diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/ar.json b/src/i18n/messages/ar.json index 7c2224007..d94b02bea 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/ar.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/ar.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "من أجل الأمان، ستحتاج مجددًا لإدخال معلومات بطاقة ائتمانك لإتمام الشراء.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "يرجى إتمام الشراء في دقيقتين.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "يرجى إتمام الشراء في دقيقة واحدة.", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "سلتك فارغة.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "إذا حاولت إجراء عملية شراء، فلن يتم فرض رسوم عليك. عُد إلى {actionLinkOne} للمحاولة مرة أخرى، أو {actionLinkTWO}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "لوحة معلومات", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "اتصل بفريق edX لدعم التجارة الإلكترونية", + "payment.heading.page": "الدفع", + "payment.loading.payment": "جاري تحميل السلّة...", + "payment.loading.error": "خطأ: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay غير متوفر في هذا الوقت. الرجاء تجربة طريقة دفع أخرى.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "حدث خطأ أثناء معالجة عملية الدفع. لم يتم تحصيل رسوم منك. الرجاء إعادة المحاولة، أو اختيار طريقة أخرى للدفع.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "السعر", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "الكمّية", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "المجموع الفرعي", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "خصم {benefit} مقدم من {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "تم تطبيق خصم {benefit} لقاء ترقيتك الأولى.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "الخصوم المطبقة", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "عند إتمام طلبيتك ستكون قادرًا على تحديد تواريخ المساق من لوحة معلوماتك.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "عند إتمام طلبيتك ستحصل على اعتماد لمساقك.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "عند استكمال طلبيتك سيتم إلحاقك تلقائيًا في للمساق.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "عند إتمام الطلب، فإنك توافق أنت ومؤسستك على الشروط التالية:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "كل رمز يشمل مساقًا واحدًا، ويمكن استخدامه مرة واحدة فقط.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "أنت مسؤل عن توزيع رموز القسائم لمتعلّميك في مؤسستك", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "ستنتهي صلاحية كل رمز خلال سنة من تاريخ الشراء أو عند إغلاق المساق -على الأقرب.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "إذا لم يتم ضبط إعداد المساق بنظام التعلم الذاتي، فيجب أن تتأكد من توفر مشغل المساق قبل انتهاء صلاحيته.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "لا يحق لك إعادة بيع رموز القسائم لأطراف خارجية.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "جميع عمليات edX هي عمليات تجارية نهائية وغير مخولة لاسترداد الرسوم.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "ستتلقى رسالة بريد إلكتروني على {userEmail} برموز التحاقك.", - "payment.order.details.heading": "ملخّص", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "شهادة مهنية", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "شهادة معتمدة", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "السعر", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "بطاقة الائتمان", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "باي بال", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "إيداع الطلبية", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "عند إتمام الطلب، فإنك توافق أنت ومؤسستك على الشروط التالية:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "كل رمز يشمل مساقًا واحدًا، ويمكن استخدامه مرة واحدة فقط.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "أنت مسؤل عن توزيع رموز القسائم لمتعلّميك في مؤسستك", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "ستنتهي صلاحية كل رمز خلال سنة من تاريخ الشراء أو عند إغلاق المساق -على الأقرب.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "إذا لم يتم ضبط إعداد المساق بنظام التعلم الذاتي، فيجب أن تتأكد من توفر مشغل المساق قبل انتهاء صلاحيته.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "لا يحق لك إعادة بيع رموز القسائم لأطراف خارجية.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "جميع عمليات edX هي عمليات تجارية نهائية وغير مخولة لاسترداد الرسوم.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "ستتلقى رسالة بريد إلكتروني على {userEmail} برموز التحاقك.", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "عند إتمام طلبيتك ستكون قادرًا على تحديد تواريخ المساق من لوحة معلوماتك.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "عند إتمام طلبيتك ستحصل على اعتماد لمساقك.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "عند استكمال طلبيتك سيتم إلحاقك تلقائيًا في للمساق.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "معلومات الفوترة (مطلوبة)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "شهر انتهاء الصلاحية (مطلوب)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "سنة انتهاء الصلاحية (مطلوب)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "الدولة (مطلوب)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "أشتري نيابة عن مديري أو أي شخص في مؤسستي المهنية.", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "اختر البلد", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "رقم البطاقة (مطلوب)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "رمز الأمان (مطلوب)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "آخر ثلاثة أرقام في منطقة التوقيع الموجودة على ظهر البطاقة الخاصة بك. بالنسبة لبطاقة أمريكان إكسبرس، يوجد أربعة أرقام على وجه البطاقة.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "رقم بطاقة غير صحيح", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "نوع بطاقة غير مدعوم", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "رمز أمان غير صحيح", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "الولاية/المقاطعة (مطلوبة)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "الولاية/المقاطعة", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "اختر الولاية/المنطقة", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "سلتك فارغة.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "إذا حاولت إجراء عملية شراء، فلن يتم فرض رسوم عليك. عُد إلى {actionLinkOne} للمحاولة مرة أخرى، أو {actionLinkTWO}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "لوحة معلومات", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "اتصل بفريق edX لدعم التجارة الإلكترونية", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "الدفع بواسطة Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "باي بال", - "payment.heading.page": "الدفع", - "payment.loading.payment": "جاري تحميل السلّة...", - "payment.loading.error": "خطأ: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay غير متوفر في هذا الوقت. الرجاء تجربة طريقة دفع أخرى.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "حدث خطأ أثناء معالجة عملية الدفع. لم يتم تحصيل رسوم منك. الرجاء إعادة المحاولة، أو اختيار طريقة أخرى للدفع.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "رقم البطاقة (مطلوب)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "رمز الأمان (مطلوب)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "آخر ثلاثة أرقام في منطقة التوقيع الموجودة على ظهر البطاقة الخاصة بك. بالنسبة لبطاقة أمريكان إكسبرس، يوجد أربعة أرقام على وجه البطاقة." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/de.json b/src/i18n/messages/de.json index aafd376a6..ed58a37ca 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/de.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/de.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "For security, your credit card information will then need to be re-entered to complete your purchase.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Please complete your purchase within two minutes", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Please complete your purchase within one minute", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", + "payment.heading.page": "Payment", + "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", + "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantity", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Subtotal", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} discount provided by {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} discount for your first upgrade applied.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Discounts applied", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Summary", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Professional Certificate", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Verified Certificate", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Price", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Credit Card", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Place Order", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Billing Information (Required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Expiration Month (required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Expiration Year (required)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Country (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "I am purchasing on behalf of my employer or other professional organization", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Choose country", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Invalid card number", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Unsupported card type", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Invalid security code", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "State/Province (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "State/Province", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Choose state/province", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Pay with Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Payment", - "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", - "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json b/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json index a96eab2ff..5d913e77d 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "Aus Sicherheitsgründen müssen Ihre Kreditkarteninformationen dann erneut eingegeben werden, um Ihren Kauf abzuschließen.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Bitte schließen Sie Ihren Kauf innerhalb von zwei Minuten ab", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Bitte schließen Sie Ihren Kauf innerhalb einer Minute ab", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Ihr Warenkorb ist leer.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "Wenn Sie versucht haben, einen Kauf abzuschließen, wurden Ihnen keine Gebühren berechnet. Kehren Sie zu Ihrem {actionLinkOne} zurück, um es erneut zu versuchen, oder {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "Meine Kurse", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "kontaktieren Sie den edX E-commerce Support", + "payment.heading.page": "Zahlung", + "payment.loading.payment": "Warenkorb wird geladen...", + "payment.loading.error": "Fehler: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay ist derzeit nicht verfügbar. Bitte versuchen Sie es mit einer anderen Zahlungsmethode.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Bei der Bearbeitung Ihrer Zahlung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Es wurde kein Betrag abgebucht. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut, oder wählen Sie eine andere Zahlungsmethode.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Preis", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Menge", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Gesamtsumme", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} Rabatt gewährt von {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} Rabatt für Ihr erstes Upgrade eingelöst.