title | subtitle | layout |
API Reference |
Documentation for each available function |
page |
CARTOMESH2VTK Converts a Carto mesh file to VTK file
tr = cartoMesh2VTK('openfile')
a TriRep object
CARTOMESH2VTK Converts a Carto3 mesh to a VTK file and returns a TriRep object
Author Steven Williams (2015) (Copyright)
CEMRG2CARTO Converts a VTK for loading into Carto
op = cemrg2carto(infile, outfile)
a VTK file created by CEMRG
a VTK file formatted for Carto
Where: infile - a VTK file created by CEMRG outfile - a VTK file formatted for Carto
Author Steven Williams (2016)
CVHISTOGRAM Draws a conduction velocity histogram
cvHistogram( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
'limits' {[0 5]} | array
'binwidth' {0.1} | double
CVHISTOGRAM displays a histogram of conduction velocities. Limits are set to exclude non-physiological conduction velocities
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
DISTANCEBETWEENPOINTS Returns the distance from A to B.
distance = distanceBetweenPoints(userdata, A, B)
see importcarto_mem
is the first point
is the second point
'method' {'linear'} | 'geodesic'
- Specifies whether to calcualte linear or geodesic distances
'plot' {false} | true
- Specifies whether to draw a figure
DISTBETWEENPOINTS returns the distance from A to B. A and B are specified as row vectors [x, y, z] or matrices, with rows representing different points. If npoints in A and B are different A must specify one and only one point.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
DRAWMAP plots an OpenEP map
hSurf = drawMap(userdata)
hSurf = drawMap(userdata, varargin);
is a handle to the surface
is a Carto data structure
'data' {[]} | [d]
- Where d is a vector of data values and size(d) equals numel(userdata.surface.triRep.X)
'type' {'act'} | 'bip' | 'force' | 'uni' | 'none' | 'cv'
- Specifies type of map - activation, bipolar or unipolar voltage
'coloraxis' {[]} | [a b]
- Where a and b are real numbers. See help colorShell
'noLight' {false} | true
- If set to true no additional light will be drawn. Useful if
overlaying maps.
'usrColorMap' {[]}|cMap
- If set, this colormap will be used instead of the defaults
colorbarlocation 'north' | 'south' | 'east' | 'west' | 'northoutside' |
'southoutside' | 'eastoutside' | {'westoutside'}
'orientation' {'AP'} | 'PA'
- Specifies the view as AP or PA. LAO, RAO, LL, RL yet to be
'colorfillthreshold' {10} | c
- Where c is a scalar value; defaulting to 10mm
DRAWMAP is a wrapper function for colorShell.m which allows OpenEP data to be plotted.
Author Steven Williams (2016) (Copyright)
EDITUSERDATA Graphically remove regions from a Carto dataset
userdata2 = editUserdata(userdata)
is the original Carto dataset
is the new Carto dataset with elements removed
EDITUSERDATA uses EDITTRIANGULATION to remove triangles from a TriRep object. Controls: Left click - select triangles to remove Shift-Left click - select triangles to keep Ctrl-Left click - select area up to the boundary d - done
Author Steven Williams (2016) (Copyright)
FIXVOLTAGEANNOTATIONS Fixes the uni/bip reversal identified in userdata.electric.voltages in August 2014. This function is not required for any userdata .mat files created after 27th August 2014.
userdata = fixVoltageAnnotations(userdata)
is the output
is the input, or 'openfile'
FIXVOLTAGEANNOTATIONS detailed description goes here.
Author Steven Williams (2014) (Copyright)
GENERATEINTERPDATA Performs spatial interpolation of scalar data
interpData = generateInterpData(userdata, datatype)
see, importcarto_mem
the desired data type to return
is the interpolated data
'interMethod' 'nearest'|'linear'|{'natural'}
- The interpolation method, default to natural
'exterMethod' {nearest}|linear|none
- The extrapolation method, defaults to linear
'distanceThresh' {10}|double
- The distance threshold, d, default 10mm
GENERATEINTERPDDATA performs spatial interpolation of scalar data. Userdata and datatype are mandatory arguments. Datatype may be one of: 'bip-map' - bipolar voltage; from the exported voltage values 'uni-map' - unipolar voltage; from the exported voltage values 'lat-map' - local activation time; from the annotated electrograms 'bip-egm' - bipolar voltage; measured by OpenEP on the egms (NOT IMPLEMENTED) 'uni-egm' - unipolar voltage; measured by OpenEP on the egms (NOT IMPLEMENTED) 'lat-egm' - local activation time; measured by OpenEP on the egms (NOT IMPLEMENTED) 'cv' - conduction velocity 'egmduration' - electrogram duration GENERATEINTERPDATA removes any NaN values in data (and their corresponding location(s) in coords) before calling scatteredInterpolant with the interpolation/extrapolation methods specified. Any values greater than distancethresh are removed.
