diff --git a/content/en/docs/contributing/localization.md b/content/en/docs/contributing/localization.md
index c66647d64a59..84b137ebcf51 100644
--- a/content/en/docs/contributing/localization.md
+++ b/content/en/docs/contributing/localization.md
@@ -17,6 +17,28 @@ English is the default language, with US English as the default (implicit) local
A growing number of other localizations are supported, as can be seen from the languages
dropdown menu in the top nav.
+## Translation tips
+When you translate page content, follow this guidance:
+- To ensure that heading anchor targets are uniform across localizations, when
+ translating headings:
+ - If the heading has an explicit ID (which is of the form `{ #some-id }` and
+ comes after the heading text), then preserve the given ID
+ - Otherwise, include a heading ID corresponding to the original English
+ heading text.
+- For link references that are local paths, preserve the path _as is_.
+{{% alert title="Note" %}}
+This repository has a custom render-link hook that Hugo uses to convert **absolute
+link paths to documentation pages** that are of the form `/docs/some-page`, to
+be locale specific, by prefixing the path with page language code when rendering
+the link. For example, the previous sample path would become
+`/ja/docs/some-page` when rendered from a Japanese page.
+{{% /alert %}}
## Keeping track of localized page drift {#track-changes}
One of the main challenges of maintaining localized pages, is identifying when
diff --git a/content/zh/docs/what-is-opentelemetry.md b/content/zh/docs/what-is-opentelemetry.md
index 9f4d28ff5d45..ef8c52d78a56 100644
--- a/content/zh/docs/what-is-opentelemetry.md
+++ b/content/zh/docs/what-is-opentelemetry.md
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ default_lang_commit: d638c386
重要的是,OpenTelemetry 是供应商和工具无关的,这意味着它可以与各种可观测性后端一起使用,
包括 [Jaeger](https://www.jaegertracing.io/) 和
[Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) 这类开源工具以及商业化产品。
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ OpenTelemetry 专注于遥测数据的生成、采集、管理和导出。 OpenT
## 什么是可观测性? {#what-is-observability}
@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ OpenTelemetry 包括以下主要组件:
- 定义遥测数据形状的标准[协议](/docs/specs/otlp/)
- 为常见遥测数据类型定义标准命名方案的[语义约定](/docs/specs/semconv/)
- 定义如何生成遥测数据的 API
-- 实现规范、API 和遥测数据导出的[语言 SDK](/zh/docs/languages)
+- 实现规范、API 和遥测数据导出的[语言 SDK](/docs/languages)
- 实现常见库和框架的仪表化的[库生态系统](/ecosystem/registry)
- 可自动生成遥测数据的自动仪表化组件,无需更改代码
-- [OpenTelemetry Collector](/zh/docs/collector):接收、处理和导出遥测数据的代理
+- [OpenTelemetry Collector](/docs/collector):接收、处理和导出遥测数据的代理
- 各种其他工具,
- 如[用于 Kubernetes 的 OpenTelemetry Operator](/zh/docs/kubernetes/operator/)、
- [OpenTelemetry Helm Charts](/zh/docs/kubernetes/helm/) 和
- [FaaS 的社区资产](/zh/docs/faas/)
+ 如[用于 Kubernetes 的 OpenTelemetry Operator](/docs/kubernetes/operator/)、
+ [OpenTelemetry Helm Charts](/docs/kubernetes/helm/) 和
+ [FaaS 的社区资产](/docs/faas/)
OpenTelemetry 广泛应用于许多已集成 OpenTelemetry
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ OpenTelemetry 被设计为可扩展的。一些扩展 OpenTelemetry 的例子包
- 向 OpenTelemetry Collector 添加接收器以支持来自自定义源的遥测数据
- 将自定义仪表化库加载到 SDK 中
-- 创建适用于特定用例的 SDK 或 Collector 的[分发](/zh/docs/concepts/distributions/)
+- 创建适用于特定用例的 SDK 或 Collector 的[分发](/docs/concepts/distributions/)
- 为尚不支持 OpenTelemetry 协议(OTLP)的自定义后端创建新的导出器
- 为非标准上下文传播格式创建自定义传播器
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ OpenTracing 和 OpenCensus 项目合并而诞生的。OpenTracing 和 OpenCensus
如果你目前正在使用 OpenTracing 或 OpenCensus,
-你可以在[迁移指南](/zh/docs/migration/)中了解如何迁移到 OpenTelemetry。
+你可以在[迁移指南](/docs/migration/)中了解如何迁移到 OpenTelemetry。
## 接下来做什么? {#what-next}
-- 参阅[入门指南](/zh/docs/getting-started/) — 立即开始!
