Scope: Updating and synchronization of rendering controls.
GUI Location: Main window - Right Hand Pane - Preview Tab Full Image Viewer - Rendering Settings Panel
Set-up: ...
- State
- Condition
- Clarification
- Condition
- Implementation
- Disabled
- default
- user permissions exclude action
- Enabled
- user permissions allow
- this should be checked using
on the image
- this should be checked using
- when the settings have been changed
- At Event
- check against settings prior to action
- Action
- saves settings for current image and current user
- if a lut is selected, the name of the lut will be saved e.g.
- if a lut is selected, the name of the lut will be saved e.g.
- trigger a "update thumbnail" event - needs to update
- thumbnail under User Settings
- thumbnail on left-hand side
Save to All
- Disabled
- user permissions exclude action.
- Enabled
- user permissions allow
- this should be checked using
on the image
- this should be checked using
- At Event
- check against settings prior to action
- Action
- saves settings for current image and current user to all selected images or all the images
in the left-hand side e.g. images in dataset
- this method will use the
method. see
- this method will use the
- trigger a "update thumbnail" event - needs to update
- thumbnail under User Settings
- thumbnail on left-hand side
- Disabled
- default
- Enabled
- when the settings have been changed
- At Event
- check against settings prior to action
- Action
- undo the last rendering change
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
Redo As above except:
- Action
- redo the last rendering change
- Enabled
- by default
- Action
- copy the rendering settings
- Disabled
- default
- for the image the settings are copied from
- Enabled
- when saved settings available to paste
- At Event
- check against settings prior to action
- Action
- undo the last rendering change
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
Most of the controls are initialised using the rendering settings retrieved from the server.
The following change will trigger a "render" image event and trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the save button.
For all:
- Default value
- set using the retrieved settings
Channel button
- At Event
- toggles channel on/off
- Action
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Undo button
- At Event - move left-right knobs
- sets the input intensity interval
- updates values in text fields on both side of the slider
- Action - when slider released
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Undo button
Text field
- Action - when Return hit or focus lost
- update slider's value
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Undo button
Color picker
- At Event
- open color-picker dialog
Set-up: LUT loading
- lut are loaded using the method
see - currently the icon associated to a lut is determined using a pre-build image. (To be modified)
Toolbar button - color wheel
- Action
- changes selector pane to color wheel selector
Toolbar button - rgb
- Action
- changes selector pane to rgb selector
Toolbar button - default color picker button
- Action
- changes selector pane to default color picker selector
Color/lut selection
- Default value
- set using the retrieved settings
- At Event
- selects color/lut
- Action
- enable Preview, Accept, Revert buttons
Alpha slider
- Default value
- set using the retrieved settings
- At Event - move knob
- sets alpha value
- updates value in text fields on right of the slider
- Action
- enable Preview, Accept, Revert buttons
Preview button
- Disabled
- default
- Enabled
- when the settings have been changed
- Action
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Undo button
Accept button
- Disabled
- default
- Enabled
- when the settings have been changed
- Action
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Undo button
- background of the button and the slider updated
- close color picker dialog
Cancel button
- Enabled
- all the time
- Action
- revert to rendering settings at time of opening of color picker
- update color picker display
- trigger rendering settings update - ? only if Preview had been used
Greyscale checkbox
- Unchecked
- default
- Event - check
- toggles all on channels off
- set rendering to grey scale
- Event - uncheck
- toggles all channels that were on back on
- set rendering to previous
- Action
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Undo button
For all:
- Enabled
- all the time
Min/Max button
- Action
- Set the start/end values of the intensity interval to the global min/max
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Undo button
- Note
- global min/max are calculated at import if
calculate stats
is on. The default values are 0 and 1.
Full Range button
- Action
- Set the start/end values of the intensity interval to the min/max values of the pixels interval e.g. 0 to 65535 for 16 bit pixels type
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Undo button
Imported button
- Action
- will request new rendering settings - this means that z/t, color, pixels intensity values will be changed, the mapping family used for each channel - all settings need to be re-initialized.
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Undo button
User setting thumbnail and text
- thumbnail displayed is generated using the last settings saved by the users who viewed the image
- current implementation
- one thumbnail per user
- text displayed under the thumbnail
- from string composed of the first name and last name of the user who viewed the image and saved settings
- thumbnail selected
- all settings re-initialized
- trigger a "render" image event
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Save button
- trigger a modification of the enabled flag of the Undo button
Describe how the UI components are updated when the selection changes.
Show Histogram checkbox
- Unchecked
- default
- Event - check
- display the histogram just above the channels
- Event - uncheck
- hides the histogram
- Action
- histogram displayed for the first active channel
- if the first channel is inactive the histogram corresponding to the next active channel is displayed
- if there is no active channel last channel is displayed
Update of intensity values - slider knobs moved or values in the start/end text fields updated
- vertical bars indicating the input intervals are updated
- if histogram displayed not the one corresponding to the channel slider
- histogram updated first
- when field selected
- histogram updated
- when color/lut and histogram update
- if the histogram corresponding to the channel is displayed the color of the histogram is updated