Author Steven Williams (2018) (Copyright)
GETABLATIONAREA Calculates the area of a chamber which has been ablated
[ablArea, isAblated, trAbl] = getAblationArea( userdata )
see importcarto_mem.m
the total area of the chamber that has been ablated
indexes into userdata.surface.triRep.Triangulation and
indicates whether a particular triangle is considered
ablated (1) or not (0).
a Triangulation of the ablated tissue
'method' {'tags'}|'grid'
- specifies whether to calculate area based on the ablation tags or
the ablation grid
'radius' {5}|double
- specifies the radius around each ablation tag to consider ablated
'thresholdmethod' {'on'}|'off'
GETABLATIONAREA Requires a userdata structure which contains .rfindex as its input, which can be created using importvisitag.m
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETANATOMICALSTRUCTURES Returns the free boundaries (anatomical structures) described in userdata
[FF, l, a, tr] = getAnatomicalStructures( userdata, varargin )
see importcarto_mem
see TriRep/freeBoundary, cell array
array of lengths (perimeters) of each anatomical structure
an array of areas of each anatomical structure
cell array of triangulations of each anatomical structure
'plot' {false}|true
GETANATOMICALSTRUCTURES identifies all the anatomical structures of a given data set. Anatomical structures are boundary regions that have been added to an anatomical model in the clinical mapping system. For example, with respect of left atrial ablation, anatomical structures may represent the pulmonary vein ostia, mitral valve annulus or left atrial appendage ostium.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETAREA Returns the surface area of an anatomical model
area = getArea( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
the surface area (cm^2)
'method' {'nofill'}|'fill'
GETAREA Returns the surface area of an anatomical model. The anatomical model can first be closed (filling any holes) by specifying the 'method', 'fill' ('nofill' by default).
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETCENTREOFMASS Returns the centre of mass of the anatomical model defined in userdata
C = getCentreOfMass( userdata, varargin )
see importcarto_mem
the Cartesian co-ordinates of the centre of mass
'plot' {false}|true
GETCENTREOFMASS calculates the centre of mass of the userdata by accessing a closed surface via the OpenEP function getClosedSurface.m before using centroidOfPolyhedron.m to calculate the centre of mass. The function centroidOfPolyhedron.m was written by Isfandiyar RASHIDZADE, available through the Mathworks FileExchange: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/63614-centroid-of-triangulated-polyhedron
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETCLOSEDSURFACE Fills all the holes in the userdata surface
tr = getClosedSurface( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
a triRep object
GETCLOSEDSURFACE Returns a new surface representation of the anatomical model with all the holes in the mesh filed. Closes the surface by the following algorithm. First, every complete free boundary is identified. Second, the barycentre of the free boundary is identified. Third, a triangulation is created covering this hole. Finally, the additional triangles are added to the TriRep.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETCONDUCTIONVELOCITY Returns the conduction velocity map of the chamber
cvdata = getConductionVelocity( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
the conduction velocities, in m/s
GETCONDUCTIONVELOCITY Calculate conduction velocities by calculating gradients of interpolated local activation times. GETCONDUCTIONVELOCITY makes use of a modified version of "Scattered Data Interpolation and Approximation using Radial Base Functions" available from the Matlab FileExchange: Alex Chirokov (2020). Scattered Data Interpolation and Approximation using Radial Base Functions (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/10056-scattered-data-interpolation-and-approximation-using-radial-base-functions), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved November 24, 2020.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETEARLIESTACTIVATIONSITE Returns the earliest activation site
[X] = getEarliestActivationSite( userdata )
[X, surfX] = getEarliestActivationSite( userdata )
[X, surfX, iPoint] = getEarliestActivationSite( userdata )
[X, surfX, iPoint, t] = getEarliestActivationSite( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
the earliest activation site, in x,y,z format. For
map-based methods (i.e. clinmap
, clinmapprct
and openepmapprct
), X is identical to
the surface projection of the eariest activation site
the closest mapping point to the earliest activation
site. For point-based methods (i.e. ptbased
), iPoint indexes into userdata.electric.
For map-based methods (i.e. clinmap
, clinmapprct
, openepmapprct
), iPoint indexes into
userdata.surface.triRep.X. For percentile methods (i.e.
