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Open WebRTC Toolkit(OWT) Server Management REST API Guide

1 Introduction {#RESTAPIsection1}

Open WebRTC Toolkit solution provides a set of REST (Representational State Transfer) API for conference management. Management clients can be implemented by different programming languages through these APIs.

2 Definitions {#RESTAPIsection2}

Resource: the kind of data under manipulation

Verb: HTTP verb. The mapping to operations is as following:

- Create operations: POST
- Read operations: GET
- Update operations(entirely): PUT
- Update operations(partially): PATCH
- Delete operations: DELETE

URI: the Universal Resource Identifier, or name through which the resource can be manipulated.

Request Body: the request data that user need supply to call the API. JSON format data is requried.

Response Body: the response data is returned through HTTP response in JSON/text format.

3 Making a Call {#RESTAPIsection3}

With all the management API, perform the following steps to implement each call.

  1. Create a string for the http request that consist of the format [HTTP verb][url] + [headers] + request body
  2. Use your preferred language's network library (or http library) to send the request to REST server.
  3. For authentication, REST API accept HTTP authentication on each request, see section 4(Authentication and Authorization) for details.
  4. Read the response in your programming language, and parse the response JSON data.
  5. Use the data in your application.

The following common HTTP status code may be returned after you make a call:

- 200 - OK. Some calls return with a JSON format response while some calls return a plain text response indicates success.
- 401 - Not authenticated or permitted.
- 403 - Forbidden.
- 404 - NOT found or no such resource.

Besides the common HTTP response code, there are also some internal status code for specific error conditions. Following is an example for response body used to represent internal error in JSON format.

      "code": 1001,
      "message": "Resource not found"

Note: "code": 1001 is a status code for internal error.And all the error following the same format.

Here is a table describing the internal error code.

code description
1001 general not found
1002 service not found
1003 room not found
1004 stream not found
1005 participant not found
1101 authentication not found
1102 permission denied
1201 failed to call cluster
1301 request data error
1401 database error
2001 unexpected server error

4 Authentication and Authorization {#RESTAPIsection4}

The management API can only be called after authorized. To get authorized, each request should be a HTTP request with "Authorization" filed in the header. So the server can determine whether it is a valid client. The value of "Authorization" is something like:

MAuth realm=,
  • Mauth realm=, mauth_signature_method=HMAC_SHA256
  • mauth_username and mauth_role are optional.
  • mauth_serviceid is the ID of the service.
  • mauth_cnonce is a random value between 0 and 99999.
  • mauth_timestamp is the timestamp of the request.
  • mauth_signature is a signature of this request. It uses HMAC_SHA256 to sign timestamp, cnonce, username(optional), role(optional) with service key. Then encrypted it with BASE64.

Python example of encryption algorithm (JavaScript version can be found in provided samples):

from hashlib import HMAC_SHA256
import hmac
import binascii

toSign = str(timestamp) + ',' + str(cnonce)
if (username != '' and role != ''):
    toSign += ',' + username + ',' + role
signed = self.calculateSignature(toSign, key)
def calculateSignature(toSign, key):
    hash =, toSign, HMAC_SHA256)
    signed = binascii.b2a_base64(hash.hexdigest())[:-1]
    return signed

toSign is the signature.

Note: If authentication failed, a response with code 401 would be returned.

5 Management Resource {#RESTAPIsection5}

The management API uses REST model to accessing different resources. The resources in conference management can be grouped into 7 kinds:

  • Rooms
  • Participants
  • Streams
  • Streaming-ins
  • Streaming-outs
  • Recordings
  • Sipcalls
  • Analytics
  • Token

5.1 Rooms {#RESTAPIsection5_1}

A room is the conference where users can communicate by real-time video and audio. Rooms are served by services. These resources can only be accessed after authenticated to their owner services. Rooms can have different settings for various scenarios. Making call on room resources provides users the ability to customize rooms for different needs.

