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Python: Parallel HDF5

Scientific simulations generate large amounts of data on Frontier (about 100 Terabytes per day for some applications). Because of how large some datafiles may be, it is important that writing and reading these files is done as fast as possible. Less time spent doing input/output (I/O) leaves more time for advancing a simulation or analyzing data.

One of the most utilized file types is the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF), specifically the HDF5 format. HDF5 is designed to manage large amounts of data and is built for fast I/O processing and storage. An HDF5 file is a container for two kinds of objects: "datasets", which are array-like collections of data, and "groups", which are folder-like containers that hold datasets and other groups.

There are various tools that allow users to interact with HDF5 data, but we will be focusing on h5py -- a Python interface to the HDF5 library. h5py provides a simple interface to exploring and manipulating HDF5 data as if they were Python dictionaries or NumPy arrays. For example, you can extract specific variables through slicing, manipulate the shapes of datasets, and even write completely new datasets from external NumPy arrays.

Both HDF5 and h5py can be compiled with MPI support, which allows you to optimize your HDF5 I/O in parallel. MPI support in Python is accomplished through the mpi4py package, which provides complete Python bindings for MPI. Building h5py against mpi4py allows you to write to an HDF5 file using multiple parallel processes, which can be helpful for users handling large datasets in Python. h5Py is available after loading the default Python module on Frontier, but it has not been built with parallel support.

This hands-on challenge will teach you how to build a personal, parallel-enabled version of h5py and how to write an HDF5 file in parallel using mpi4py and h5py.

Our plan for building parallel h5py is to:

  • Create a new virtual environment using conda
  • Install mpi4py from source
  • Install h5py from source
  • Test our build with a Python script

After successfully testing your build, you will then have the opportunity to complete a challenge involving the simulation of two galaxies colliding and how to get the simulation working with parallel h5py.

Setting up the environment

Building h5py from source is highly sensitive to the current environment variables set in your profile. Because of this, it is extremely important that all the modules and conda environments we plan to load are done in the correct order, so that all the environment variables are set correctly. First, we will unload all the current modules that you may have previously loaded on Frontier and then immediately load the default modules. Assuming you cloned the repository in your home directory:

$ cd ~/hands-on-with-Frontier-/challenges/Python_Parallel_HDF5
$ source ~/hands-on-with-Frontier-/misc_scripts/
$ module reset

The source command is only necessary if you already have existing conda environments active. The script unloads all of your previously activated conda environments, and no harm will come from executing the script if that does not apply to you.

Next, we will load the gnu compiler module (most Python packages assume GCC), hdf5 module (necessary for h5py):

$ module load PrgEnv-gnu
$ module load hdf5
$ source ~/miniconda-frontier-handson/bin/activate base

We are in a "base" conda environment, but we need to create a new environment using the conda create command. Because h5py depends on NumPy, and our challenge depends on other packages (scipy and matplotlib), we will install all of them at once:

$ conda create -p ~/.conda/envs/h5pympi-frontier python=3.9 libssh numpy scipy matplotlib -c conda-forge

NOTE: As noted in Conda Basics, it is highly recommended to create new environments in the "Project Home" directory. However, due to the limited disk quota and potential number of training participants on Frontier, we will be creating our environment in the "User Home" directory.

After following the prompts for creating your new environment, the installation should be successful, and you will see something similar to:

Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
# To activate this environment, use
#     $ conda activate ~/.conda/envs/h5pympi-frontier
# To deactivate an active environment, use
#     $ conda deactivate

Due to the specific nature of conda on Frontier, we will be using source activate instead of conda activate to activate our new environment:

$ source activate ~/.conda/envs/h5pympi-frontier

The path to the environment should now be displayed in "( )" at the beginning of your terminal lines, which indicate that you are currently using that specific conda environment. If you check with conda env list, you should see that the * marker is next to your new environment, which means that it is currently active:

$ conda env list

# conda environments:
                      *  /ccs/home/<YOUR_USER_ID>/.conda/envs/h5pympi-frontier
base                     /ccs/home/<YOUR_USER_ID>/miniconda-frontier-handson

Installing mpi4py

Now that we have a fresh conda environment, we will next install mpi4py from source into our new environment. To make sure that we are building from source, and not a pre-compiled binary, we will be using pip:

$ MPICC="cc -shared" pip install --no-cache-dir --no-binary=mpi4py mpi4py

The MPICC flag ensures that you are using the correct C wrapper for MPI on the system. Building from source typically takes longer than a simple conda install, so the download and installation may take a couple minutes. If everything goes well, you should see a "Successfully installed mpi4py" message.