, cinmapprct
or openepmapprct
) iPoint
returns all the points that were identified within the
relevant percentile.
the calculated earliest activation time, relative to the
reference annotation
'method' {'ptbased'} | 'ptbasedprct' | 'clinmap' | 'clinmapprct' | 'openepmap' | 'openmapprct'
- Specifies the method by which the earliest activation is
'prct' {2.5} | double
- The percentile to use for percentile mapping; only applicable if
is 'ptbasedprct'
, 'clinmapprct'
or 'openmapprct'
GETEARLIESTACTIVATIONSITE By identifying the earliest activatin site,
this function can be used, for example, to identify the site in the
chamber closest to the pacing site. Several alternative methods are provided for caluclating the latest
activation site, specified by setting the 'method' parameter-value pair
to one of the following options:
- Calculates the earliest activation time using
mapping points exported by the clinical system.
- Calculates the 0-2.5th percentile mapping
times on the exported electrogram annotations, then
calculates the mean of this sets of activation times.
- Calculates the earliest activation time on the
local activation time map created by the clinical
mapping system
- First calculates the 0-2.5th percentile
mapping times on the clinical local activation time
map, then calculates the mean of these sets of
activation times.
- Calculates the earliest activation time on the local
activation time map created by OpenEP from the
exported electrogram annotations.
- First calculates the 0-2.5th percentile
mapping times on the local activation time map
created by OpenEP from the exported electrogram
annotations. Then calculates the mean of this set of
activation times.
Author Steven Williams (2019) (Copyright)
GETEGMSATPOINTS Access eletrograms from stored in the OpenEP data format
[egmTraces, acttime, egmNames] = getEgmsAtPoints( userdata, varargin )
see importcarto_mem
cell array of the requested electrograms
cell array of activation times
names of the electrograms
'iEgm' {:}|[a:b]
an array indexing into userdata.electric.egm such that
userdata.electric.egm(iEgmArray,:) are selected for plotting
To convert from Carto point numbers to iEgmArray use
'egmtype' 'bip'|'uni'|{'bip-uni'}
Whether to plot only the bipolar electrograms, only the
unipolar electrograms or both
'reference' 'off'|{'on'}
Whether to plot the reference channel, off by default userdata.electric.egm(iEgmArray,:) are selected for plotting
To convert from Carto point numbers to iEgmArray use
GETEGMSATPOINTS by default returns all the electrograms of 'egmtype'. Use getIndexFromCartoPointNumber to convert from point numbers to index numbers.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETELECTROGRAMDURATION Returns the electrogram durations
egmDuration = getElectrogramDuration( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
the duration of activation for each electrogram
GETELECTROGRAMDURATION Calculates electrogram durations for each bipolar electrogram in userdata. The method is as follows. First, we iterate through all the bipolar mapping points in userdata.electric. For each mapping point we get the electrogram within the window of interest. We apply the non-linear energy operator to this electrogram. We identify the earliest and latest activation of the energy operator. We calculate the difference and assign that to egmDuration. We also remove any values that are not within +/- 2 standard deviations of the mean. This is an arbritary cut off but some filtering is necessary to avoid identifying noise as continuous activation, for example.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETELECTROGRAMX Returns the the electrode recording positions
C = getCentreOfMass( userdata, varargin )
see importcarto_mem
the 3D Cartesian co-ordinates
the surface-projected 3D Cartesian co-ordinates
'type' {'bip'}|'uni'
GETELECTROGRAMX can be used to access the Cartesian co-ordinates of the electrodes used to record the electrograms.
Author Steven Williams (2021) (Copyright)
GETFACES Returns the faces referenced by userdata
faces = getFaces( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
all the faces
GETFACES Returns the faces referenced by userdata
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETIMPEDANCEVALUE Returns the impedance value of given point(s)
imp = getImpedanceValue( userdata, varargin )
see importcarto_mem
the impedance values (Ohms)
'method' {'map'} | 'egm'
'points' {':'} | int array
'vertices' {':'} | int array
GETIMPEDANCEVALUES Returns the impedance values. By default, impedance
values are returned for all the points in the map. If method
specified to be egm
then impedance transients are returned for each
individual mapping point, along with time intervals for the impedances.
If one or more vertices
are specified then impedance values are only
returned for those vertices (only valid if method
is map
If one or more points
is specified then impedance values are only
returned for those mapping points (only valid if method
is egm
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETINDEXFROMCARTOPOINTNUMBER Finds the index of the mapping point at the point number displayed on the Carto mapping system.