Data Model:

  _id: string,
  name: string,                        // name of the room
  participantLimit: number,            // -1 means no limit
  inputLimit: number,                  // the limit for input stream
  roles: [ object(Role) ],             // role definition
  views: [ object(View) ],             // view definition, represents a mixed stream, empty list means no mixing
  mediaIn: object(MediaIn),            // the input media constraints allowed for processing
  mediaOut: object(MediaOut),          // the output media constraints
  transcoding: object(Transcoding),    // the transcoding control
  notifying: object(Notifying),        // notification control
  selectActiveAudio: boolean,          // select 3 most active audio streams for the room
  sip: object(Sip)                     // SIP configuration

object(Role): {
  role: string,        // name of the role
  publish: {
    video: boolean,    // whether the role can publish video
    audio: boolean     // whether the role can publish audio
  subscribe: {
    video: boolean,    // whether the role can subscribe video
    audio: boolean     // whether the role can subscribe audio

object(View): {
  label: string,
  audio: object(ViewAudio),           // audio setting for the view
  video: object(ViewVideo) | false    // video setting for the view

object(ViewAudio): {
  format: {                // object(AudioFormat)
    codec: string,         // "opus", "pcmu", "pcma", "aac", "ac3", "nellymoser"
    sampleRate: number,    // "opus/48000/2", "isac/16000/2", "isac/32000/2", "g722/16000/1"
    channelNum: number     // E.g "opus/48000/2", "opus" is codec, 48000 is sampleRate, 2 is channelNum
  vad: boolean             // whether enable Voice Activity Detection for mixed audio

  format: {                                   // object(VideoFormat)
    codec: string,                            // "h264", "vp8", "h265", "vp9"
    profile: string                           // For "h264" output only, CB", "B", "M", "H"
  parameters: {
    resolution: object(Resolution),           // valid resolutions see [media constraints](#6-Media-Constraints)
    framerate: number,                        // valid values in [6, 12, 15, 24, 30, 48, 60]
    bitrate: number,                          // Kbps
    keyFrameInterval: number,                 // valid values in [100, 30, 5, 2, 1]
  maxInput: number,                           // input limit for the view, positive integer
  bgColor: {
    r: 0 ~ 255,
    g: 0 ~ 255,
    b: 0 ~ 255
  motionFactor: number,                       // float, affact the bitrate
  keepActiveInputPrimary: boolean,            // keep active audio's related video in primary region in the view
  layout: {
    fitPolicy: string,                        // "letterbox" or "crop".
    templates: {
      base: string,                           // template base, valid values ["fluid", "lecture", "void"].
      custom: [                               // user customized layout applied on base
        { region: [ object(Region) ] },       // a region list of length K represents a K-region-layout
        { region: [ object(Region) ] }        // detail of Region refer to the object(Region)

object(Resolution): {
  width: number,    // resolution width
  height: number    // resolution height

object(Region): {
  id: string,
  shape: string,      // "rectangle"
  area: {
    left: number,     // the left corner ratio of the region, [0, 1]
    top: number,      // the top corner ratio of the region, [0, 1]
    width: number,    // the width ratio of the region, [0, 1]
    height: number    // the height ratio of the region, [0, 1]

object(MediaIn): {
  audio: [ object(AudioFormat) ],    // Refers to the AudioFormat above.
  video: [ object(VideoFormat) ]      // Refers to the VideoFormat above.

object(MediaOut): {
  audio: [ object(AudioFormat) ],       // Refers to the AudioFormat above.
  video: {
    format: [ object(VideoFormat) ],    // Refers to the VideoFormat above.
    parameters: {
      resolution: [ string ],           // Array of resolution.E.g. ["x3/4", "x2/3", ... "cif"]
      framerate: [ number ],            // Array of framerate.E.g. [5, 15, 24, 30, 48, 60]
      bitrate: [ number ],              // Array of bitrate.E.g. [500, 1000, ... ]
      keyFrameInterval: [ number ]      // Array of keyFrameInterval.E.g. [100, 30, 5, 2, 1]

object(Transcoding): {
  audio: boolean,                  // if allow transcoding format(opus, pcmu, ...) for audio
  video: {
    parameters: {
      resolution: boolean,         // if allow transcoding resolution for video
      framerate: boolean,          // if allow transcoding framerate for video
      bitrate: boolean,            // if allow transcoding bitrate for video
      keyFrameInterval: boolean    // if allow transcoding KFI for video
    format: boolean                // if allow transcoding format(vp8, h264, ...) for video

object(Notifying): {
  participantActivities: boolean,    // whether enable notification for participantActivities
  streamChange: boolean              // whether enable notification for streamChange

object(Sip): {
  sipServer: string,    // host or IP address for the SIP server
  username: string,     // username of SIP account
  password: string      // password of SIP account


