De-encapsulating Docker would enable a variety of new possibilities.
- Native install
- Faster deployments and running [less abstraction than Docker!]
- Utilise language virtual environment
- python2: virtualenv; python3: venv; ruby: rbenv; node: n; &etc
- Tie in stateful and nontraditional services
- databases; queues; caches; search engines; API gateways; &etc.
- Environmental variables within daemon (e.g.: systemd)
- Good for dev tier app deployments [not for test or prod tiers]
- Brute-force candidate Docker image creation
- Try base images, stop when first compiles (e.g.: alpine else Ubuntu)
- With first image that worked:
- Output Dockerfile to git
- Upload image to Object Storage
- Port binding
- cgroups?
- Mesos?
Stack orchestration
- Chef, Puppet, Fabric, Ansible, &etc.
- Dockerfile to architecture independent YAML
- Candidate schema for what this would look like: [offregister] 2nd YAML
- Docker Compose parsing would be a good idea also