[index] = getIndexFromCartoPointNumber(pointNumber)
a userdata structure
a point number (or array of point numbers) as displayed
on the Carto mapping system
an index (or array of indices) for referencing into the
data fields within userdata.electric
GETINDEXFROMCARTOPOINTNUMBER Finds the index of the mapping point at the point number displayed on the Carto mapping system.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETLATESTACTIVATIONSITE Returns the latest activation site
[X] = getLatestActivationSite( userdata )
[X, surfX] = getLatestActivationSite( userdata )
[X, surfX, iPoint] = getLatestActivationSite( userdata )
[X, surfX, iPoint, t] = getLatestActivationSite( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
Cartesian co-ordinates of the latest activation site. For
map-based methods (i.e. clinmap
, clinmapprct
and openepmapprct
), X is identical to
The surface projection of the latest activation site
The closest mapping point to the latest activation
site. For point-based methods (i.e. ptbased
), iPoint indexes into userdata.electric.
For map-based methods (i.e. clinmap
, clinmapprct
, openepmapprct
), iPoint indexes into
userdata.surface.triRep.X. For percentile methods (i.e.
, clinmapprct
or openepmapprct
) iPoint
returns all the points that were identified within the
relevant percentile.
The calculated latest activation time, relative to the
reference annotation
'method' {'ptbased'}|'ptbasedprct'|'clinmap'|'clinmapprct'|'openepmap'|'openmapprct'
- Specifies the method by which the latest activation is
'prct' {2.5} | double
- The percentile to use for percentile mapping; only applicable if
is 'ptbasedprct'
, 'clinmapprct'
or 'openmapprct'
GETLATESTACTIVATOINSITE By identifying the latest activating site,
this function can be used, for example, to calculate the total activation
time. Several alternative methods are provided for caluclating the latest
activation site, specified by setting the 'method' parameter-value pair
to one of the following options:
- Calculates the latest activation time using the
mapping points exported by the clinical system.
- Calculates the 97.5-100th percentile mapping
times on the exported electrogram annotations, then
calculates the mean of this sets of activation times.
- Calculates the latest activation time on the
local activation time map created by the clinical
mapping system
- First calculates the 97.5-100th percentile
mapping times on the clinical local activation time
map, then calculates the mean of this set of
activation times.
- Calculates the latest activation time on the local
activation time map created by OpenEP from the
exported electrogram annotations.
- First calculates the 97.5-100th percentile
mapping times on the local activation time map
created by OpenEP from the exported electrogram
annotations. Then calculates the mean of this set of
activation times.
Author Steven Williams (2019) (Copyright)
GETLOWVOLTAGEAREA Returns the low voltage area
[lowVArea, voltages, iTri, tr2] = getLowVoltageArea( userdata, varargin )
see importcarto_mem
the low voltage area (cm^2)
the voltages point values used to calculate areas
indexes into userdata.surface.triRep.Triangulation and refers
to the triangles that have voltage values within the range,
a triangulation of all the triangles referenced in iTri.
'method' {'map'} | 'egm'
'type' {'bip'} | 'uni'
'threshold' {[0.0 0.5]} | array
GETLOWVOLTAGEAREA Returns the surface area of the chamber with voltage
less than the specified threshold, 0.5mV by default. By default low
voltage area is calculated using the surface data (stored in
). If method
is set to egm
then the bipolar voltage is
first interpolated from the bipolar electrogram data (stored in
). If type
is set to uni
then unipolar voltages are
used for surface area calculation.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETMAPPINGPOINTSWITHINMESH Returns the indices of the mapping points which are located internal to the mesh
iPoint = getMappingPointsWithinMesh( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
logical array list of valid points; indexes into userdata.electric
'tol' 0.1 | double
- The distance threshold within which points are considered to be
internal or external to the triangulation
'plot' {false}|true
- Specify whether to plot the results
GETMAPPINGPOINTSWITHINMESH Returns the indices of the mapping points which are located internal to the mesh. The OpenEP function pointStatus.m is used to identify these points. The parameter value pairs are passed directly onto pointStatus.m
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETMAPPINGPOINTSWITHINWOI Returns the indices of the mapping points with annotated local activation time within the window of interest
iPoint = getMappingPointsWithinWoI( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
logicla array list of valid points; indexes into userdata.electric
GETMAPPINGPOINTSWITHINWOI Returns the indices of the mapping points with annotated local activation time within the window of interest
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETMEANVOLTAGE Returns the mean voltage
meanVoltage = getMeanVoltage( userdata, varargin )
see importcarto_mem
the mean chamber voltage (mV)
'method' {'map'} | 'egm'
'type' {'bip'} | 'uni'
GETMEANVOLTAGE Returns the mean voltage of a chamber. By default, the mean bipolar voltage is calculated using the interpolated mapping data from the clinical mapping system (stored in userdata.surface.act_bip). If 'method' is set to 'egm' then the bipolar voltage is first interpolated from the bipolar electrogram data (stored in userdata.electric). If 'type' is set to 'uni' then unipolar voltages are returned.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETMESH Returns the triangulation-based mesh from userdata