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Ermäßigungen", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Nachdem Sie die Bestellung abgeschlossen haben, können Sie die Kursdaten in \"Meine Kurse\" einsehen.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Nachdem Sie die Bestellung abgeschlossen haben, erhalten Sie von uns eine Gutschrift für Ihren Kurs.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Nachdem Sie die Bestellung abgeschlossen haben, sind Sie automatisch in diesem Kurs eingeschrieben.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "Mit dem Kauf stimmen Sie und Ihre Organisation den folgenden Bedingungen zu:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Jeder Code ist nur für einen Kurs gültig und kann nur einmal verwendet werden.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "Sie sind für die Verteilung von Codes an Ihre Lernenden in Ihrem Unternehmen verantwortlich.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Jeder Code läuft ein Jahr ab Kaufdatum ab oder, falls früher, nach Kursende.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Wenn ein Kurs nicht Selbstbestimmt ist, dann sollten Sie die Verfügbarkeit des Kurses vor dem Ablaufdatum setzen.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "Sie dürfen Codes nicht an Dritte weiterverkaufen.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Alle edX for Business Verkäufe sind endgültig und nicht erstattungsfähig.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Sie erhalten eine E-Mail an {userEmail} mit Ihren Registrierungscode(s).", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Zusammenfassung", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Professional Certificate", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Beglaubigtes Zertifikat ", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Preis", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Kreditkarte", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Kaufen", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "Mit dem Kauf stimmen Sie und Ihre Organisation den folgenden Bedingungen zu:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Jeder Code ist nur für einen Kurs gültig und kann nur einmal verwendet werden.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "Sie sind für die Verteilung von Codes an Ihre Lernenden in Ihrem Unternehmen verantwortlich.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Jeder Code läuft ein Jahr ab Kaufdatum ab oder, falls früher, nach Kursende.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Wenn ein Kurs nicht Selbstbestimmt ist, dann sollten Sie die Verfügbarkeit des Kurses vor dem Ablaufdatum setzen.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "Sie dürfen Codes nicht an Dritte weiterverkaufen.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Alle edX for Business Verkäufe sind endgültig und nicht erstattungsfähig.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Sie erhalten eine E-Mail an {userEmail} mit Ihren Registrierungscode(s).", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Nachdem Sie die Bestellung abgeschlossen haben, können Sie die Kursdaten in \"Meine Kurse\" einsehen.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Nachdem Sie die Bestellung abgeschlossen haben, erhalten Sie von uns eine Gutschrift für Ihren Kurs.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Nachdem Sie die Bestellung abgeschlossen haben, sind Sie automatisch in diesem Kurs eingeschrieben.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Rechnungsinformationen (erforderlich)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Ablaufmonat (erforderlich)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Ablaufjahr (erforderlich)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Land (*)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "Ich kaufe im Namen meines Arbeitgebers oder einer anderen professionellen Organisation", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Wählen Sie ein Land aus", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Kartennummer (*)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Kartenprüfnummer (*)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Die drei letzten Ziffern im Signaturbereich auf der Rückseite Ihrer Karte. Bei American Express handelt es sich um die vier Ziffern auf der Vorderseite der Karte.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Ungültige Kartennummer", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Kartentyp wird nicht unterstützt", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Ungültige Kartenprüfnummer", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "Bundesland/Provinz (benötigt)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "Bundesland / Kanton", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Bundesland/Provinz auswählen", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Ihr Warenkorb ist leer.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "Wenn Sie versucht haben, einen Kauf abzuschließen, wurden Ihnen keine Gebühren berechnet. Kehren Sie zu Ihrem {actionLinkOne} zurück, um es erneut zu versuchen, oder {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "Meine Kurse", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "kontaktieren Sie den edX E-commerce Support", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Mit Apple Pay zahlen", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Zahlung", - "payment.loading.payment": "Warenkorb wird geladen...", - "payment.loading.error": "Fehler: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay ist derzeit nicht verfügbar. Bitte versuchen Sie es mit einer anderen Zahlungsmethode.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Bei der Bearbeitung Ihrer Zahlung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Es wurde kein Betrag abgebucht. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut, oder wählen Sie eine andere Zahlungsmethode.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Kartennummer (*)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Kartenprüfnummer (*)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Die drei letzten Ziffern im Signaturbereich auf der Rückseite Ihrer Karte. Bei American Express handelt es sich um die vier Ziffern auf der Vorderseite der Karte." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json b/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json index a56a1f989..692ed1a58 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "Por tu seguridad, la información de tu tarjeta de credito tendrá que ser ingresada nuevamente para completar tu compra. ", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Por favor intenta completar tu compra en un tiempo máximo de dos minutos.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Por favor intenta completar tu compra en un tiempo máximo de dos minutos.", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Su carro de compras está vacío", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "Si intentó realizar una compra , no ha sido cargado ningún cobro. Regresa a tu {actionLinkOne} para intentar otra vez, o {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "panel de control", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contacte a edX E-commerce Support", + "payment.heading.page": "Pago", + "payment.loading.payment": "Cargando carro de compra...", + "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay no está disponible en estos momentos. Por favor intente con otro método de pago.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Ha ocurrido un error mientras se procesaba su pago. Por favor intente de nuevo, o seleccione otra forma de pago.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Pago de la suscripción", + "subscription.loading.details": "Cargando suscripción...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Precio", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Cantidad", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Subtotal", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} descuento otorgado por {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} de descuento aplicado por tu primer certificado.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Descuentos aplicados", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Después de completar su orden, podrá seleccionar las fechas del curso desde su panel de control.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "El total anterior incluye los impuestos aplicables. Una vez que hayas completado su pedido, se te inscribirá automáticamente en la pista verificada del curso.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Después de completar su orden recibirá crédito para su curso.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Después de completar su orden será automáticamente inscrito en el curso.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "Al comprar, tú y tu organización aceptan los siguientes términos:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Cada código es válido para el curso incluido y solo se puede usar una vez.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "Tú eres el responsable de distribuir los códigos a los estudiantes en tu organización.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Cada código vencerá en un año a partir de la fecha de compra o, si ocurre antes, una vez que se cierre el curso.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Si un curso no está diseñado para tomarlo a tu propio ritmo, deberías confirmar que alguna edición del curso está disponible antes de la expiración.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "No debe revender códigos a terceros.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Todas las ventas de edX for Business son finales y no califican para reembolso.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Recibirá un correo electrónico en {user_email} con su código(s) de inscripción.", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Resumen", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Detalles de la orden", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Certificado Profesional", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Certificado verificado", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Precio", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Tarjeta de crédito", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Colocar la orden", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "Lo sentimos, este programa no está disponible en su región.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Algo salió mal, por favor recarga la página. Si el problema persiste, {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "Lo sentimos, este programa ya no ofrece una opción de suscripción. Busque en nuestro catálogo la disponibilidad actual.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "Lo sentimos, los detalles que proporcionó no pudieron pasar la verificación de 3D Secure. Intente con otros detalles de pago.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Detalles del pago de la suscripción.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Ir al panel principal", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "¡Enhorabuena! Tu prueba gratuita de 7 días de {programTitle} ha dado comienzo.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "En cuanto termine la prueba gratuita, dará comienzo tu suscripción y haremos un cargo de {precio} {divisa} al mes en tu método de pago registrado. Si no deseas que te cobremos, cancela la suscripción antes de que caduque la prueba. La suscripción se renovará automáticamente cada mes a menos que la canceles a través de la página {ordersAndSubscriptionLink}.