi([b2, b3, b4]);
+ }
+exports[`can catch errors error in onMounted, graceful recovery 3`] = `
+"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
+) {
+ let { text, createBlock, list, multi, html, toggler, comment } = bdom;
+ return function template(ctx, node, key = \\"\\") {
+ return text(\`abc\`);
+ }
+exports[`can catch errors error in onMounted, graceful recovery 4`] = `
+"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
+) {
+ let { text, createBlock, list, multi, html, toggler, comment } = bdom;
+ return function template(ctx, node, key = \\"\\") {
+ return text(\`boom\`);
+ }
+exports[`can catch errors error in onMounted, graceful recovery 5`] = `
+"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
+) {
+ let { text, createBlock, list, multi, html, toggler, comment } = bdom;
+ return function template(ctx, node, key = \\"\\") {
+ return text(\`def\`);
+ }
+exports[`can catch errors error in onMounted, graceful recovery, variation 1`] = `
+"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
+) {
+ let { text, createBlock, list, multi, html, toggler, comment } = bdom;
+ const comp1 = app.createComponent(null, false, false, false, []);
+ return function template(ctx, node, key = \\"\\") {
+ let b2, b3;
+ b2 = text(\`R\`);
+ if (ctx['state'].gogogo) {
+ const Comp1 = ctx['component'];
+ b3 = toggler(Comp1, comp1({}, (Comp1).name + key + \`__1\`, node, this, Comp1));
+ }
+ return multi([b2, b3]);
+ }
+exports[`can catch errors error in onMounted, graceful recovery, variation 3`] = `
+"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
+) {
+ let { text, createBlock, list, multi, html, toggler, comment } = bdom;
+ const comp1 = app.createComponent(\`Child\`, true, false, false, []);
+ const comp2 = app.createComponent(\`Boom\`, true, false, false, []);
+ return function template(ctx, node, key = \\"\\") {
+ const b2 = text(\`parent\`);
+ const b3 = comp1({}, key + \`__1\`, node, this, null);
+ const b4 = comp2({}, key + \`__2\`, node, this, null);
+ return multi([b2, b3, b4]);
+ }
+exports[`can catch errors error in onMounted, graceful recovery, variation 4`] = `
+"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
+) {
+ let { text, createBlock, list, multi, html, toggler, comment } = bdom;
+ return function template(ctx, node, key = \\"\\") {
+ return text(\`abc\`);
+ }
+exports[`can catch errors error in onMounted, graceful recovery, variation 5`] = `
+"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
+) {
+ let { text, createBlock, list, multi, html, toggler, comment } = bdom;
+ return function template(ctx, node, key = \\"\\") {
+ return text(\`boom\`);
+ }
+exports[`can catch errors error in onMounted, graceful recovery, variation 6`] = `
+"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
+) {
+ let { text, createBlock, list, multi, html, toggler, comment } = bdom;
+ return function template(ctx, node, key = \\"\\") {
+ return text(\`def\`);
+ }
exports[`can catch errors onError in class inheritance is called if rethrown 1`] = `
"function anonymous(app, bdom, helpers
) {
diff --git a/tests/components/error_handling.test.ts b/tests/components/error_handling.test.ts
index 703b29183..672544277 100644
--- a/tests/components/error_handling.test.ts
+++ b/tests/components/error_handling.test.ts
@@ -1678,4 +1678,198 @@ describe("can catch errors", () => {
+ test("error in onMounted, graceful recovery", async () => {
+ class Child extends Component {
+ static template = xml`abc`;
+ setup() {
+ useLogLifecycle();
+ }
+ }
+ class OtherChild extends Component {
+ static template = xml`def`;
+ setup() {