-- 了解 [OpenTelemetry 的概念](/zh/docs/concepts/)。
+- 参阅[入门指南](/docs/getting-started/) — 立即开始!
+- 了解 [OpenTelemetry 的概念](/docs/concepts/)。
diff --git a/layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html b/layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html
index 16b2c1173fb0..a79c7797b781 100644
--- a/layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html
+++ b/layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html
@@ -1,24 +1,62 @@
-{{ $isExternal := hasPrefix .Destination "http" -}}
+{{ $url := .Destination -}}
+ Localization link processing
+ The following code block will prefix the page language code to an
+ absolute path when:
+ - This page's localization isn't the default localization (English)
+ - The URL is an absolute path that doesn't start with any of the following:
+ - A language code, such as `ja`
+ - A path segment other than `docs`, since current OTel localizations only
+ offer translations for at most doc pages.
+ */ -}}
+{{ $defaultLang := "en" -}} {{/* TODO: can we avoid hard coding this value? */ -}}
+{{ $lang := .Page.Language.Lang -}}
+{{ if ne $lang $defaultLang -}}
+ {{ $langPathPrefix := add "/" $lang "/" -}}
+ {{ if and (hasPrefix $url $langPathPrefix) .Page.File -}}
+ {{ warnf "File %s: avoid prefixing the following link path with '%s': %s"
+ .Page.File.Filename $langPathPrefix $url -}}
+ {{ else if and (hasPrefix $url "/")
+ (not (findRE "^/(blog|community|docs/specs|ecosystem|status)/?" $url))
+ -}}
+ {{ if and false (not (findRE "^/[a-z][a-z](-[a-zA-Z]{2})?/" $url)) -}}
+ {{ $url = add $langPathPrefix (strings.TrimPrefix "/" $url) -}}
+ {{ end -}}
+ {{ end -}}
+{{ end -}}
+{{/* General link-render processing */ -}}
+{{ $url := .Destination -}}
+{{ $isExternal := hasPrefix $url "http" -}}
{{ if $isExternal -}}
- {{ if findRE "^https://opentelemetry.io/\\w" .Destination -}}
+ {{ if findRE "^https://opentelemetry.io/\\w" $url -}}
{{ warnf "%s: use a local path, not an external URL, for the following reference to a site local page: %s"
- .Page.File.Path .Destination -}}
+ .Page.File.Path $url -}}
{{ else if or
- (findRE "^https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/(blob|tree)/main/specification/\\w" .Destination)
- (findRE "^https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-proto/(blob|tree)/main/docs/specification" .Destination)
- (findRE "^https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions/(blob|tree)/main/docs" .Destination)
+ (findRE "^https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/(blob|tree)/main/specification/\\w" $url)
+ (findRE "^https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-proto/(blob|tree)/main/docs/specification" $url)
+ (findRE "^https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions/(blob|tree)/main/docs" $url)
{{ warnf "%s: use a local path, not an external URL, for the following reference to a local specification page: %s"
- .Page.File.Path .Destination -}}
+ .Page.File.Path $url -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{/* Until Hugo supports hook params (https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/6670), we'll inspect .Text. */ -}}
-{{ $noExternalIcon := in .Text "hk-no-external-icon" -}}
{{- .Text | safeHTML -}}
diff --git a/layouts/shortcodes/sampling-support-list.md b/layouts/shortcodes/sampling-support-list.md
index a827f8850200..6ae3c7f3aa02 100644
--- a/layouts/shortcodes/sampling-support-list.md
+++ b/layouts/shortcodes/sampling-support-list.md
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
{{- end }}
{{ define "list-item" -}}
-- [{{ .name }}]({{ .page.RelPermalink }})
+- {{ .name }}
{{ end -}}