  • /v1/rooms/
  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}

Create Room {#RESTAPIsection5_1_1}

POST ${host}/v1/rooms

This request can create a room.

request body:

type content
json object(RoomConfig)
object(RoomConfig):          // Configuration used to create room
    name:name,               // Name of the room, required
    options: object(Room)    // Subset of the object(Room) definition above, optional.

response body:

type content
json object(Room)

List Rooms {#RESTAPIsection5_1_2}

GET ${host}/v1/rooms

List the rooms in your service.

request body:


response body:

type content
json [ object(Room) ]


Requests that return multiple rooms will not be paginated by default. To avoid too much data of one call, you can set a custom page size with the ?per_page parameter. You can also specify further pages with the ?page parameter.

GET "https://sample.api/rooms?page=2&per_page=10"

Note that page numbering is 1-based and that only omitting the ?page parameter will return the first page.

Get Room {#RESTAPIsection5_1_3}

GET ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}

Get information on the specified room.

request body:


response body:

type content
json object(Room)

Delete Room {#RESTAPIsection5_1_4}

DELETE ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}

Delete the specified room.

request body:


response body:


Update Room {#RESTAPIsection5_1_5}

PUT ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}

Update a room's configuration entirely.

request body:

type content
json object(Room)

Note: Room is same as object(Room) in "Create Room".

response body:

type content
json object(Room)

5.2 Participants {#RESTAPIsection5_2}


ParticipantDetail model:

    publish: {
        audio: true | false,
        video: true | false
    } | false,
    subscribe: {
        audio: true | false,
        video: true | false
    } | false
    id: string(ParticipantId),
    role: string(participantRole),
    user: string(userId),
    permission: object(Permission)


  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/participants
  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/participants/{participantId}

List Participants {#RESTAPIsection5_2_1}

GET ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/participants

List participants currently in the specified room.

request body:


response body:

type content
json [ object(ParticipantDeatil) ]

Get Participant {#RESTAPIsection5_2_2}

GET ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/participants/{participantId}

Get a participant's information from the specified room.

request body:


response body:

type content
json object(ParticipantDeatil)

Update Participant {#RESTAPIsection5_2_3}

PATCH ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/participants/{participantId}

Update the permission of a participant in the specified room.

request body:

type content
json [ object(PermissionUpdate) ]

Note: This is the definition of PermissionUpdate.

    op: "replace",

    // There are 2 kinds of path and value. Choose one of them.
    path: "/permission/[publish|subscribe]",
    value: { audio: boolean, video: boolean }
    path: "/permission/[publish|subscribe]/[video|audio]",
    value: boolean

response body:

type content
json object(ParticipantDeatil)

Drop Participant {#RESTAPIsection5_2_4}

DELETE ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/participants/{participantId}

Drop a participant from a room.

request body:


response body:


5.3 Streams {#RESTAPIsection5_3}


Streams model:

    id: string(StreamID),
    type: "forward" | "mixed",
    media: object(MediaInfo),
    info: object(MixedInfo) | Object(ForwardInfo)
    audio: object(AudioInfo) | false,
    video: object(VideoInfo) | false
    status: "active" | "inactive", // For forward stream
    source: "mic" | "screen-cast" | "raw-file" | "encoded-file" | "streaming", // For forward stream
    format: object(AudioFormat),
    optional: {
        format: [object(AudioFormat)]
    codec: "pcmu" | "pcma" | "opus" | "g722" | "iSAC" | "iLBC" | "aac" | "ac3" | "nellymoser",
    sampleRate: number,              // Optional
    channelNum: number               // Optional
    status: "active" | "inactive", // For forward stream
    source: "camera" | screen-cast" | "raw-file" | "encoded-file" | "streaming", // For forward stream
    original: [{
      format: object(VideoFormat),
      parameters: {
        resolution: object(Resolution),     // Optional
        framerate: number(FramerateFPS),    // Optional
        bitrate: number(Kbps),              // Optional
        keyFrameInterval: number(Seconds),  // Optional
      simulcastRid: string(SimulcastRid)    // Optional
    optional: {                             // Not available for simulcast streams
      format: [object(VideoFormat)],
      parameters: {
        resolution: [object(Resolution)],
        framerate: [number(FramerateFPS)],
        bitrate: [number(Kbps)] | [string("x" + Multiple)],
        keyFrameInterval: [number(Seconds)]
    codec: "h264" | "h265" | "vp8" | "vp9",
    profile: "CB" | "B" | "M" | "H"    // For "h264" codec only
    resolution: object(Resolution),    // Refers to section 5.1, object(Resolution).
    framerate: number,
    bitrate: number,
    keyFrameInterval: number
    owner: string(ParticipantId),
    type: "webrtc" | "streaming" | "sip" | "analytics",
    inViews: [string(ViewLabel)],
    attributes: object(ExternalDefinedObj)
  label: string(ViewLabel),
  layout: [{
    stream: string(StreamId) | undefined,
    region: object(Region)


