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Releases: olton/Metro-UI-CSS

Metro 4.2.19

26 Aug 17:47
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  • Change contributing rules
  • Tabs: add method open(tab_num | tab_el). Tab number counting from 1. Tab element - li HTML element or $("li") jquery wrapper
  • Tabs: add methods next(), prev()
  • Popover: add attribute data-popover-timeout. Timeout before popover show.
  • Sidebar: add method isOpen to object Metro.sidebar
  • Table: fix method loadData for string value from server
  • Table: fix minor bugs
  • Select: for multiple add attributes data-cls-selected-item, data-cls-selected-item-remover
  • TagInput: add attribute data-tag-trigger. The attribute must contain integer values for keyCode for triggering tag creating event. Default: "13,188" - Enter and comma.
  • ListView: fix checkbox position for selectable mode
  • ListView: add attribute data-check-style. Value must be 1 or 2
  • ListView: add methods getSelected(), selectAll() or selectAll(false) (for clear), clearSelected()
  • Checkbox: add observing checkbox style attribute
  • Radio: add observing checkbox style attribute
  • Validator: add function notequals. Input value can't be equal to other input
  • Validator: add function equals. Input value can be equal to other input. Different from compare - it use trim() for value
  • Sizing: fix width classes w- for all media breakpoints

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Metro 4.2.18

12 Aug 19:35
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  • Table: fix work attributes showTableInfo, showPagination when wrappers defined
  • Table: fix pagination behavior when no items for table
  • Table: add observing attributes data-check and data-rownnum
  • Tabs: fix tab click behavior when <a> have a link in href attribute
  • Calendar: add method clearSelected()
  • Calendar: add method toDay()
  • Table: add exception when data for table is not a object
  • Table: add class fixed-layout
  • Table: add data-filter-threshold attribute, this is a timeout before searching start
  • Select: add attribute data-template for option. You can use this attribute to define html wrapper for option text in format ...any...$1. Where $1 used for replace by option text.
  • Select: add attribute data-cls-drop-list to add additional class to drop down list.
  • Select: add attribute data-append and minor css fixes
  • Select: add multiple functionality
  • Inputs: refactor inputs.less to specific files select.less, input.less, textarea.less, input-file.less
  • Radio: add additional style for radio component. To use it, add attribute data-style="2" to your radio component.
  • Checkbox: add additional style for checkbox component. To use it, add attribute data-style="2" to your checkbox component.
  • Tag input: add new component

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Metro 4.2.17

05 Aug 19:42
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  • Tabs: change behavior and attribute. For details, read the docs
  • Table: add second parameter review to methods reload and loadData. If true, table view will be recreated from init values.
  • Table: add head parameter show
  • Input: add attribute data-default-value="..." for set default if val is empty and set to this when click clear button
  • Table: add class .subcompact to pair to .compact
  • Table: add attribute data-cell-wrapper. This class add wrapper to cell data with no wrap and no overflow props.
  • Sidebar: add classes .compact and .subcompact

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Metro 4.2.16

01 Aug 09:06
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  • Export: add object Metro.export. Now you can export any HTML tables to CSV with method Metro.export.tableToCSV(table, filename)
  • Utils: add function copy(el) for copying element to clipboard
  • Utils: add function bool(val). This func return true if value one of: true, 'true', 1, '1', 'on', 'yes'
  • Table: fix show cell if stored value show for view have string type 'true' or 'false'
  • Table: add second parameter heads for custom filter function
  • Table: change padding and font-size for compact class
  • Table: fix post method for save table view. Inspector post {id: table_id, view: table_view}
  • Table: add method export(to, mode, filename, export_options). Argument to currently must value CSV. Argument mode: all, checked, view, all-filtered
  • Table: add method resetView(save) reset table view to default
  • Table: add method getView() return current view object
  • Table: add method getHeads() return table internal heads
  • Table: add method clearSelected(redraw). This method uncheck rows and redraw table if your need
  • Dialog: add attributes data-to-top='true|false', data-to-bottom='true|false' for sticky dialog to top or bottom side.
  • List: fix for issue ##1155 for IE11