tr = getMesh(userdata)
a TriRep, or Triangulation, object
'type' {'trirep'}|'triangulation'
- Specifies whether to return the mesh as a TriRep object or as a
Triangulation object
GETMESH Returns a face/vertex representation of the anatomical model. Supported data types include istances of the Matlab objects Trirep and Triangulation.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETNUMPTS Returns the number of mapping points in the OpenEP dataset
numpts = getNumPts( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
the number of mapping points
GETNUMPTS Returns the number of mapping points in the OpenEP datasest
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETPOINTIMPEDANCEVALUE Provides an algorithm for giving point impedance values
h = myfunction(b)
is the output
impedance values at times tim
Impedance values are streaming every 100ms to Carto 3 system from the
RF Generator. A time range of -7.5s to +2.5s is output for each point and
saved in userdata.electric.impedances
and .value
) in the mat
Author Steven Williams (2014) (Copyright)
GETREFERENCEANNOTATION Returns the value of the reference annotation
ref = getReferenceAnnotation( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
the value of the reference annotation
'iegm' {:} | integer | array
- The electrogram point(s) for which the reference annotation is
GETREFERENCEANNOTATION Returns the value fo the reference annotation.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETSURFACEDATA Returns surface mapping data from userdata
data = getSurfaceData( userdata, datatype )
see importcarto_mem
the required data. Must be one of:
'act', 'bip', 'uni', 'imp', 'frc'
The returned surface mapping data
GETSURFACEDATA Returns surface mapping data from userdata. Data type is
specified by the datatype
- activation time
- bipolar voltage
- unipolar voltage
- impedance
- contact force
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETTOTALACTIVATIONTIME Returns the total activation time of the chamber
tat = getTotalActivationTime( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
the total activation time, in ms
'method' {'ptbased'} | 'ptbasedprct' | 'clinmap' | 'clinmapprct' | 'openepmap' | 'openmapprct'
- Specifies the method by which total activation time is calculated
'prct' {2.5} | double
- The percentile to use for percentile mapping; only applicable if
is one of ptbasedprct
, clinmapprct
or openepmapprct
GETTOTALACTIVATIONTIME Returns the total activatoin time of the chamber.
Several alternative methods are provided, and specified by setting the
'method' parameter-value pair to one of the following options:
- Calculates the difference in activation time between
the earliest and latest activation time mapping
points exported by the clinical system.
- First calculates the 0-2.5th percentile and
the 97.5-100th percentile mapping times on the
exported electrogram annotations, then calculates
the difference between the means of these sets of
activation times.
- Calculates the difference between the earliest and
latest activation times on the local activation
time map created by the clinical mapping system
- First calculates the 0-2.5th percentile and
the 97.5-100th percentile mapping times on the
clinical local activation time map, then calculates
the difference between the means of these sets of
activation times.
- Calculates the difference between the earliest and
latest activation times on the local activation
time map created by OpenEP from the exported
electrogram annotations.
- First calculates the 0-2.5th percentile and
the 97.5-100th percentile mapping times on the local
activation time map created by OpenEP from the
exported electrogram annotations. Then calculates
the difference between the means of these sets of
activation times.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETVERTICES Returns the vertices referenced by userdata
[vertices, vertsref] = getVertices( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
all the vertices
whether the vertex is referenced by the triangulation
GETVERTICES Returns the vertices referenced by userdata
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETVOLUME Calculates the volume of the chamber described in userdata
volume = getVolume(userdata)
see importcarto_mem
the volume, in cm^3
GETVOLUME For details of the calculation see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1406029/how-to-calculate-the-volume-of-a-3d-mesh-object-the-surface-of-which-is-made-up http://chenlab.ece.cornell.edu/Publication/Cha/icip01_Cha.pdf EFFICIENT FEATURE EXTRACTION FOR 2D/3D OBJECTS IN MESH REPRESENTATION
Author Steven Williams (2017) (Copyright)
GETWINDOWOFINTERST Returns the window of interest
woi = getWindowOfInterest( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
two-element array specifying the window of interest relative to
the reference annotation
'iEgm' {:} | integer | array
- The electrogram point(s) for which the window of interst is required
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
GETPOINTELECTROGRAMNAME finds the electrode at xyz.
[ electrogramname_bip, electrogramname_uni ] = getpointelectrogramname( point_xyz, pointFileName )
the electrode name for the bipolar electrogram at point_xyz
cell array of the electrode names for the
unipolar electrogram at point_xyz and it's associated second electrode
that makes up electrogramname_bip
the electrode position corresponding to the second electrode
that makes up the bipole at point_xyz (needed for locating unipolar
Author Nick Linton (2012) (Copyright)
GETELCTRODENAME finds the electrode at xyz.
