The TCK is split into categories based on language constructs. The two main groups are clauses and expressions. Each group enumerates its members. Within each member, there are additional categories.
Call1 - Basic procedure calling
Call2 - Procedure arguments
Call3 - Assignable-type arguments
Call4 - Null Arguments
Call5 - Results projection
Call6 - Call clause interoperation with other clauses
Create1 - Creating nodes
Create2 - Creating relationships
Create3 - Interoperation with other clauses
Create4 - Large Create Query
Create5 - Multiple hops create patterns
Create6 - Persistence of create clause side effects
Delete1 - Deleting nodes
Delete2 - Deleting relationships
Delete3 - Deleting named paths
Delete4 - Delete clause interoperation with other clauses
Delete5 - Delete clause interoperation with built-in data types
Delete6 - Persistence of delete clause side effects
Match1 - Match nodes
Match2 - Match relationships
Match3 - Match fixed length patterns
Match4 - Match variable length patterns scenarios
Match5 - Match variable length patterns over given graphs scenarios
Match6 - Match named paths scenarios
Match7 - Optional match
Match8 - Match clause interoperation with other clauses
Match9 - Match deprecated scenarios
MatchWhere1 - Filter single variable
MatchWhere2 - Filter multiple variables
MatchWhere3 - Equi-Joins on variables
MatchWhere4 - Non-Equi-Joins on variables
MatchWhere5 - Filter on predicate resulting in null
MatchWhere6 - Filter optional matches
Merge1 - Merge node
Merge2 - Merge node - on create
Merge3 - Merge node - on match
Merge4 - Merge node - on match and on create
Merge5 - Merge relationships
Merge6 - Merge relationships - on create
Merge7 - Merge relationships - on match
Merge8 - Merge relationships - on match and on create
Merge9 - Merge clause interoperation with other clauses
Remove1 - Remove a Property
Remove2 - Remove a Label
Remove3 - Persistence of remove clause side effects
Return1 - Return single variable (correct return of values according to their type)
Return2 - Return single expression (correctly projecting an expression)
Return3 - Return multiple expressions (if column order correct)
Return4 - Column renaming
Return5 - Implicit grouping with distinct
Return6 - Implicit grouping with aggregates
Return7 - Return all variables
Return8 - Return clause interoperation with other clauses
ReturnOrderBy1 - Order by a single variable (correct order of values according to their type)
ReturnOrderBy2 - Order by a single expression (order of projection)
ReturnOrderBy3 - Order by multiple expressions (order obey priority of expressions)
ReturnOrderBy4 - Order by in combination with projection
ReturnOrderBy5 - Order by in combination with column renaming
ReturnOrderBy6 - Aggregation expressions in order by
ReturnSkipLimit1 - Skip
ReturnSkipLimit2 - Limit
ReturnSkipLimit3 - Skip and limit
Set1 - Set a Property
Set2 - Set a Property to Null
Set3 - Set a Label
Set4 - Set all properties with a map
Set5 - Set multiple properties with a map
Set6 - Persistence of set clause side effects
With1 - Forward single variable
With2 - Forward single expression
With3 - Forward multiple expressions
With4 - Variable aliasing
With5 - Implicit grouping with DISTINCT
With6 - Implicit grouping with aggregates
With7 - WITH on WITH
WithOrderBy1 - Order by a single variable
WithOrderBy2 - Order by a single expression
WithOrderBy3 - Order by multiple expressions
WithOrderBy4 - Order by in combination with projection and aliasing
Aggregation1 - Count
Aggregation2 - Min and Max
Aggregation3 - Sum
Aggregation5 - Collect
Aggregation6 - Percentiles
Aggregation8 - DISTINCT
Boolean1 - And logical operations
Boolean2 - OR logical operations
Boolean3 - XOR logical operations
Boolean4 - NOT logical operations
Boolean5 - Interop of logical operations
Comparison1 - Equality
Comparison2 - Half-bounded Range
Comparison3 - Full-Bound Range
Comparison4 - Combination of Comparisons
ExistentialSubquery1 - Simple existential subquery
ExistentialSubquery2 - Full existential subquery
ExistentialSubquery3 - Nested existential subquery
Graph3 - Node labels
Graph4 - Edge relationship type
Graph5 - Node and edge label expressions
Graph6 - Static property access
Graph7 - Dynamic property access
Graph8 - Property keys function
Graph9 - Retrieve all properties as a property map
List1 - Dynamic Element Access
List2 - List Slicing
List3 - List Equality
List4 - List Concatenation
List5 - List Membership Validation - IN Operator
List6 - List size
List9 - List Tail
List11 - Create a list from a range
List12 - List Comprehension
Literals1 - Boolean and Null
Literals2 - Decimal integer
Literals3 - Hexadecimal integer
Literals4 - Octal integer
Literals5 - Float
Literals6 - String
Literals7 - List
Literals8 - Maps
Mathematical2 - Addition
Mathematical3 - Subtraction
Mathematical8 - Arithmetic precedence
Mathematical11 - Signed numbers functions
Mathematical13 - Square root
Precedence1 - On boolean values
Precedence2 - On numeric values
Precedence3 - On list values
Precedence4 - On null value
Quantifier1 - None quantifier
Quantifier2 - Single quantifier
Quantifier3 - Any quantifier
Quantifier4 - All quantifier
Quantifier5 - None quantifier interop
Quantifier6 - Single quantifier interop
Quantifier7 - Any quantifier interop
Quantifier8 - All quantifier interop
Quantifier9 - None quantifier invariants
Quantifier10 - Single quantifier invariants
Quantifier11 - Any quantifier invariants
Quantifier12 - All quantifier invariants
String1 - Substring extraction
String3 - String Reversal
String4 - String Splitting
String8 - Exact String Prefix Search
String9 - Exact String Suffix Search
String10 - Exact Substring Search
String11 - Combining Exact String Search
Temporal1 - Create Temporal Values from a Map
Temporal2 - Create Temporal Values from a String
Temporal3 - Project Temporal Values from other Temporal Values
Temporal4 - Store Temporal Values
Temporal5 - Access Components of Temporal Values
Temporal6 - Render Temporal Values as a String
Temporal7 - Compare Temporal Values
Temporal8 - Compute Arithmetic Operations on Temporal Values
Temporal9 - Truncate Temporal Values
Temporal10 - Compute Durations Between two Temporal Values