  • /v1.1/rooms/{roomId}/streams
  • /v1.1/rooms/{roomId}/streams/{streamId}

List Streams {#RESTAPIsection5_3_1}

GET ${host}/v1.1/rooms/{roomId}/streams

List streams in the specified room.

request body:


response body:

type content
json [ Object(StreamInfo) ]

Get Stream {#RESTAPIsection5_3_2}

GET ${host}/v1.1/rooms/{roomId}/streams/{streamId}

Get a stream's information from the specified room.

request body:


response body:

type content
json object(StreamInfo)

Update Stream {#RESTAPIsection5_3_3}

PATCH ${host}/v1.1/rooms/{roomId}/streams/{streamId}

Update a stream's given attributes in the specified room.

request body:

type content
json [ object(StreamUpdate) ]

Note: Here is a definition of StreamUpdate.

// There are 4 kinds of StreamUpdate,
// object(MixUpdate), object(StatusUpdate), for forward stream,
// object(RegionUpdate), object(LayoutUpdate), for mixed stream,
// choose one of them.
    op: "add" | "remove",
    path: "/info/inViews",
    value: string(viewLabel)
    op: "replace",
    path: "/media/audio/status" | "/media/video/status",
    value: "active" | "inactive"
    op: "replace",
    path: "/info/layout/${regionIndex}/stream",    // ${regionIndex} is an integer represents the index of the region
    value: string(streamID)                        // the new streamID for the region
    op: 'replace',
    path: '/info/layout',
    value: [
            stream: string,
            region: object(Region)
        } |
        object(EmptyRegion):          // empty regions can ONLY appear at the very last consecutive positions.
            region: object(Region)

response body:

type content
json Object(StreamInfo)

Drop Stream {#RESTAPIsection5_3_4}

DELETE ${host}/v1.1/rooms/{roomId}/streams/{streamId}

Delete the specified stream from the specified room.

request body:


response body:


5.4 Streaming-ins {#RESTAPIsection5_4}


Streaming-ins model is same as Stream model.


  • /v1.1/rooms/{roomId}/streaming-ins
  • /v1.1/rooms/{roomId}/streaming-ins/{streamId}

Start Streaming-in {#RESTAPIsection5_4_1}

POST ${host}/v1.1/rooms/{roomId}/streaming-ins

Add an external RTSP/RTMP stream to the specified room.

request body:

type content
json object(StreamingInRequest)

Note: Here is a definition of StreamingInRequest.

Object(StreamingInRequest) {
    connection: {
      url: string(url),                    // string, e.g. "rtsp://...."
      transportProtocol: "udp" | "tcp",    // "tcp" by default.
      bufferSize: number(bytes)            // The buffer size in bytes in case "udp" is specified, 8192 by default.
    media: {
      audio: "auto" | true | false,
      video: "auto" | true | false

response body:

type content
json object(StreamInfo)

Stop Streaming-in {#RESTAPIsection5_4_2}

DELETE ${host}/v1.1/rooms/{roomId}/streaming-ins/{streamId}

Stop the specified external streaming-in in the specified room.

request body:


response body:


5.5 Streaming-outs {#RESTAPIsection5_5}


Streaming-outs model:

    id: string(id),
    media: object(OutMedia),
    protocol: "rtmp" | "rtsp" | "hls" | "dash",
    url: string(url),
    parameters: object(HlsParameters) | object(DashParameters) | undefined
    audio: object(StreamingOutAudio) | false,
    video: object(StreamingOutVideo) | false
    from: string(StreamId),
    format: object(AudioFormat) | undefined   // Refers to object(AudioFormat) in 5.3, streams data model.
    from: string(StreamId),
    format: object(VideoFormat) | undefined,  // Refers to object(VideoFormat) in 5.3, streams data model.
    parameters: object(VideoParametersSpecification)
     resolution: object(Resolution),  // Refers to object(Resolution) in 5.3, streams data model.
     framerate: number(WantedFrameRateFPS),
     bitrate: number(WantedBitrateKbps) | string(WantedBitrateMultiple), // Must be in array of VideoInfo.optional.parameters.bitrate in 5.3, streams data model.
     keyFrameInterval: number(WantedKeyFrameIntervalSecond)
    method: "PUT" | "POST",
    hlsTime: number(HlsTime) | undefined,
    hlsListSize: number(HlsListSize) | undefined
    method: "PUT" | "POST",
    dashSegDuration: number(DashSegDuration) | undefined,
    dashWindowSize: number(DashWindowSize) | undefined


  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/streaming-outs
  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/streaming-outs/{streamOutId}

List Streaming-outs {#RESTAPIsection5_5_1}

GET ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/streaming-outs

Get all the ongoing streaming-outs in the specified room.

request body:


response body:

type content
json [ object(StreamingOut) ]

Start Streaming-outs {#RESTAPIsection5_5_2}

POST ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/streaming-outs

Start a streaming-out to the specified room.

request body:

type content
json object(StreamingOutRequest)

Note: Here is a definition of StreamingOutRequest.

  protocol: "rtmp" | "rtsp" | "hls" | "dash",
  url: string(url),
  parameters: object(HlsParameters) | object(DashParameters), // optional, depends on protocol
  media: object(MediaSubOptions)

    audio: {
        from: string,          // target StreamID
        format: {              // not work for streaming-out, "aac" will be used
          codec: string,       // for recording, "opus", "pcmu" ... available codec in target stream
          sampleRate: number,  // optional, depends on codec
          channelNum: number   // optional, depends on codec
    } || false,
    video: {
        from: string,          // target StreamID
        format: {              // not work for streaming-out, "h264" will be used
          codec: string,       // for recording, "vp8", "h264" ... available codec in target stream
          profile: string      // optional, depends on codec ("h264")
        parameters: {          // following values should be in stream's default/optional list
          resolution: { width: number, height: number },       // optional
          framerate: number,                                   // optional
          bitrate: string,                                     // optional, e.g. "x0.2", "x0.4"
          keyFrameInterval: number                             // optional
    } || false

response body:

type content
json object(StreamingOut)

Update Streaming-out {#RESTAPIsection5_5_3}

PATCH ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/streaming-outs/{streaming-outId}

Update a streaming-out's given attributes in the specified room.


type content
json [ object(SubscriptionControlInfo) ]

Note: Here is the definition of SubscriptionControlInfo.

    // There are 6 kinds of op, path and value. Choose one of them.

    op: "replace",
    path: "/media/audio/from" | "/media/video/from",
    value: string
    op: "replace",
    path: "/media/video/parameters/resolution",
    value: object(Resolution)        // Refers to object(Resolution) in 5.3 streams, streams model.
    op: "replace",
    path: "/media/video/parameters/framerate",
    value: 6 | 12 | 15 | 24 | 30 | 48 | 60
    op: "replace",
    path: "/media/video/parameters/bitrate",
    value: "x0.8" | "x0.6" | "x0.4" | "x0.2"
    op: "replace",
    path: "/media/video/parameters/keyFrameInterval",
    value: 1 | 2 | 5 | 30 | 100

response body:

type content
json object(StreamingOut)

Stop Streaming-out {#RESTAPIsection5_5_4}

DELETE ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/streaming-outs/{streaming-outId}

Stop the specified streaming-out in the specified room.

request body:


response body:


5.6 Recordings {#RESTAPIsection5_6}


Recordings data model:

    id: string(id),
    media: object(OutMedia),       // Refers to object(OutMedia) in 5.5.
    storage: {
      host: string(host),
      file: string(filename)

object(OutMedia) is same as streaming-outs data model in 5.5.