[ electrogramname_bip, electrogramname_uni ] = getelectrogramname( point_xyz, pointFileName )
the electrode name for the bipolar electrogram at point_xyz
cell array of the electrode names for the
unipolar electrogram at point_xyz and it's associated second electrode
that makes up electrogramname_bip
the electrode position corresponding to the second electrode
that makes up the bipole at point_xyz (needed for locating unipolar
GETELCTRODENAME Detailed description
Author Nick Linton (2012) (Copyright)
IMPORTCARTO provides a data structure from multiple carto files (from zip).
userdata = importcarto_mem(userinput)
userdata = importcarto_mem()
[userdata, matFileFullPath] = ...
dirName is the directory with all of the files corresponding to a map
userdata is a single data structure
matFileFullPath is the path to the .mat file, if opened or saved
IMPORTCARTO can load data in 3 ways:
- USERINPUT is a .zip file - the zip file will be unzipped into a temporary file (deleted at the end). The data is packed into userdata and the user is incouraged to save this for the future (long time take to unzip).
- USERINPUT is a .mat file containing userdata
- USERINPUT is a .xml file - this must be the xml file in a folder containing all the other Carto3 files.
Author Nick Linton (2011) (Copyright)
IMPORTCARTO provides a data structure from multiple carto files (from zip).
userdata = importcarto_mem(userinput)
userdata = importcarto_mem()
[userdata, matFileFullPath] = ...
dirName is the directory with all of the files corresponding to a map
userdata is a single data structure
matFileFullPath is the path to the .mat file, if opened or saved
'maptoread' {''} | string | double
Specifies which map to read. Can be a string referring
to the map name or a double referring to the number of points in the
map. If there are multiple maps with the same number of points an error
will be thrown.
'refchannel' {''} | string
The name of the channel to pick as the refence channel. Typically
this is the pacing channel for the map. Specify a string such as
'ecgchannel' {''} | string
The name of the channel to pick as the ECG channel. Typically
this is an informative ECG such as V1. Specify a string such as 'V1'.
'savefilename' {''} | string
The full path to the location in which to save the output.
'verbose' {true} | false
Not yet implemented
userdata structure ...
.triRep - TriRep object for the surface
.isVertexAtRim - logical array indicating vertices at a 'rim'
.act_bip - nVertices2 array of activation and voltage data
.uni_imp_frc - nVertices3 array of uni voltage, impedance and contact force
.isPointLocationOnly - logical array
.egmX - location of point
.egmSurfX - location of surface nearest point
.barDirection - normal to surface at egmSurfX
.egm - bipolar electrogram
.egmUni - matrix of unipolar electrograms
.egmUniX - location of unipolar points
.egmRefNames - names of egmRef
.egmRef - electrogram of reference
.ecgNames - ecg names (or other channel names)
.ecg - ecg
.force - instantaneous force recording
.axialAngle - axial angle
.lateralAngle - lateral angle
.time_force - time course of force [(:,:,1)=time, (:,:,2)=force]
.time_axial - time course of axial angle [(:,:,1)=time, (:,:,2)=axial angle]
.time_lateral - time course of lateral angle [(:,:,1)=time, (:,:,2)=lateral angle]
Author Nick Linton (2011) (Copyright)
IMPORTVISITAG provides a data structure from Carto visitag files.
visitag = importvisitag(userdata, dirName)
visitag = imporvisitag()
the directory with all of the files corresponding to WiseTag
a single data structure
IMPORTVISITAG parses the data contained in a Visitag export from the
Carto3 mapping system. The data is stored in a field .rfindex
and the
new userdata data structure with the appended ablation data is returned.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
IMPORTVISITAG provides a data structure from carto visitag files. Usage visitag = importvisitag(dirName) visitag = imporvisitag() Where: dirName is the directory with all of the files corresponding to WiseTag visitag is a single data structure
IMPORTVISITAG detailed description goes here.
visitag structure ... .originaldata .tag .X .surfX .FTI .grid .X .surfX .FTI
Author Steven Williams (2014) (Copyright)
OPENEP2VTK Converts an OpenEP data structure to a VTK file
tr = openEP2VTK('openfile')
a TriRep object
the path to the file that was written
'datatype' {'bip'} | 'uni' | 'lat'
- the required data, bipolar voltage, unipolar voltage or local
activation time
'method' {'map'} | 'egm'
- the method of accessing the data; clinical-system map based
('map') or re-inteprolated by OpenEP from the raw egms ('egm');
- absolute path to the output file.