Installing h5py

Next, we are finally ready to install h5py from source:

$ HDF5_MPI="ON" CC=cc HDF5_DIR=${OLCF_HDF5_ROOT} pip install --no-cache-dir --no-binary=h5py h5py

The HDF5_MPI flag is the key to telling pip to build h5py with parallel support, while the CC flag makes sure that we are using the correct C wrapper for MPI. This installation will take much longer than both the mpi4py and NumPy installations (5+ minutes if the system is slow). When the installation finishes, you will see a "Successfully installed h5py" message.

Testing parallel h5py

Now for the fun part, testing to see if our build was truly successful. We will test our build by trying to write an HDF5 file in parallel using 42 MPI tasks.

First, change directories to your Orion scratch area and copy over the python and batch scripts:

$ mkdir h5py_test
$ cd h5py_test
$ cp ~/hands-on-with-Frontier-/challenges/Python_Parallel_HDF5/ .
$ cp ~/hands-on-with-Frontier-/challenges/Python_Parallel_HDF5/ .
$ cp ~/hands-on-with-Frontier-/challenges/Python_Parallel_HDF5/submit_hello.sbatch .
$ cp ~/hands-on-with-Frontier-/challenges/Python_Parallel_HDF5/submit_h5py.sbatch .

Let's test that mpi4py is working properly first by executing the example Python script "". To do so, we will be submitting a job to the batch queue with "submit_hello.sbatch":

$ sbatch --export=NONE submit_hello.sbatch

Once the batch job makes its way through the queue, it will run the "" script with 42 MPI tasks. If mpi4py is working properly, in mpi4py-<JOB_ID>.out you should see output similar to:

Hello from MPI rank 21 !
Hello from MPI rank 23 !
Hello from MPI rank 28 !
Hello from MPI rank 40 !
Hello from MPI rank 0 !
Hello from MPI rank 1 !
Hello from MPI rank 32 !

If you see this, great, it means that mpi4py was built successfully in your environment.

Finally, let's see if we can get these tasks to write to an HDF5 file in parallel using the "" script:

from mpi4py import MPI
import h5py

comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD      # Use the world communicator
mpi_rank = comm.Get_rank() # The process ID (integer 0-41 for a 42-process job)
mpi_size = comm.Get_size() # Total amount of ranks

with h5py.File('output.h5', 'w', driver='mpio', comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD) as f:
    dset = f.create_dataset('test', (42,), dtype='i')
    dset[mpi_rank] = mpi_rank


if (mpi_rank == 0):
    print('42 MPI ranks have finished writing!')

The MPI tasks are going to write to a file named "output.h5", which contains a dataset called "test" that is of size 42 (assigned to the "dset" variable in Python). Each MPI task is going to assign their rank value to the "dset" array in Python, so we should end up with a dataset that contains 0-41 in ascending order.

Time to execute "" by submitting "submit_h5py.sbatch" to the batch queue:

$ sbatch --export=NONE submit_h5py.sbatch

Provided there are no errors, you should see "42 MPI ranks have finished writing!" in the h5py.<JOB_ID>.out output file, and there should be a new file called "output.h5" in your directory. To see explicitly that the MPI tasks did their job, you can use the h5dump command to view the dataset named "test" in output.h5:

$ h5dump output.h5

HDF5 "output.h5" {
GROUP "/" {
   DATASET "test" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 42 ) / ( 42 ) }
      DATA {
      (0): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
      (19): 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
      (35): 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

If you see the above output, then congratulations you have used one of the fastest computers in the world to write a parallel HDF5 file in Python!

Galaxy Collision Challenge

Now for the EXTRA fun part, using mpi4py and h5py together to simulate and generate scientific data (or partially scientific, at least). You will be using your newfound h5py and mpi4py knowledge to simulate two galaxies colliding. The results of the simulation will look something like this:

First, similar to before, change directories to your Lustre scratch area and copy over the python and batch scripts:

$ mkdir galaxy_challenge
$ cd galaxy_challenge
$ cp ~/hands-on-with-Frontier-/challenges/Python_Parallel_HDF5/ .
$ cp ~/hands-on-with-Frontier-/challenges/Python_Parallel_HDF5/ .
$ cp ~/hands-on-with-Frontier-/challenges/Python_Parallel_HDF5/submit_galaxy.sbatch .