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "¡Enhorabuena! Tu suscripción a {programTitle} ha dado comienzo.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "Hemos hecho un cargo de {precio} {divisa} en tu método de pago. La suscripción se renovará automáticamente, y te cobraremos dicho cargo cada mes a menos que la canceles a través de la página {ordersAndSubscriptionLink}.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Pedidos y Suscripciones", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Se han cargado los detalles de la compra.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "Al comprar, tú y tu organización aceptan los siguientes términos:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Cada código es válido para el curso incluido y solo se puede usar una vez.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "Tú eres el responsable de distribuir los códigos a los estudiantes en tu organización.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Cada código vencerá en un año a partir de la fecha de compra o, si ocurre antes, una vez que se cierre el curso.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Si un curso no está diseñado para tomarlo a tu propio ritmo, deberías confirmar que alguna edición del curso está disponible antes de la expiración.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "No debe revender códigos a terceros.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Todas las ventas de edX for Business son finales y no califican para reembolso.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Recibirá un correo electrónico en {user_email} con su código(s) de inscripción.", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Después de completar su orden, podrá seleccionar las fechas del curso desde su panel de control.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "El total anterior incluye los impuestos aplicables. Una vez que hayas completado su pedido, se te inscribirá automáticamente en la pista verificada del curso.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Después de completar su orden recibirá crédito para su curso.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Después de completar su orden será automáticamente inscrito en el curso.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Información de facturación (obligatorio)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Mes de expiración", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Año de expiración", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "País (requerido)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "Estoy comprando a nombre de mi empleador o de otra organización", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Seleccione un país", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Número de tarjeta (requerido)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Código de seguridad (requerido)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Los tres últimos dígitos en el área de firma en la parte posterior de su tarjeta. Para American Express, son los cuatro dígitos en la parte frontal de la tarjeta.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Número de tarjeta invalido", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Tipo de tarjeta no soportado", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Número de seguridad invalido", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "Estado/Provincia (requerido)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "Estado/Provincia", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Elige estado/provincia", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Su carro de compras está vacío", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "Si intentó realizar una compra , no ha sido cargado ningún cobro. Regresa a tu {actionLinkOne} para intentar otra vez, o {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "panel de control", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contacte a edX E-commerce Support", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Pagar con Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Pago", - "payment.loading.payment": "Cargando carro de compra...", - "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay no está disponible en estos momentos. Por favor intente con otro método de pago.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Ha ocurrido un error mientras se procesaba su pago. Por favor intente de nuevo, o seleccione otra forma de pago.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "Lo sentimos, este programa no está disponible en su región.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Algo salió mal, por favor recarga la página. Si el problema persiste, {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "Lo sentimos, este programa ya no ofrece una opción de suscripción. Busque en nuestro catálogo la disponibilidad actual", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Detalles del pago de la suscripción.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "Se le cobrará {price} {currency} el {trialEnd}, luego cada mes hasta que cancele su subscripción.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "en {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "hoy,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Suscribirse", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Suscripción iniciada", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Ir al panel principal", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "¡Enhorabuena! Tu prueba gratuita de 7 días de {programTitle} ha dado comienzo.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "En cuanto termine la prueba gratuita, dará comienzo tu suscripción y haremos un cargo de {precio} {divisa} al mes en tu método de pago registrado. Si no deseas que te cobremos, cancela la suscripción antes de que caduque la prueba. La suscripción se renovará automáticamente cada mes a menos que la canceles a través de la página {ordersAndSubscriptionLink}.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "¡Enhorabuena! Tu suscripción a {programTitle} ha dado comienzo.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "Hemos hecho un cargo de {precio} {divisa} en tu método de pago. La suscripción se renovará automáticamente, y te cobraremos dicho cargo cada mes a menos que la canceles a través de la página {ordersAndSubscriptionLink}.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Pedidos y Suscripciones", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "En tu carrito", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Suscripción", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Incluido con su suscripción:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Certificado profesional", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Maestrías", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Cargando, por favor espere...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Se han cargado los detalles de la compra.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Precio", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "USD al mes una vez finalizada la prueba gratuita de 7 días", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "USD al mes", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Total de hoy", - "subscription.heading.page": "Pago de la suscripción", - "subscription.loading.details": "Cargando suscripción..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Número de tarjeta (requerido)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Código de seguridad (requerido)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Los tres últimos dígitos en el área de firma en la parte posterior de su tarjeta. Para American Express, son los cuatro dígitos en la parte frontal de la tarjeta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/fr.json b/src/i18n/messages/fr.json index 0e705c557..fc769d56a 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/fr.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/fr.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "Pour des raisons de sécurité, les informations de votre carte de crédit devront ensuite être saisies à nouveau pour finaliser votre achat.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Veuillez terminer votre achat dans un délai de deux minutes", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Veuillez terminer votre achat dans un délai d'une minute", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Votre panier est vide.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "Si vous avez tenté de faire un achat, vous n’avez pas été débité. Revenez à votre {actionLinkOne} pour réessayer ou à {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "tableau de bord", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "Contacter le support e-commerce d'edX", + "payment.heading.page": "Paiement", + "payment.loading.payment": "Chargement du panier...", + "payment.loading.error": "Erreur : {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay n'est pas disponible pour le moment. SVP essayer une autre méthode de paiement.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Une erreur est survenue pendant le traitement de votre paiement. Vous n'avez pas été facturé. SVP essayer de nouveau, ou choisissez une autre méthode de paiement.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Prix", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantité", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Sous-total", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} rabais fourni par {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} rabais appliqué pour votre première mise-à-jour.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Remises Appliquées:", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous serez en mesure de sélectionner des dates de cours à partir de votre tableau de bord.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous recevrez un crédit pour votre cours.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous serez automatiquement inscrit au cours.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "En effectuant l'achat, vous et votre organisation acceptez les conditions suivantes :", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Chaque code est valide pour le cours couvert et ne peut être utilisé qu'une seule fois.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "Vous êtes responsable de la distribution des codes aux apprenants de votre organisation.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Chaque code expirera dans un an à compter de la date d'achat ou, si plus tôt, une fois le cours fermé.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Si un cours n'est pas indiqué comme à votre rythme, vous devez confirmer qu'un cours est disponible avant l'expiration.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "Vous ne pouvez pas revendre les codes à des tiers.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Toutes les ventes de edX for Business sont finales et ne peuvent faire l'objet d'un remboursement.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Vous recevrez un courriel à {userEmail} avec vos code (s) d'inscription.", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Sommaire", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Certificat professionnel", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Certificat vérifié", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Prix", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Carte de crédit", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Placer une commande", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "En effectuant l'achat, vous et votre organisation acceptez les conditions suivantes :", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Chaque code est valide pour le cours couvert et ne peut être utilisé qu'une seule fois.