OmniOS Motivation and Design / Theo lays out the case for OmniOS at Usenix LISA '12.
OmniOS is a distribution of illumos, and as such, many aspects of the system's function are derived from the illumos core, which has its own documentation. Additionally, technologies like ZFS and DTrace, which have been ported to non-illumos operating systems, have their own communities of wisdom from which we all benefit.
- The illumos Project
- Fork Yeah: The Rise and Development of Illumos (
- illumos developer's guide
- CDDL License
- Lesser-Known Solaris Features (despite the title, very much applicable to any illumos system)
- DTrace
- illumos Dynamic Tracing Guide
- USE Method: illumos Performance Checklist - for administrators of physical systems / global zones
- USE Method: SmartOS Performance Checklist - for users of non-global zones (except for sm-* utilities, these work on OmniOS)
- kdavyd / dtrace - Utilities for troubleshooting storage systems
USDT probes are Userland Statically-Defined Tracing probes added to application or language runtimes that provide additional probes beyond what can be obtained from dynamic tracing of library and system calls. This allows for deeper introspection and tracing of a broader set of operations within the runtime.
DTrace probes are available for many common applications and languages, including:
- Apache: via mod_usdt or patches
- Erlang/OTP
- Java
- Node.js
- Perl: in perl itself or in your program with Devel::DTrace::Provider
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- Rails
- Ruby
- Tcl