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Examples of CoMMA python module


In most of the scripts here, we use the string format {var=}, hence python3.8 or later is needed.

Two main libraries are used, both are available on GitHub under the MIT license:

  • meshio for reading and exporting meshes in various formats
  • dualGPy for building the dual graph of a mesh


All the examples in the directory have, roughly speaking, the same structure:

  1. Create / Read a mesh
  2. Prepare the mesh with dualGPy
  3. Agglomerate with CoMMA
  4. Export the results to .vtu thanks to meshio

A brief description of the scripts in this directory:

  • Build a Cartesian 2D mesh with dualGPy default constructor. Simple switches enable the user to choose anisotropy, dimension and other parameters for CoMMA. Useful for familiarizing with:
    • Prepare a mesh with dualGPy so that it can be handled by CoMMA
    • Arguments and outputs of CoMMA call
    • Preparing the output (subdivision in classes) for meshio
  • Read an existing mesh via meshio and agglomerate it. Simple switches enable the user to choose anisotropy, dimension and other parameters for CoMMA. Useful for familiarizing with:
    • Reading a mesh with meshio and preparing it with dualGPy
    • Preparing the output (subdivision in classes and/or in cell types) for meshio
  • Show how to draw anisotropic lines obtained from CoMMA. Useful for familiarizing with:
    • CoMMA's definition of anisotropic lines
    • Drawing anisotropic lines with dualGPy
  • Show how to agglomerate several times the same mesh using CoMMA. Useful for familiarizing with:
    • Running several agglomeration steps on the same mesh, each time preparing the result of the previous step for the following one
    • Outputting more than one field via meshio
  • Agglomeration of a 2D RAE2822 mesh. We use here different features:
    • Perfectly selection of the BL by looking at the cell-type (only squares)
    • Computation of the (reciprocal) of the wall-distance to be used as weights to give higher priority to cells near the wall
    • Several agglomeration levels
    • Modification of the anisotropic lines after the first level


Some old deprecated examples:

  • Build a hand-picked 2D mesh, agglomerate it with CoMMA and export the result
  • Build a hand-picked 2D mesh of quads and triangles with dualGPy, agglomerate it with CoMMA and export the result
  • Build a Cartesian 2D mesh with dualGPy default constructor, agglomerate it with CoMMA and export the result


The python files are formatted with Black and isort. A configuration file is available, see pyproject.toml.