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "Vous êtes responsable de la distribution des codes aux apprenants de votre organisation.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Chaque code expirera dans un an à compter de la date d'achat ou, si plus tôt, une fois le cours fermé.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Si un cours n'est pas indiqué comme à votre rythme, vous devez confirmer qu'un cours est disponible avant l'expiration.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "Vous ne pouvez pas revendre les codes à des tiers.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Toutes les ventes de edX for Business sont finales et ne peuvent faire l'objet d'un remboursement.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Vous recevrez un courriel à {userEmail} avec vos code (s) d'inscription.", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous serez en mesure de sélectionner des dates de cours à partir de votre tableau de bord.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous recevrez un crédit pour votre cours.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous serez automatiquement inscrit au cours.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Billing Information (Required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Mois d'expiration (requis)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Année d'expiration (requise)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Pays (requis)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "J'achète pour le compte de mon employeur ou d'une autre organisation professionnelle", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Choisissez un pays", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Numéro de la carte (requis)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Code de sécurité (requis)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Les trois derniers chiffres dans le champ de signature au dos de votre carte. Pour American Express, ce sont les quatre chiffres à l'avant de la carte.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Numéro de carte invalide", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Type de carte non supporté", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Code de sécurité invalide", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "Etat/Province (requis)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "Etat/Province", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Choisissez un pays / une province", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Votre panier est vide.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "Si vous avez tenté de faire un achat, vous n’avez pas été débité. Revenez à votre {actionLinkOne} pour réessayer ou à {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "tableau de bord", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "Contacter le support e-commerce d'edX", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Payer avec Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Paiement", - "payment.loading.payment": "Chargement du panier...", - "payment.loading.error": "Erreur : {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay n'est pas disponible pour le moment. SVP essayer une autre méthode de paiement.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Une erreur est survenue pendant le traitement de votre paiement. Vous n'avez pas été facturé. SVP essayer de nouveau, ou choisissez une autre méthode de paiement.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Numéro de la carte (requis)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Code de sécurité (requis)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Les trois derniers chiffres dans le champ de signature au dos de votre carte. Pour American Express, ce sont les quatre chiffres à l'avant de la carte." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/fr_CA.json b/src/i18n/messages/fr_CA.json index dc698102a..748d07795 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/fr_CA.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/fr_CA.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "Pour des raisons de sécurité, les informations de votre carte de crédit devront ensuite être saisies à nouveau pour finaliser votre achat.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Veuillez terminer votre achat dans un délai de deux minutes", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Veuillez terminer votre achat dans un délai d'une minute", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Votre panier est vide.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "Si vous avez tenté de faire un achat, vous n’avez pas été débité. Revenez à votre {actionLinkOne} pour réessayer ou à {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "tableau de bord", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contacter le support ecommerce EDUlib", + "payment.heading.page": "Paiement", + "payment.loading.payment": "Chargement du panier...", + "payment.loading.error": "Erreur : {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay n'est pas disponible pour le moment. SVP essayer une autre méthode de paiement.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Une erreur est survenue pendant le traitement de votre paiement. Vous n'avez pas été facturé. SVP essayer de nouveau, ou choisissez une autre méthode de paiement.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Paiement de l'abonnement", + "subscription.loading.details": "Chargement de l'abonnement...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Prix", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantité", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Sous-total", @@ -24,24 +35,12 @@ "payment.coupon.benefit.absolute": "Coupon {code} appliqué pour {amount} de rabais", "payment.coupon.benefit.percentage": "Coupon {code} appliqué pour {amount} % de rabais", "payment.coupon.benefit.default": "Coupon {code} appliqué", - "payment.coupon.remove": "Supprimer", + "payment.coupon.remove": "Retirer", "payment.currency.disclaimer": "* Ce total contient une conversion approximative. Vous serez facturé {actualAmount} {actualCurrencyCode}.", "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} rabais fourni par {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} rabais appliqué pour votre première mise-à-jour.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Rabais appliqués", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous serez en mesure de sélectionner des dates de cours à partir de votre tableau de bord.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "Le total ci-dessus comprend toutes les taxes applicables. Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous serez automatiquement inscrit à la piste vérifiée du cours.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous recevrez un crédit pour votre cours.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous serez automatiquement inscrit au cours.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "En effectuant l'achat, vous et votre organisation acceptez les conditions suivantes :", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Chaque code est valide pour le cours couvert et ne peut être utilisé qu'une seule fois.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "Vous êtes responsable de la distribution des codes aux apprenants de votre organisation.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Chaque code expirera dans un an à compter de la date d'achat ou, si plus tôt, une fois le cours fermé.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Si un cours n'est pas indiqué comme à votre rythme, vous devez confirmer qu'un cours est disponible avant l'expiration.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "Vous ne pouvez pas revendre les codes à des tiers.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Toutes les ventes EDUlib pour Affaires sont finales et ne donnent pas droit à un remboursement.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Vous recevrez un courriel à {userEmail} avec vos code (s) d'inscription.", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Sommaire", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Détails de la commande", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Attestation professionnelle", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Attestation vérifiée", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Prix", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Carte de crédit", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Placer une commande", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "Nous sommes désolés, ce programme n'est pas disponible dans votre région.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Une erreur s'est produite, veuillez rafraîchir la page. Si le problème persiste, veuillez {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "Nous sommes désolés, ce programme n'offre plus d'option d'abonnement. Veuillez consulter notre catalogue pour connaître la disponibilité actuelle.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "Nous sommes désolés, les détails que vous avez fournis n'ont pas réussi le contrôle 3D Secure. Veuillez essayer différentes informations de paiement.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Détails du paiement de l'abonnement.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Aller au tableau de bord", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Toutes nos félicitations! Votre essai gratuit de 7 jours de {programTitle} a commencé.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "À la fin de votre essai gratuit, votre abonnement commencera et nous facturerons votre mode de paiement au dossier {price} {currency} par mois. Pour éviter d'être facturé, vous devez annuler avant l'expiration de votre essai. Cet abonnement se renouvellera automatiquement tous les mois, sauf si vous annulez à partir de la page {ordersAndSubscriptionLink}.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Toutes nos félicitations! Votre abonnement à {programTitle} a commencé.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "Nous avons débité votre mode de paiement {price} {currency}. Cet abonnement sera automatiquement renouvelé et facturé mensuellement, sauf si vous annulez à partir de la page {ordersAndSubscriptionLink}.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Commandes et abonnements", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Les détails de l'achat sont chargés.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "En effectuant l'achat, vous et votre organisation acceptez les conditions suivantes :", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Chaque code est valide pour le cours couvert et ne peut être utilisé qu'une seule fois.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "Vous êtes responsable de la distribution des codes aux apprenants de votre organisation.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Chaque code expirera dans un an à compter de la date d'achat ou, si plus tôt, une fois le cours fermé.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Si un cours n'est pas indiqué comme à votre rythme, vous devez confirmer qu'un cours est disponible avant l'expiration.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "Vous ne pouvez pas revendre les codes à des tiers.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Toutes les ventes EDUlib pour Affaires sont finales et ne donnent pas droit à un remboursement.