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Metro 4.2.15

26 Jul 18:26
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  • Switch: fix works with collapse. issue #1148
  • Input, Select, Textarea, File: add data-append attribute
  • TreeView: fix node toggle marker position
  • TreeView: fix checks nodes for tree options when inputs checked by default
  • String: add extension toDate(mask)
  • Media players: fix info box position
  • Utils: add function nearest(val, prec, down) for search for the nearest integer, a multiple of required
  • Select: fix trigger error for empty value. issue #1138
  • Time picker: add steps attributes data-hours-step, data-minutes-step, data-seconds-step. issue #1122
  • Time picker: fix sliders position when picker placed top or bottom of parent
  • Input file: fix only shows the first file name for multiple option. issue #1140
  • Calendar picker: add observing attributes data-min-date, data-max-date
  • Input: remove webkit default clear button for type=time
  • Table: fix create internal heads when header defining in html and data loaded from json
  • Table: add attribute data-filter-min-length for number of symbols inputs and start searching
  • Table: add column rownum. This column shows when attribute data-rownum="true"
  • Table: add column row check. This column shows when attribute data-check="true"
  • Table: add column row radio. This column shows when attribute data-check-type="radio"
  • Table: add attribute data-check-store-key="..." used for store selected rows in the storage
  • Table: add attribute data-view-save-mode="client|server" used for store table view
  • Table: add attribute data-view-save-path="storage_key|url" used for store table view
  • Table: add data-locale attribute
  • Table: add table inspector to configure columns view
  • Table: add methods openInspector(true|false), toggleInspector() to show/hide table inspector
  • Table: add methods getFilteredItems(), getSelectedItems(), getStoredKeys()
  • Table: add events onDrawCell, onAppendCell, onAppendRow, onViewSave, onViewGet, onCheckDraw

Metro 4.2.14

12 Jul 21:50
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  • Table: fix pagination calculator when rows count changed
  • Table: pagination not displayed when rows count is -1 (show all rows)
  • Table: rename attribute data-show-all-pages to data-pagination-short-mode

Metro 4.2.13

12 Jul 20:35
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  • Windows: fix execute method onCloseClick
  • Table: add classes compact-{media} and normal-{media} where {media} is one of sm, md, lg, xl, xxl

Metro 4.2.12

11 Jul 17:19
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  • Sidebar: remove text decoration underline for menu item
  • Sidebar: add menu item hover
  • Tiles: fix col-* and row-* classes for tiles grid issue #1133
  • Table: add all rows behavior with -1 value for data-rows and data-rows-steps
  • Table: add data-all-records-title attribute
  • Sidenav-m3: fix icon position when dropdown issue #1134
  • Table: fix init sortable column
  • Table: remove generating ghost tr

Metro 4.2.11

09 Jul 10:49
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  • Table: add setup for the number formatting. Add attributes data-thousand-separator, data-decimal-separator issue #1129
  • Sorter: add setup for the number formatting. Add attributes data-thousand-separator, data-decimal-separator issue #1129
  • List: add setup for the number formatting. Add attributes data-thousand-separator, data-decimal-separator issue #1129
  • Table: fix for the colspan option issue #1129
  • Table: fix behavior of attribute data-cls-column
  • Tabs: fix error if tag a in tab have a valid formed url in href attribute

Metro 4.2.10

01 Jul 18:53
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  • Hint: fix hiding slider hint with data-hint-always=true when showing others hits issue #1126
  • Streamer: change streamer data with attribute data-data
  • Date picker: fix sliders position when picker placed top or bottom of parent issue #1107
  • Floating action button: new component
  • Toast: add classes .primary, .secondary, .success, .alert, .warning, .yellow, .info, .light