+ useLogLifecycle();
+ }
+ }
+ class Boom extends Component {
+ static template = xml`boom`;
+ setup() {
+ useLogLifecycle();
+ onMounted(() => {
+ throw new Error("boom");
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ class Parent extends Component {
+ static template = xml`parent`;
+ static components = { Child, Boom };
+ setup() {
+ useLogLifecycle();
+ }
+ }
+ class Root extends Component {
+ static template = xml``;
+ component: any = Parent;
+ setup() {
+ useLogLifecycle();
+ onError(() => {
+ logStep("error");
+ this.component = OtherChild;
+ this.render();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ await mount(Root, fixture);
+ expect(fixture.innerHTML).toBe("def");
+ expect(steps.splice(0)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ Array [
+ "Root:setup",
+ "Root:willStart",
+ "Root:willRender",
+ "Parent:setup",
+ "Parent:willStart",
+ "Root:rendered",
+ "Parent:willRender",
+ "Child:setup",
+ "Child:willStart",
+ "Boom:setup",
+ "Boom:willStart",
+ "Parent:rendered",
+ "Child:willRender",
+ "Child:rendered",
+ "Boom:willRender",
+ "Boom:rendered",
+ "Boom:mounted",
+ "error",
+ "Root:willRender",
+ "OtherChild:setup",
+ "OtherChild:willStart",
+ "Root:rendered",
+ "OtherChild:willRender",
+ "OtherChild:rendered",
+ "OtherChild:mounted",
+ "Root:mounted",
+ ]
+ `);
+ });
+ test("error in onMounted, graceful recovery, variation", async () => {
+ class Child extends Component {
+ static template = xml`abc`;
+ setup() {
+ useLogLifecycle();
+ }
+ }
+ class OtherChild extends Component {
+ static template = xml`def`;
+ setup() {
+ useLogLifecycle();
+ }
+ }
+ class Boom extends Component {
+ static template = xml`boom`;
+ setup() {
+ useLogLifecycle();
+ onMounted(() => {
+ throw new Error("boom");
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ class Parent extends Component {
+ static template = xml`parent`;
+ static components = { Child, Boom };
+ setup() {
+ useLogLifecycle();
+ }
+ }
+ class Root extends Component {
+ static template = xml`R`;
+ component: any = Parent;
+ state = useState({ gogogo: false });
+ setup() {
+ useLogLifecycle();
+ onError(() => {
+ logStep("error");
+ this.component = OtherChild;
+ this.render();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ const root = await mount(Root, fixture);
+ expect(fixture.innerHTML).toBe("R");
+ // standard mounting process
+ expect(steps.splice(0)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ Array [
+ "Root:setup",
+ "Root:willStart",
+ "Root:willRender",
+ "Root:rendered",
+ "Root:mounted",
+ ]
+ `);
+ root.state.gogogo = true;
+ await nextTick();
+ expect(fixture.innerHTML).toBe("Rparentabcboom");
+ // rerender, root creates sub components, it crashes, tries to recover
+ expect(steps.splice(0)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ Array [
+ "Root:willRender",
+ "Parent:setup",
+ "Parent:willStart",
+ "Root:rendered",
+ "Parent:willRender",
+ "Child:setup",
+ "Child:willStart",
+ "Boom:setup",
+ "Boom:willStart",
+ "Parent:rendered",
+ "Child:willRender",
+ "Child:rendered",
+ "Boom:willRender",
+ "Boom:rendered",
+ "Root:willPatch",
+ "Boom:mounted",
+ "error",
+ "Root:willRender",
+ "OtherChild:setup",
+ "OtherChild:willStart",
+ "Root:rendered",
+ ]
+ `);
+ await nextTick();
+ expect(fixture.innerHTML).toBe("Rdef");
+ expect(steps.splice(0)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ Array [
+ "OtherChild:willRender",
+ "OtherChild:rendered",
+ "Root:willPatch",
+ "Child:willDestroy",
+ "Boom:willUnmount",
+ "Boom:willDestroy",
+ "Parent:willDestroy",
+ "OtherChild:mounted",
+ "Root:patched",
+ ]
+ `);
+ });