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Base docker image for a Machine Learning and OpenGL developer environment


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The docker image

This image is based on

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • CUDA 11.4

Emulate ssh-ing into a remote machine. This is as opposed to using docker API, although one can still use it. Not focusing on production - only on development. Optimizes:

  • user experience, no steep learning curve
  • simplicity

Doesn't optimize (less attention to

  • image size -> no docker file tricks, just plain copypaste
  • security -> running as root as docker default


  • opengl and graphics (glxgears works)
  • desktop GUI via browser (VNC is open at <this_ip>:8080/vnc.html by default)
  • passwordless ssh access
  • GPU training example with PyTorch and Lightning
  • Goolge cloud setup

New repo setup

You probably already have some repo that you want to dockerize. First decision point to pick: (1) Add Dockerfile right into your repo (easiest) (2) Make a highlevel repo, into which you put your existing repo as a submodule or subtree (a bit cleaner, but with some hassle) Option (1) is suboptimal if you have in the root of your repo AND you want to install it into venv inside docker AND you want to edit files.

Add this repo as a subtree:

git subtree add --prefix docker_mlgl [email protected]:olegsinavski/docker_mlgl.git main --squash

(or submodule - not recommended git submodule add [email protected]:olegsinavski/docker_mlgl.git docker_mlgl)

Create a script with this content:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
./docker_mlgl/ $PROJECT_NAME
# Build parent image
./docker_mlgl/ mlgl_sandbox $PYTHON_VERSION
docker build -t $PROJECT_NAME $SCRIPT_DIR
./docker_mlgl/ $PROJECT_NAME $SCRIPT_DIR

SANDBOX_IP="$(docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $PROJECT_NAME)"
ssh docker@$SANDBOX_IP

Allow it to be executable: chmod +x

Create a Dockerfile in the root with this content:

FROM mlgl_sandbox

Install docker if needed ./

Run ./ It should build a docker image with your project name and then drop you into a developer sandbox.

The sandbox is running in docker and you always can exit and then ssh into it again. You can always rerun ./ if you don't want to ssh. Its going to quickly rebuild it since docker caches build stages.

Your repo is available under ~/ directory in the sandbox. Additionally, a storage folder ~/storage in the container is mapped to ~/.${project_name}_storage folder on your desktop. Use it for artifacts that you want to persist between rebuilds (e.g. network weights).

Currently, your sandbox is not very useful. You need to add your custom setup into the Dockerfile: First, run some apt-gets if needed and then choose your development environment: conda, venv or system python (see below). Note, that since the container is completely isolated you don't have to use conda or venv for isolation. If it's easy for you, just install things into the system. Here are some examples.

Run apt-gets or other system install scripts

If you have some apt-get installs or a system script, simply call it from the dockerfile. Parent dockerfile defines APT_INSTALL variable to install packages without manual interface. For example, if you need to install libsfml-dev, run:

RUN apt-get update && $APT_INSTALL libsfml-dev

If you have a some script, add:

COPY <path_to_setup_sh>/ /root/
RUN chmod +x /root/
RUN /root/

System python installation with requirements.txt

The easiest and at the same time robust way to install requirements is to do with requirement locking. Read here about the similar technique in conda.

  • Create requirements.txt.
  • ssh into the container (e.g. by running ./, cd into ~/<YOUR_REPO_NAME> folder, you should find requirements.txt there
  • Run pip-compile --generate-hashes --output-file=requirements.txt.lock --resolver=backtracking requirements.txt. NOTE: you'll need at least 16GB RAM for this!
  • You should be able to find requirements.txt.lock file on your host repo now. Commit both files.
  • Add the following in your Dockerfile
COPY requirements.txt.lock requirements.txt.lock
RUN python -m pip --no-cache-dir install --no-deps --ignore-installed -r requirements.txt.lock
# Add the /src/ folder to pythonpath. A sandbox will mount there the default python code

Also notice, that you can change system python version with PYTHON_VERSION variable in (tested with 3.8 and 3.9 so far).

Use conda

If you have environment.yml file in your repo, add the following to docker:

USER docker
COPY environment.yml /home/docker/environment.yml
RUN conda env create -f ~/environment.yml
# activate conda env on login
RUN echo "conda activate <YOUR_ENV_NAME>" >> ~/.bashrc

Notice that it does NOT activate conda environment during build, but only during ssh-ing into the sandbox. If you want to run conda commands inside the envduring build, use the following recipe from (here)[]:

SHELL ["conda", "run", "-n", "<YOUR_ENV_NAME>", "/bin/bash", "-c"]
# this will run inside <YOUR_ENV_NAME> conda env
RUN python develop 

Use venv

Based on (this)[]

USER docker
WORKDIR /home/docker/
ENV VIRTUAL_ENV=/home/docker/venv
RUN python3.8 -m venv $VIRTUAL_ENV
RUN echo "source venv/bin/activate" >> ~/.bashrc

COPY --chown=docker:docker ./folder_to_install /home/docker/folder_to_install
WORKDIR /home/docker/folder_to_install
RUN pip install -e .

Use GUI utils (e.g. matplotlib) with VNC

When sandbox is running, you can open <this_ip>:8080/vnc.html and see a simple desktop. You can run GUI utils there, e.g. matplotlib, opencv or pygame.

The sandbox supports 3d rendering: check that GPU rendering works with glxgears (you should see a spinning gear). So you can run 3d simulators like gym or pybullet there.

How to setup proxy jump ssh

This allows to call ssh sandbox on your laptop right into the sandbox on a remote dev server.

Copy your keys from your development laptop to the remote server:

scp ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 <ssh_name_of_the_server>:~/.ssh/
scp ~/.ssh/ <ssh_name_of_the_server>:~/.ssh/

On your development laptop, configure a proxy jump to the sandbox:

Host sandbox
 User <youruser>
 ProxyJump <ssh_name_of_the_server>
 StrictHostKeyChecking no

Notice as explicit address, but your docker container address could be different. To get your IP address, you can run docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' <PROJECT_NAME>


There is a default docker user created during build and a root user. We recommend using docker for all user installations, such as venvs and conda. There is a paswordless sudo for the docker user in case you need it.


invalid argument <XXX> for "-t, --tag" flag: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase

Docker wants full lowercase name for the image. Use lowercase in, PROJECT_NAME variable.

After I run, I'm still asked for a password to login to a sandbox. Solution:

eval $(ssh-agent)

This is based on the following images/tutorials

Install docker deepo container dependencies so that it works (you don't need deepo itself):

Enable default gpu support by picking nvidia runtime:

Make docker daemon available on a fixed port:

How VNC works

xvfb - create a virtual X11 display fluxbox - uses a virtual X11 and creates a windowmanager (xterm - adds a terminal) X11Vnc - exposes all that via VNC server (makes it available for VNC clients) websockify - translates WebSockets traffic to normal socket traffic to be available via browser

How to build cudagl base image

Install Clone

Run from This is an example (you can add --push to push the image):

./ -d --image-name <yourname>/cudagl --cuda-version 11.6.1 --os ubuntu --os-version 20.04 --arch x86_64 --cudagl


Base docker image for a Machine Learning and OpenGL developer environment







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