  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/recordings
  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/recordings/{recordingId}

List Recordings {#RESTAPIsection5_6_1}

GET ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/recordings

Get all the ongoing recordings in the specified room.

request body:


response body:

type content
json [ object(Recordings) ]

Start Recordings {#RESTAPIsection5_6_2}

POST ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/recordings

Start a recording in the specified room.

request body:

type content
json object(RecordingRequest)

Note: Here is the definition of RecordingRequest.

    container: string(ContainerType),
    media: object(MediaSubOptions)       // Refers to object(MediaSubOptions) in 5.5. And only "pcmu", "pcma", "opus" and "aac" audio codec are supported.
 * 1, If "auto" is specified, then the actual container type will be automatically determined by following the below rules.
 *     1) if audio codec is "aac" (which requires "lib-fdk-aac") and video is disabled or video codec is either "h264" or "h265", then "mp4" container type will be applied.
 *     2) otherwise, 'mkv' will be applied.
 * 2, If "mp4" can be specified only if: 1) audio codec is "aac" or audio is disabled, and 2) video codec is either "h264" or "h265" or video is disabled.
 * 3, "mkv" can always be specified and for all supported audio and video codecs.
ContainerType={ "auto" | "mkv" | "mp4" }

response body:

type content
json object(Recordings)

Update Recording {#RESTAPIsection5_6_3}

PATCH ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/recordings/{recordingId}

Update a recording's given attributes in the specified room.

request body:

type content
json [ object(SubscriptionControlInfo) ]

Note: object(SubscriptionControlInfo) is the same object in 5.5

response body:

type content
json object(Recordings)

Stop Recording {#RESTAPIsection5_6_4}

DELETE ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/recordings/{recordingId}

Stop the specified recording in the specified room.

request body:


response body:


5.7 Sipcalls {#RESTAPIsection5_7}


Sip call data model:

    id: string(id),
    type: "dial-in" | "dial-out"
    peer: string(peerURI),
    input: object(StreamInfo),
    output: {
      id: string(SubscriptionId),
      media: object(SipOutMedia)
    audio: object(SipOutAudio),
    video: object(SipOutVideo) | false
    from: string(StreamId),
    from: string(StreamId),
    parameters: object(VideoParametersSpecification) // Refer to definition in 5.5


  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/sipcalls
  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/sipcalls/{sipCallId}

Get SIP Call {#RESTAPIsection5_7_1}

GET ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/sipcalls

Get all the ongoing sip calls in the specified room.

request body:


response body:

type content
json object(SipCall)

New SIP Call {#RESTAPIsection5_7_2}

POST ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/sipcalls

Make a 'dial-out' typed sip call in the specified room.

request body:

type content
json object(SipCallRequest)


    peerURI: string,
    mediaIn: {
        audio: true,           // Audio must be true for sip calls.
        video: boolean         // Must be consistent with
    mediaOut: object(SipOutMedia) 

response body:

type content
json object(SipCall)

Update SIP call {#RESTAPIsection5_7_3}

PATCH ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/sipcalls/{sipCallId}

Update a sip calls specified output attributes in the specified room.

request body:

type content
json [ object(MediaOutControlInfo) ]

Note: Here is the definition of MediaOutControlInfo.

    // There are 6 kinds of op, path and value. Choose one of them.
    // The valid values of ("resolution", "framerate", "bitrate", "keyFrameInterval")
    // are according to those in Room-MediaOut-video-parameters

    op: "replace",
    path: "/output/media/audio/from" | "/output/media/video/from",
    value: string
    op: "replace",
    path: "/output/media/video/parameters/resolution",
    value: object(Resolution)                     // Refers to object(Resolution) in 5.3 streams, streams model.
    op: "replace",
    path: "/output/media/video/parameters/framerate",
    value: 6 | 12 | 15 | 24 | 30 | 48 | 60
    op: "replace",
    path: "/output/media/video/parameters/bitrate",
    value: "x0.8" | "x0.6" | "x0.4" | "x0.2"
    op: "replace",
    path: "/output/media/video/parameters/keyFrameInterval",
    value: 1 | 2 | 5 | 30 | 100

response body:

type content
json object(SipCall)