The two scripts of interest are called and The script generates an HDF5 file using mpi4py and h5py, while just creates a GIF of the results. You will be dealing with

The goal of is to simulate an infalling galaxy made up of "particles" (stars) and a "nucleus" (the compact central region) colliding with a bigger host galaxy. This would require a lot of code for it to be the most accurate ("many body" problems in physics are complicated); however, we made some physical assumptions to simplify the problem so that it is less complicated but still results in a roughly accurate galactic event. Even with simplifying things down, this script does not run quickly when not using MPI, as the amount of stars you want to simulate over a given time period quickly slows things down. We will be simulating 1000 stars and it takes about 2 minutes for the script to complete on Frontier when only using 1 MPI task, while completing in about 20 seconds when using 8 MPI tasks.

In this challenge, you will be using 8 MPI tasks to help speed up the computations by splitting up the particles across your MPI tasks (each MPI task will only simulate a subset of the total number of particles). The tasks will then write their subset of the data in parallel to an HDF5 file that will hold the entire final dataset.

Luckily all the physics related stuff is done for you and all you have to worry about is changing a few h5py lines for the code to perform properly. Specifically, there are five lines that need fixing in the script (marked by the "TO-DO" comments on lines 207-211):

 # Create dummy data with correct shape
dummy_data = np.empty((N_part, t_size, 3))*0. # Shape: [Number of particles, Number of timesteps, Number of dimensions (x, y, z)]
dummy_nuc  = np.empty((1, t_size, 3))*0.

 # Open and initialize HDF5 file with dummy data
f = h5py.File('galaxy.hdf5', 'w', driver= , comm= )# TO-DO
dset_pos_pt  = f.create_dataset("pos_pt",  data=  )# TO-DO
dset_vel_pt  = f.create_dataset("vel_pt",  data=  )# TO-DO
dset_pos_nuc = f.create_dataset("pos_nuc", data=  )# TO-DO
dset_vel_nuc = f.create_dataset("vel_nuc", data=  )# TO-DO

Your challenge is to:

  1. Supply the necessary arguments to get h5py to work with mpi4py (the first TO-DO line), and
  2. Supply the necessary "dummy data" variables (either dummy_data or dummy_nuc) so that the shapes of the HDF5 datasets are correct (the rest of the TO-DO lines).

A major question to help you: "What arguments were used when testing the script earlier?" If you're having trouble, you can check in the solution directory. Although you only have to deal with a small section of to complete the challenge, feel free to explore the entire script and see what the rest of it is doing.

To do this challenge:

  1. Copy over the scripts into your member work directory (as described further above in this section).

  2. Determine the missing pieces of the five "TO-DO" lines.

  3. Use your favorite editor to enter the missing pieces into For example:

    $ vi
  4. Submit a job:

    $ sbatch --export=NONE submit_galaxy.sbatch
  5. If you fixed the script, you should see something similar to the output below in galaxy-<JOB_ID>.out after the job completes:

    MPI Rank 3 : Simulating my particles took 16.70100736618042 s
    MPI Rank 0 : Simulating my particles took 16.869715690612793 s
    MPI Rank 1 : Simulating my particles took 17.179004669189453 s
    MPI Rank 6 : Simulating my particles took 17.414162635803223 s
    MPI Rank 4 : Simulating my particles took 17.449076890945435 s
    MPI Rank 2 : Simulating my particles took 17.516165733337402 s
    MPI Rank 5 : Simulating my particles took 18.588200092315674 s
    MPI Rank 7 : Simulating my particles took 19.119014263153076 s

If you got the script to successfully run, then congratulations!

After you complete the challenge, you can run (in the same directory you ran your simulation) to generate your personal galaxy_collision.gif based on your simulation:

$ python3

This will take around a minute to complete, but will result in your own GIF. You can then transfer this GIF to your computer with Globus, scp, or sftp to keep as a "souvenir" from the challenge.

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