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Vous recevrez un courriel à {userEmail} avec vos code (s) d'inscription.", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous serez en mesure de sélectionner des dates de cours à partir de votre tableau de bord.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "Le total ci-dessus comprend toutes les taxes applicables. Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous serez automatiquement inscrit à la piste vérifiée du cours.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous recevrez un crédit pour votre cours.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Après avoir terminé votre commande, vous serez automatiquement inscrit au cours.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Informations de facturation (obligatoire)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Mois d'expiration (obligatoire)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Année d'expiration (obligatoire)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Pays (requis)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "J'achète pour le compte de mon employeur ou d'une autre organisation professionnelle", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Choisissez un pays", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Numéro de carte (requis)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Code de sécurité (requis)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Les trois derniers chiffres dans le champ de signature au dos de votre carte. Pour American Express, ce sont les quatre chiffres à l'avant de la carte.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Numéro de carte invalide", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Type de carte non supporté", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Code de sécurité invalide", @@ -83,36 +103,17 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "État/Province (requis)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "État/Province", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Choisissez un pays / une province", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Votre panier est vide.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "Si vous avez tenté de faire un achat, vous n’avez pas été débité. Revenez à votre {actionLinkOne} pour réessayer ou à {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "tableau de bord", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contacter le support ecommerce EDUlib", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Payer avec Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Paiement", - "payment.loading.payment": "Chargement du panier...", - "payment.loading.error": "Erreur : {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay n'est pas disponible pour le moment. SVP essayer une autre méthode de paiement.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Une erreur est survenue pendant le traitement de votre paiement. Vous n'avez pas été facturé. SVP essayer de nouveau, ou choisissez une autre méthode de paiement.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "Nous sommes désolés, ce programme n'est pas disponible dans votre région.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Une erreur s'est produite, veuillez réactualiser la page. Si le problème persiste, veuillez {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "Nous sommes désolés, ce programme n'offre plus d'option d'abonnement. Veuillez rechercher dans notre catalogue la disponibilité actuelle", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Détails du paiement de l'abonnement.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "Vous serez facturé {price} {currency} {trialEnd} puis mensuellement jusqu'à ce que vous annuliez votre abonnement.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "le {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "aujourd'hui,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "S'abonner", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "L'abonnement a commencé", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Aller au tableau de bord", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Toutes nos félicitations! Votre essai gratuit de 7 jours de {programTitle} a commencé.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "À la fin de votre essai gratuit, votre abonnement commencera et nous facturerons votre mode de paiement au dossier {price} {currency} par mois. Pour éviter d'être facturé, vous devez annuler avant l'expiration de votre essai. Cet abonnement se renouvellera automatiquement tous les mois, sauf si vous annulez à partir de la page {ordersAndSubscriptionLink}.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Toutes nos félicitations! Votre abonnement à {programTitle} a commencé.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "Nous avons débité votre mode de paiement {price} {currency}. Cet abonnement sera automatiquement renouvelé et facturé mensuellement, sauf si vous annulez à partir de la page {ordersAndSubscriptionLink}.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Commandes et abonnements", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "Dans votre panier", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Abonnement", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Inclus avec votre abonnement :", - "subscription.details.order.legal": "En vous inscrivant à un abonnement ou en démarrant un essai gratuit, vous nous autorisez à débiter votre carte au dossier {price}/mois {currency} pour {programTitle} et toutes les taxes applicables. Vos abonnements {programTitle} seront automatiquement renouvelés jusqu'à ce que vous les annuliez. Les abonnements mensuels peuvent être annulés à tout moment, consultez le processus d'annulation sur le {supportLink}. L'annulation d'un abonnement arrête les frais d'abonnement mensuels récurrents, mais ne rembourse pas la transaction pour la période de facturation en cours. Vous pouvez continuer à accéder à l'abonnement jusqu'à la fin de la période de facturation en cours.", + "subscription.details.order.legal": "En vous inscrivant à un abonnement ou en démarrant un essai gratuit, vous nous autorisez à débiter votre carte au dossier {price}/mois {currency} pour {programTitle} et toutes les taxes applicables. Vos abonnements {programTitle} seront automatiquement renouvelés jusqu'à ce que vous les annuliez. Les abonnements mensuels peuvent être annulés à tout moment, consultez le processus d'annulation sur le {supportLink}. L'annulation d'un abonnement arrête les frais d'abonnement mensuels récurrents, mais ne rembourse pas la transaction pour la période de facturation en cours. Vous pouvez continuer à accéder à l'abonnement jusqu'à la fin de la période de facturation en cours.", "subscription.details.order.legal.link": "Centre d'aide aux apprenants", "subscription.order.details": "Après avoir complété votre commande, vous aurez vérifié l'accès à chaque cours dans {programTitle}.", "subscription.order.details.heading": "Détails de la commande", @@ -122,14 +123,14 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.microBachelors": "MicroBachelors", "subscription.details.program.type.xSeries": "XSeries", "subscription.details.program.type.professionalProgram": "Programme professionnel", - "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Certificat professionnel", + "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Attestation professionnelle", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Maîtrise", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Chargements, veuillez patienter...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Les détails de l'achat sont chargés.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Prix", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/mois USD après 7 jours d'essai gratuit", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/mois USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "La somme d'aujourd'hui", - "subscription.heading.page": "Paiement de l'abonnement", - "subscription.loading.details": "Chargement de l'abonnement..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Numéro de carte (requis)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Code de sécurité (requis)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Les trois derniers chiffres dans le champ de signature au dos de votre carte. Pour American Express, ce sont les quatre chiffres à l'avant de la carte." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/hi.json b/src/i18n/messages/hi.json index aafd376a6..ed58a37ca 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/hi.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/hi.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "For security, your credit card information will then need to be re-entered to complete your purchase.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Please complete your purchase within two minutes", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Please complete your purchase within one minute", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", + "payment.heading.page": "Payment", + "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", + "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantity", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Subtotal", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} discount provided by {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} discount for your first upgrade applied.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Discounts applied", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Summary", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Professional Certificate", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Verified Certificate", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Price", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Credit Card", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Place Order", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Billing Information (Required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Expiration Month (required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Expiration Year (required)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Country (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "I am purchasing on behalf of my employer or other professional organization", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Choose country", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Invalid card number", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Unsupported card type", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Invalid security code", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "State/Province (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "State/Province", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Choose state/province", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Pay with Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Payment", - "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", - "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/it.json b/src/i18n/messages/it.json index aafd376a6..ed58a37ca 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/it.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/it.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "For security, your credit card information will then need to be re-entered to complete your purchase.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Please complete your purchase within two minutes", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Please complete your purchase within one minute", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", + "payment.heading.page": "Payment", + "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", + "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantity", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Subtotal", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} discount provided by {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} discount for your first upgrade applied.