Delete SIP Call {#RESTAPIsection5_7_4}

DELETE ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/sipcalls/{sipCallId}

End the specified sip call in the specified room.

request body:


response body:


5.8 Analytics {#RESTAPIsection5_8}


Analytics data model:

    id: string(analytic-id),
    analytics: {
      algorithm: string(algorithmId)
    media: {
      format: object(VideoFormat),
      from: string(sourceStreamId)


  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/analytics
  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/analytics/{analyticId}

List Analytics {#RESTAPIsection5_8_1}

GET ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/analytics

Get all the ongoing analytics in the specified room.

request body:


response body:

type content
json [ object(Analytics) ]

Start Analytics {#RESTAPIsection5_8_2}

POST ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/analytics

Start an analytics for a stream in the specified room.

request body:

type content
json object(AnalyticsRequest)


    algorithm: string(algorithmId),
    media: object(MediaSubOptions)       // Refers to object(MediaSubOptions) in 5.5.

response body:

type content
json object(Analytics)

Stop Analytics {#RESTAPIsection5_8_3}

DELETE ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/analytics/{analyticId}

End the specified analytic in the specified room.

request body:


response body:


5.9 Token {#RESTAPIsection5_9}

A token is the ticket for joining the room. The token contains information through which clients can connect to server application. Note that the different rooms may have different network information, so the room must be specified for token resource. The same token cannot be reused if it has been used once. Re-generate token if clients need to connect at the second time.

Data Model:
Token data in JSON example:

    room: roomID,
    user: participant's user ID,
    role: participant's role,
    preference: object(Preference)
    isp: string,
    region: string


  • /v1/rooms/{roomId}/tokens

Create Token {#RESTAPIsection5_9_1}

POST ${host}/v1/rooms/{roomId}/tokens

Create a new token when a new participant access a room needs to be added.

request body:

type content
json object(TokenRequest)


    preference: object(Preference),     // Preference of this token would be used to connect through, refers to Data Model.
    user: string,           // Participant's user defined ID
    role: string            // Participant's role

request body:

type content
json object(TokenRequest)

response body:

type content
text A token string

5.10 Service {#RESTAPIsection5_10}

The service represents the host of a set of rooms. Each service has its own identifier. The service ID and key are required to generate authentication header for HTTP requests. Note that there is one super service whose ID can be specified by toml file. The service resource can only be manipulated under super service authentication while other resouces require corresponding host service's authentication. (This API may change in later versions)

Data Model:
Service data in JSON example:

    _id: string,                   // The ID of the service
    name: string,                  // The name of the service
    key: string,                   // The key of the service
    encrypted: boolean             // Encrypted or not
    rooms: [ string ]              // The list of room ID under this service


  • /services
  • /services/{serviceId}

List Services {#RESTAPIsection5_10_1}

GET ${host}/services

Get all the services.

request body:


response body:

type content
json [ object(Service) ]

Create Service {#RESTAPIsection5_10_2}

POST ${host}/services

This request can create a service.

request body:

type content
json object(ServiceConfig)

Note: Here is a definition of ServiceConfig.

    name: string,   // Name of the service to create
    key: string     // Key of the service to create

response body:

type content
json object(Service)

Get Service {#RESTAPIsection5_10_3}

GET ${host}/services/{serviceId}

Get information on the specified service.

request body:


response body:

type content
json object(Service)

Delete Service

DELETE ${host}/services/{serviceId}

Delete the specified service.

request body:


response body:


6 Media Constraints {#RESTAPIsection6}

This section lists the media constraints of formats and parameters which can be passed to management API.

6.1 Audio {#RESTAPIsection6_1}

Audio formats(codec/sampleRate/channelNum):

  • opus/48000/2
  • isac/16000
  • isac/32000
  • g722/16000/1
  • pcma
  • pcmu
  • ac3
  • nellymoser
  • ilbc
  • aac(input)
  • aac/48000/2(output)

6.2 Video {#RESTAPIsection6_2}

Video formats(codec/profile):

  • h264(input)
  • h264/CB(output)
  • h264/B(output)
  • h264/M(output)
  • h264/H(output)
  • vp8
  • vp9
  • h265

Video framerate: [6, 12, 15, 24, 30, 48, 60]