If empty then openEP2VTK outputs the VTK file to the current
directory using the current date/time as the filename
If strcmpi('outputfile','openfile') a GUI is used to place the
OPENEP2VTK Converts between OpenEP format and VTK format. This function takes map data and writes it to the VTK file, or if 'method' is set to 'egm' it first uses generateInterpData.m to create interpolated data.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
PLOTABLATIONAREA Adds the ablation area to the current figure
see importcarto_mem.m
PLOTABLATIONAREA Requires a userdata structure which contains .rfindex
its input, which can be created using importvisitag.m
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
PLOTELECTROGRAMS Draws any number of electrograms in line.
hFig = PLOTELECTROGRAMS(egmTraces, varargin)
the electrograms to plot
a handle to the plotted figure
- cell array of electrogram names
- two value vector [xmin xmax]
- the sample rate in Hz
- the paper speed for plotting
- the separation between electrograms, default is 5mV
- two value vector [clipmin clipmax] in mV
- the gain, default is 2
- if true the electrograms are automatically scaled, default false
- a vector of activation times to be plotted as red crosses
- cell array of colors. Same size as egmNames
- the width of the lines drawing the electrograms
PLOTELECTROGRAMS is used to plot electrograms. To plot an A4 electrogram page: 1. Save figure as an .EPS file; 2. Open in Corel draw (or similar) and export as a .PDF file. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TIMING SINGLE BEAT TRACES The default position gives a width of 300pixels, which corresponds to an x axis width of 68.44mm. The number of samples to plot in this width (ie width of 'range' parameter) is given by: n = (sampleRate / paperSpeed) * 68.44 For example, at 1000Hz range should be specified as having width: 25mm/s - 2738 [-1119 1619] 100mm/s - 684 200mm/s - 342
Author Steven Williams (2012) (Copyright)
PLOTOPENEPEGMS Plot eletrograms from OpenEP data
[ hFig ] = plotOpenEPEgms( userdata, varargin )
see importcarto_mem
a handle to the plotted figure
'iEgm' {:} | [a:b]
an array indexing into userdata.electric.egm such that
userdata.electric.egm(iEgmArray,:) are selected for plotting
To convert from Carto point numbers to iEgmArray use
'range' {'window'} | 'all'
By default ('window') only the electrogram within the window of
interest is drawn (+/-buffer). By specifying 'all' the entire point
electrogram is drawn.
'buffer' {50} | double
The time before and after the window of interest to draw. By
default, 20ms, but can be changed by setting 'buffer' to an
alternative value.
'egmtype' 'bip' | 'uni' | {'bip-uni'}
Whether to plot only the bipolar electrograms, only the
unipolar electrograms or both
'reference' 'off' | {'on'}
Whether to plot the reference channel, off by default
userdata.electric.egm(iEgmArray,:) are selected for plotting.
To convert from Carto point numbers to iEgmArray use
'linewidth', {1} | integer
The width of the lines drawing the electrograms
PLOTOPENEPEGMS is a wrapper function for plotElectrograms.
Author Steven Williams (2017) (Copyright)
PLOTTAG Plots tag(s) on the current map
h = plotTag( userdata, varargin )
see importcarto_mem
is an array of handles referencing the plotted surfaces
'coord' {[x y x]}
- A set of x,y,z coords where size(coords) = nx3 where n is the
number of tags to plot
'pointnum' [p1, p2, ... pn]
- An array of size nx1 where n is the number of tags to plot
'color' {'r'}|'g'|'b'|'p'|'o'|'y'
- The color of the tag to draw
- The size of the tag to draw
PLOTTAG Plots tag(s) on the current map
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
PLOTVISITAGS Displays ablation data for a case
see importcarto_mem.m
'plot' {'tags'} | 'grid' | 'both'
- specifies whether to show the tags, the grid, or both
'shell' {'on'} | 'off'
- specifies whether to show the chamber shell
'colour' {'r'} | colorspec | array
- can be a string or colorspec specifying the color of all the
- can be an array of double values which is rendered as a
- see drawMap.m
PLOTVISITAG Requires a userdata structure which contains .rfindex as its input, which can be created using importvisitag.m
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
POINTSTATUS Returns the status of points relevant to userdata
[inoutpts, meshpts] = pointStatus( userdata )
see importcarto_mem
whether points are internal (logical(1)) or external
(logical(0)) to the triangulation in userdata
whether points in the triangulation in userdata are
referenced in the triangulation (logical(1)) or not
'tol' 0.1 | double
- The distance threshold within which points are considered to be
internal or external to the triangulation
'plot' {false}|true
- Specify whether to plot the results
POINTSTATUS depends on the package INPOLYHEDRON. See: https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/37856-inpolyhedron-are-points-inside-a-triangulated-volume
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
PROCESSSMARTTOUCHFORCEDATA Gets a shell with force data
[tr f] = processSmartTouchForceData(userdata)
is a Carto dataset
are the 1000ms window forces
are the coordinates of the data in f (size: length(f) * 3)
PROCESSSMARTTOUCHFORCEDATA parses the force data at ablation points from userdata.