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Discounts applied", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Summary", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Professional Certificate", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Verified Certificate", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Price", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Credit Card", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Place Order", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Billing Information (Required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Expiration Month (required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Expiration Year (required)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Country (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "I am purchasing on behalf of my employer or other professional organization", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Choose country", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Invalid card number", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Unsupported card type", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Invalid security code", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "State/Province (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "State/Province", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Choose state/province", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Pay with Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Payment", - "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", - "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json b/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json index 33c090bed..34d9a6d2f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "Per sicurezza, per completare l'acquisto, sarà necessario immettere nuovamente le informazioni sulla carta di credito. ", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Completare l'acquisto entro due minuti ", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Completare l'acquisto entro un minuto ", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Il carrello è vuoto. ", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "Se hai provato ad effettuare l'acquisto, non è stato addebitato alcun importo. Tornare a {actionLinkOne} per riprovare oppure {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contattare il supporto edX E-commerce ", + "payment.heading.page": "Versamento", + "payment.loading.payment": "Caricamento del carrello... ", + "payment.loading.error": "Errore: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay non è attualmente disponibile. Provare un altro metodo di pagamento. ", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'elaborazione del pagamento. Non è stato addebitato alcun importo. Riprovare o selezionare un altro metodo di pagamento. ", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Prezzo", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantità", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Subtotale", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "Sconto {benefit} fornito da {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "Sconto {benefit} per il primo upgrade applicato. ", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Sconti applicati ", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Una volta completato l'ordine, sarà possibile selezionare le date del corso dalla dashboard. ", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Una volta completato l'ordine riceverai il credito per il corso. ", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Una volta completato l'ordine, sarai automaticamente iscritto al corso. ", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "Effettuando l'acquisto, l'utente e l'organizzazione accettano i seguenti termini: ", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Ciascun codice è valido per il corso coperto e può essere utilizzato una sola volta. ", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "L'utente è responsabile della distribuzione dei codici agli studenti nell'organizzazione. ", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Ciascun codice scade entro un anno dalla data di acquisto o, se precedente, alla chiusura del corso. ", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Se un corso non è designato come corso ad apprendimento autonomo, è necessario confermare che un'edizione del corso è disponibile prima della scadenza. ", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "Non è possibile rivendere codici a terze parti. ", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Tutte le vendite edX for Business sono definitive e non è previsto alcun rimborso. ", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Riceverai una email all'indirizzo {userEmail} con i codici di iscrizione. ", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Sommario", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Certificato professionale ", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Certificato Verificato", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Prezzo", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Carta di credito ", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Effettua ordine ", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "Effettuando l'acquisto, l'utente e l'organizzazione accettano i seguenti termini: ", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Ciascun codice è valido per il corso coperto e può essere utilizzato una sola volta. ", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "L'utente è responsabile della distribuzione dei codici agli studenti nell'organizzazione. ", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Ciascun codice scade entro un anno dalla data di acquisto o, se precedente, alla chiusura del corso. ", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Se un corso non è designato come corso ad apprendimento autonomo, è necessario confermare che un'edizione del corso è disponibile prima della scadenza. ", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "Non è possibile rivendere codici a terze parti. ", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Tutte le vendite edX for Business sono definitive e non è previsto alcun rimborso. ", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Riceverai una email all'indirizzo {userEmail} con i codici di iscrizione. ", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Una volta completato l'ordine, sarà possibile selezionare le date del corso dalla dashboard. ", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "Il totale di cui sopra include tutte le tasse applicabili. Dopo aver completato l'ordine verrai automaticamente iscritto ad un percorso verificato.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Una volta completato l'ordine riceverai il credito per il corso. ", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Una volta completato l'ordine, sarai automaticamente iscritto al corso. ", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Dati di fatturazione (richiesti)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Mese di scadenza (obbligatorio) ", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Anno di scadenza (obbligatorio) ", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Paese (obbligatorio) ", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "Sto acquistando per conto del mio datore di lavoro o altra organizzazione professionale ", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Scegliere il paese ", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Numero di carta (obbligatorio) ", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Codice di sicurezza (obbligatorio) ", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Le ultime tre cifre nell'area riservata alla firma nella parte posteriore della carta. Per American Express, le ultime quattro cifre nella parte anteriore della carta. ", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Numero di carta non valido ", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Tipo di carta non supportato ", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Codice di sicurezza non valido ", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "Stato/Provincia (obbligatorio) ", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "Stato/Provincia ", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Scegliere lo stato/provincia ", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Il carrello è vuoto. ", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "Se hai provato ad effettuare l'acquisto, non è stato addebitato alcun importo. Tornare a {actionLinkOne} per riprovare oppure {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contattare il supporto edX E-commerce ", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Paga con Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Versamento", - "payment.loading.payment": "Caricamento del carrello... ", - "payment.loading.error": "Errore: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay non è attualmente disponibile. Provare un altro metodo di pagamento. ", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'elaborazione del pagamento. Non è stato addebitato alcun importo. Riprovare o selezionare un altro metodo di pagamento. ", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Numero di carta (obbligatorio) ", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Codice di sicurezza (obbligatorio) ", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Le ultime tre cifre nell'area riservata alla firma nella parte posteriore della carta. Per American Express, le ultime quattro cifre nella parte anteriore della carta. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/pt.json b/src/i18n/messages/pt.json index aafd376a6..ed58a37ca 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/pt.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/pt.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "For security, your credit card information will then need to be re-entered to complete your purchase.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Please complete your purchase within two minutes", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Please complete your purchase within one minute", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", + "payment.heading.page": "Payment", + "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", + "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantity", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Subtotal", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} discount provided by {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} discount for your first upgrade applied.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Discounts applied", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Summary", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Professional Certificate", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Verified Certificate", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Price", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Credit Card", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Place Order", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Billing Information (Required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Expiration Month (required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Expiration Year (required)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Country (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "I am purchasing on behalf of my employer or other professional organization", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Choose country", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Invalid card number", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Unsupported card type", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Invalid security code", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "State/Province (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "State/Province", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Choose state/province", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Pay with Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Payment", - "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", - "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json b/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json index c9108c8fe..eb57fa6ae 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "Para sua segurança, as informações do seu cartão de crédito terão de ser reintroduzidas para completar a sua compra.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Por favor, complete a sua compra dentro de dois minutos", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Por favor, complete a sua compra dentro de um minuto", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "O seu cesto está vazio", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "Se tentou fazer uma compra, não foi cobrado. Volte à sua {actionLinkOne} para tentar novamente, ou {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "Painel de Controlo", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contacte o Apoio E-commerce do edX", + "payment.heading.page": "Payment", + "payment.loading.payment": "Carregando cesto...", + "payment.loading.error": "Erro: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "O Apple Pay não está disponível neste momento. Por favor, tente outro método de pagamento.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Ocorreu um erro ao processar o seu pagamento. Não foi cobrado. Por favor, tente novamente, ou seleccione outro método de pagamento.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Preço", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantidade", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Subtotal", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefício} desconto concedido pelo {fornecedor}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefício} desconto aplicado para a sua primeira actualização.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Descontos aplicados", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Depois de concluir o seu pedido, será capaz de selecionar datas do curso a partir do seu painel de controlo.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Depois de concluir o seu pedido, receberá o crédito para o seu curso.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Depois de concluir o seu pedido, será automaticamente inscrito no curso.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "Ao comprar, você e sua organização concordam com os seguintes termos:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Cada código é válido para um respetivo curso e apenas pode ser usado uma vez.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "É responsável pela distribuição de códigos aos seus alunos na sua organização.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Cada código expirará dentro de um ano a partir da data de compra ou antes, se o curso for fechado.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Se um curso não for designado como gerido-pelo-estudante, deverá confirmar que um curso está disponível antes de expirar.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "É proibido vender os códigos a terceiros.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Todos os edX para vendas comerciais não são reembolsáveis.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Receberá um e-mail em {userEmail} com o(s) seu(s) código(s) de inscrição.", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Resumo", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Certificado Profissional", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Certificado Validado", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Preço", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Cartão de Crédito", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Efetuar Pedido", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "Ao comprar, você e sua organização concordam com os seguintes termos:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Cada código é válido para um respetivo curso e apenas pode ser usado uma vez.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "É responsável pela distribuição de códigos aos seus alunos na sua organização.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Cada código expirará dentro de um ano a partir da data de compra ou antes, se o curso for fechado.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "Se um curso não for designado como gerido-pelo-estudante, deverá confirmar que um curso está disponível antes de expirar.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "É proibido vender os códigos a terceiros.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "Todos os edX para vendas comerciais não são reembolsáveis.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "Receberá um e-mail em {userEmail} com o(s) seu(s) código(s) de inscrição.", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "Depois de concluir o seu pedido, será capaz de selecionar datas do curso a partir do seu painel de controlo.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "Depois de concluir o seu pedido, receberá o crédito para o seu curso.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "Depois de concluir o seu pedido, será automaticamente inscrito no curso.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Billing Information (Required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Valido até ao Mês (obrigatório)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Válido até ao Ano (obrigatório)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "País (obrigatório)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "Estou a comprar em nome do meu empregador ou de uma organização para a qual trabalho", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Escolher país", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Número do Cartão (obrigatório)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Código de Segurança (obrigatório)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Os três últimos dígitos na área de assinatura na parte de trás do seu cartão. Para o American Express, são os quatro dígitos na parte da frente do cartão.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Número de cartão inválido", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Tipo de cartão não suportado", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Código de segurança inválido", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "Distrito/Concelho (obrigatório)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "Distrito/Concelho", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Escolha Distrito/Concelho", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "O seu cesto está vazio", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "Se tentou fazer uma compra, não foi cobrado. Volte à sua {actionLinkOne} para tentar novamente, ou {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "Painel de Controlo", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contacte o Apoio E-commerce do edX", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Pagar com Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Payment", - "payment.loading.payment": "Carregando cesto...", - "payment.loading.error": "Erro: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "O Apple Pay não está disponível neste momento. Por favor, tente outro método de pagamento.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "Ocorreu um erro ao processar o seu pagamento. Não foi cobrado. Por favor, tente novamente, ou seleccione outro método de pagamento.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Número do Cartão (obrigatório)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Código de Segurança (obrigatório)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "Os três últimos dígitos na área de assinatura na parte de trás do seu cartão. Para o American Express, são os quatro dígitos na parte da frente do cartão." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/ru.json b/src/i18n/messages/ru.json index aafd376a6..ed58a37ca 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/ru.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/ru.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "For security, your credit card information will then need to be re-entered to complete your purchase.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Please complete your purchase within two minutes", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Please complete your purchase within one minute", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", + "payment.heading.page": "Payment", + "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", + "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantity", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Subtotal", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} discount provided by {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} discount for your first upgrade applied.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Discounts applied", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Summary", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Professional Certificate", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Verified Certificate", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Price", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Credit Card", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Place Order", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Billing Information (Required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Expiration Month (required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Expiration Year (required)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Country (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "I am purchasing on behalf of my employer or other professional organization", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Choose country", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Invalid card number", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Unsupported card type", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Invalid security code", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "State/Province (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "State/Province", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Choose state/province", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Pay with Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Payment", - "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", - "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/uk.json b/src/i18n/messages/uk.json index aafd376a6..ed58a37ca 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/uk.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/uk.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "For security, your credit card information will then need to be re-entered to complete your purchase.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Please complete your purchase within two minutes", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Please complete your purchase within one minute", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", + "payment.heading.page": "Payment", + "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", + "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantity", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Subtotal", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} discount provided by {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} discount for your first upgrade applied.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Discounts applied", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Summary", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Professional Certificate", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Verified Certificate", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Price", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Credit Card", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Place Order", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Billing Information (Required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Expiration Month (required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Expiration Year (required)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Country (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "I am purchasing on behalf of my employer or other professional organization", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Choose country", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Invalid card number", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Unsupported card type", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Invalid security code", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "State/Province (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "State/Province", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Choose state/province", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Pay with Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Payment", - "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", - "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json b/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json index aafd376a6..ed58a37ca 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ "payment.messages.key.timeout.body": "For security, your credit card information will then need to be re-entered to complete your purchase.", "payment.messages.key.timeout.2mins.header": "Please complete your purchase within two minutes", "payment.messages.key.timeout.1min.header": "Please complete your purchase within one minute", + "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", + "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", + "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", + "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", + "payment.heading.page": "Payment", + "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", + "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", + "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", + "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", + "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", + "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription...", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.quantity": "Quantity", "payment.bulk.summary.table.label.subtotal": "Subtotal", @@ -29,19 +40,7 @@ "payment.summary.discount.offer": "{benefit} discount provided by {provider}.", "payment.summary.discount.dynamic_offer": "{benefit} discount for your first upgrade applied.", "payment.summary.table.label.discount.total": "Discounts applied", - "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", - "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", - "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", - "payment.order.details.heading": "Summary", + "payment.order.details.heading": "Order Details", "payment.productlineitem.professional.certificate": "Professional Certificate", "payment.productlineitem.verified.certificate": "Verified Certificate", "payment.summary.table.label.price": "Price", @@ -54,6 +53,30 @@ "payment.page.method.type.credit": "Credit Card", "payment.page.method.type.paypal": "PayPal", "payment.form.submit.button.text": "Place Order", + "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", + "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", + "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability.", + "subscription.alerts.error.requires_payment_method": "We're sorry, the details you provided could not pass the 3D Secure check. Please try different payment details.", + "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", + "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", + "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.terms": "By purchasing, you and your organization agree to the following terms:", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.first.term": "Each code is valid for the one course covered and can be used only one time.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.second.term": "You are responsible for distributing codes to your learners in your organization.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.third.term": "Each code will expire in one year from date of purchase or, if earlier, once the course is closed.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fourth.term": "If a course is not designated as self-paced, you should confirm that a course run is available before expiration.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.fifth.term": "You may not resell codes to third parties.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.sixth.term": "All edX for Business sales are final and not eligible for refunds.", + "payment.order.details.enrollment.code.receive.email": "You will receive an email at {userEmail} with your enrollment code(s).", + "payment.order.details.course.entitlement": "After you complete your order you will be able to select course dates from your dashboard.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.verified": "The above total includes any applicable taxes. After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the verified track of the course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat.credit": "After you complete your order you will receive credit for your course.", + "payment.order.details.course.seat": "After you complete your order you will be automatically enrolled in the course.", "payment.card.details.billing.information.heading": "Billing Information (Required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.month.label": "Expiration Month (required)", "payment.card.details.expiration.year.label": "Expiration Year (required)", @@ -71,9 +94,6 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.country.label": "Country (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.purchased.for.organization": "I am purchasing on behalf of my employer or other professional organization", "payment.card.holder.information.country.options.empty": "Choose country", - "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", - "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card.", "payment.form.errors.invalid.card.number": "Invalid card number", "payment.form.errors.unsupported.card": "Unsupported card type", "payment.form.errors.invalid.security.code": "Invalid security code", @@ -83,32 +103,13 @@ "payment.card.holder.information.state.label": "State/Province (required)", "payment.card.holder.information.state.required.label": "State/Province", "payment.card.holder.information.state.options.empty": "Choose state/province", - "payment.empty.basket.heading": "Your cart is empty.", - "payment.empty.basket.message": "If you attempted to make a purchase, you have not been charged. Return to your {actionLinkOne} to try again, or {actionLinkTwo}.", - "payment.empty.basket.dashboardURL": "dashboard", - "payment.empty.basket.supportURL": "contact edX E-commerce Support", "payment.apple.pay.pay.with.apple.pay": "Pay with Apple Pay", "payment.type.paypal": "PayPal", - "payment.heading.page": "Payment", - "payment.loading.payment": "Loading basket...", - "payment.loading.error": "Error: {error}", - "payment.apple.pay.merchant.validation.failure": "Apple Pay is not available at this time. Please try another payment method.", - "payment.apple.pay.authorization.failure": "An error occurred while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again, or select another payment method.", - "subscription.alerts.error.embargo": "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region.", - "subscription.alerts.error.program_unavailable": "Something went wrong, please reload the page. If the issue persists please {supportLink}.", - "subscription.alerts.error.ineligible_program": "We're sorry, this program is no longer offering a subscription option. Please search our catalog for current availability", - "subscription.checkout.payment.label": "Subscription payment details.", "subscription.checkout.billing.notification": "You will be charged {price} {currency} {trialEnd} then monthly until you cancel your subscription.", "subscription.checkout.billing.trial.date": "on {date},", "subscription.checkout.billing.resubscribe.date": "today,", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.default": "Subscribe", "subscription.checkout.form.submit.button.text.resubscribe": "Subscription started", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.navigation.title": "Go to dashboard", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.heading": "Congratulations! Your 7-day free trial of {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.trialing.body": "When your free trial ends, your subscription will begin, and we'll charge your payment method on file {price} {currency} per month. To avoid being charged, you must cancel before your trial expires. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.heading": "Congratulations! Your subscription to {programTitle} has started.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.resubscribe.body": "We charged your payment method {price} {currency}. This subscription will be automatically renewed and charged monthly unless you cancel from the {ordersAndSubscriptionLink} page.", - "subscription.confirmation.modal.body.orders.link": "Orders and Subscriptions", "subscription.purchase.details.heading": "In your cart", "subscription.purchase.details.label": "Subscription", "subscription.purchase.details.product.list.heading": "Included with your subscription:", @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ "subscription.details.program.type.professionalCertificate": "Professional Certificate", "subscription.details.program.type.masters": "Masters", "subscription.screen.reader.details.loading": "Loading, please wait...", - "subscription.screen.reader.details.loaded": "Shopping details are loaded.", "subscription.summary.table.label.price": "Price", "subscription.summary.table.label.trialing.price": "/month USD after 7-day free trial", "subscription.summary.table.label.resubscribe.price": "/month USD", "subscription.summary.table.label.total.to.pay": "Today's total", - "subscription.heading.page": "Subscription Payment", - "subscription.loading.details": "Loading subscription..." + "payment.card.details.number.label": "Card Number (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.label": "Security Code (required)", + "payment.card.details.security.code.help.text": "The three last digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the four digits on the front of the card." } \ No newline at end of file