- add lname field for case insensite match, index
- add timestamp for lastupdate
from datetime import datetime
c.test.test.insert({'db_added': datetime.utcnow()})
add "gtm or ltm" to
e.g.{"_id": "type:gtm /Common/blah"}
figure out current db issues
- mongoshell: db.stats() -> returns db stats db.getCollecctionsName() -> returns all collections db.getCollection('colection_name').stats() -> returns stats about a collection
The .find() method takes additional keyword arguments. One of them is
no_cursor_timeout which you need to set to True
cursor = collection.find({}, no_cursor_timeout=True) You don't need to write
your own generator function. The find() method returns a generator like object.
for c in cursor: