First, add edx-api-doc-tools
to your requirements and install it into your
Next, add the following to your list of installed apps in Django settings:
... # your other installed apps
Then, in
from edx_api_doc_tools import make_api_info, make_docs_urls
api_info = make_api_info(title="Registrar API", version="v2")
urlpatterns += make_docs_urls(api_info)
Your should now be able to load the Swagger UI in a browser at
https://${your_service}/api-docs. Note that by default, documentation is
only generated for views under the root path /api
. Generation for other
views is possible but requires some extra configuration.
Finally, you can enrich the generated documentation:
from edx_api_doc_tools import parameter, schema
class MyView(APIView):
parameter('min_date', str, 'Filter response by minimum date.'),
403: 'User lacks required permission.'
404: 'Resource does not exist.'
# Note that 2xx response is automatically figured out by drf-yasg,
# with reponse schema coming from the serializer, if declared.
def get(self, request):
Get the resource.
This docstring will be used in the OpenAPI spec, and *supports Markdown!*