Author Steven Williams (2013) (Copyright)
READ_ECGFILE loads this Carto3 ecg file.
channelNames = read_ecgfile(filename);
[channelNames channelVoltages] = read_ecgfile(filename)
channelVoltages = read_ecgfile(filename, names)
the Carto3 .txt file
is optional and is the desired channel names which helps speed
Author Nick Linton (2013) (Copyright)
READ_ECGFILE_V4_HEADER loads the header from an ECG file.
[electrodename_bip] = read_ecgfile_v4_header(varargin)
[electrodename_bip electrodename_uni] = read_ecgfile_v4_header(varargin)
[electrodename_bip electrodename_uni electrodename_ref] = read_ecgfile_v4_header(varargin)
electrodename_bip is the name of the electrode pair collecting the bipolar mapping point
electrodename_uni is the name of the electrode collecting the unipolar mapping point
electrodename_ref is the name of the reference electrode for the mapping point
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
READ_FORCEFILE loads this Carto3 force file.
force = read_forcefile(filename);
[force axialAngle lateralAngle] = read_forcefile(filename)
[force axialAngle lateralAngle t_time t_force t_axialAngle t_lateralAngle] = read_forcefile(filename)
is the fixed time point force for this point
is the fixed time point axial angle for this point
is the fixed time point lateral angle for this point
is the time array (e.g. -7000ms->5000ms) for the time data
is the time course of force
is the time course of the axial angle
is the time course of the lateral angle
filename is the Carto3.txt file
Author Steven Williams (2013) (Copyright)
READ_MESHFILE loads this Carto3 mesh file.
t = read_meshfile(filename)
[t isVertexAtEdge] = read_meshfile(filename)
[t isVertexAtEdge act_bip normals] = read_meshfile(filename)
filename is the filename
t is a TriRep object
isVertexAtEdge is a logical array indicating vertices at an edge
act_bip is a matrix of activation times and bipolar voltage by vertex
READ_MESHFILE reads the triangulation from a TriangulatedMeshVersion 2.0 file.
Author Nick Linton (2011) (Copyright)
READ_POSITIONS_ON_ANNOTATION_V2 loads this Carto3 position file.
[iElectrode xyz] = read_positions_on_annotation_v2(filename)
iElectrode is a vector of electrode numbers
xyz is an array of xyz positions
Author Nick Linton (2013) (Copyright)
READ_VISITAG_FILE_V1 Reads a data file stored in a WiseTag or VisiTag directory
[ data, header ] = read_visitag_file_v1( filepath )
path to the file to be read
the the file data
the file header
READ_VISITAG_FILE_V1 Reads numeric data from data files stored in WiseTag or VisiTag directories. These files all have a standard format - header line followed by data lines; tab delimited. The headers are returned in a cell array to allow search/indexing.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)
READ_VISITAG_SITES loads Carto3 visitag sites.txt file.
[sites] = read_visitag_sites(filename)
data is a matrix of all the data from the file
labels is a cell array of the header lines from the file
filename is the full file path
READ_VISITAG_SITES detailed description goes here
Author Steven Williams (2015) (Copyright)
READ_VISITAGSETTINGS loads Carto3 visitag settings file.
[visitagSettings] = read_visitagsettings(filename)
visitagSettings is a structure of the visitag settings
filename is the full file path
READ_VISITAGSETTINGS creates a structure with the parameters in VisiTagSettings.txt. Data is converted to double if it is numeric or remains as a string if it is a string. Beware of equals sign at the end of the parameter names - these are currently removed by the code but would be an obvious source of future errors.
Author Steven Williams (2015) (Copyright)
VOLTAGEHISTOGRAMANALYSIS Performs voltage histogram analysis
areas = voltageHistogramAnalysis( userdata, varargin )
see importcarto_mem
he chamber areas within each of the voltage thresholds
'method' {'map'}|'egm'
'type' {'bip'}|'uni'
'threshold' n x 2 matrix of threshold values, default:
[ 0.01 0.11; 0.11 0.21; 0.21 0.30; 0.30 0.40; 0.40 0.50 ]
'plot' {false} | true
'colors' {colorBrewer colors r, y, g, b, p}|
VOLTAGEHISTOGRAMANALYSIS displays a histogram of voltages coloured according to voltages, threshold. If 'method' is set to 'egm' then the bipolar voltage is first interpolated from the bipolar electrogram data (stored in userdata.electric). If 'type' is set to 'uni' then unipolar voltages are used.
Author Steven Williams (2020) (Copyright)