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Mina README-dev

Mina is a cryptocurrency protocol with a lightweight, constant-sized blockchain.

For information about our development process and how to contribute, see If you want to build Mina, this is the right file!

Building Mina

Building Mina is involved because many C library dependencies must be present in the system. Furthermore, these libraries need to be in correct versions, or else the system will fail to build. OCaml-specific setup is also required. Therefore, it is recommended to build Mina with Nix, which offers a great help in managing these dependencies. Manual dependency management is fragile and prone to break with every system update.

If you are already a Nix user, or are comfortable installing Nix, you already have a way to build Mina locally. For information and instructions, see nix/

Mina builds and runs on Linux and macOS.

Quick start instructions:

  1. Start with Ubuntu 18 or run it in a virtual machine

  2. Clone the Mina repository (if you have not done that already):

    git clone [email protected]:MinaProtocol/mina.git

    If you have already done that, remember that the MinaProtocol and o1-labs repositories do not accept the password authentication used by the https URLs. You must set GitHub repos to pull and push over ssh:

    git config --global url.ssh://[email protected]/.insteadOf
  3. Pull in the submodules:

    git submodule update --init --recursive

    If this command fails with [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). then you need to set up SSH keys on your machine. Follow the Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent instructions.

  4. Run:

    git config --local --add submodule.recurse true

Developer Setup (Docker)

You can build Mina using Docker. Using Docker works in any dev environment. See /dev.

Developer Setup (MacOS)

  1. Upgrade to the latest version of macOS.

  2. Install Xcode Command Line Tools:

    xcode-select --install
  3. Invoke make macos-setup.

    • When prompted, confirm that you want to add a number of exports in your shell config file.

    • Make sure to source your shell config file or create a new terminal.

    • If this is your first time using OCaml, be sure to run:

      eval $(opam config env)
  4. Install rustup.

  5. Create your switch with deps opam switch import --switch mina opam.export

    M1- and M2- operating systems experience issues because Homebrew does not link include files automatically.

    If you get an error about failing to find gmp.h, update your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc with:

    export CFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gmp/6.2.1_1/include/"

    or run:

    env CFLAGS="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gmp/6.2.1_1/include/" opam install conf-gmp.2

    If you get an error about failing to find lmdb.h, update your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc with:

    export CPATH="$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/include:$CPATH"
    export PATH="$(brew --prefix lmdb)/bin:$PATH"
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(brew --prefix lmdb)/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
    • Note:If you get conf-openssl install errors, try running export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(brew --prefix [email protected])/lib/pkgconfig and try opam switch import opam.export again.
    • If prompted, run opam user-setup install to enable opam-user-setup support for Merlin.
  6. Pin dependencies that override opam versions:

  7. Install the correct version of golang:

    • goenv init

    • To make sure the right goenv is used, update your shell env script with:

      eval "$(goenv init -)"
      export PATH="/Users/$USER/.goenv/shims:$PATH"
    • goenv install 1.18.10

    • goenv global 1.18.10

    • Check that the go version returns the right version, otherwise you see the message compile:version "go1.18.10" does not match go tool version "go1.20.2". If so, run brew remove go or get the matching version.

  8. Invoke make build.

    If you get errors about libp2p and capnp, try with brew install capnp.

  9. For better IDE support, install the OCaml-LSP language server for OCaml:

    opam install ocaml-lsp-server
  10. Set up your IDE. See Customizing your dev environment for autocomplete/merlin.

Developer Setup (Linux)


Mina has a variety of opam and system dependencies.

To get all of the required opam dependencies, run:

opam switch import opam.export

NOTE: The switch command provides a dune_wrapper binary that you can use instead of dune and fails early if your switch becomes out of sync with the opam.export file.

Some dependencies that are not taken from opam or integrated with dune must be added manually. Run the scripts/ script.

A number of C libraries are expected to be available in the system and are also listed in the Dockerfiles. Unlike most of the C libraries that are installed using apt in the Dockerfiles, the libraries for RocksDB are automatically installed when building Mina by using a dune rule in the library ocaml-rocksdb.

Setup Docker CE on Ubuntu

Customizing your dev environment for autocomplete/merlin

If you use vim, add this snippet in your .vimrc file to use Merlin. (Note:Be sure to change the HOME directory to match yours.)

let s:ocamlmerlin="/Users/USERNAME/.opam/4.14.0/share/merlin"
execute "set rtp+=".s:ocamlmerlin."/vim"
execute "set rtp+=".s:ocamlmerlin."/vimbufsync"
let g:syntastic_ocaml_checkers=['merlin']
  • In your home directory opam init

  • In this shell, eval $(opam config env)

  • Now /usr/bin/opam install merlin ocp-indent core async ppx_jane ppx_deriving (everything we depend on that you want autocompletes for) for doc reasons

  • Make sure you have au FileType ocaml set omnifunc=merlin#Complete in your .vimrc

  • Install an auto-completer (such as YouCompleteMe) and a syntastic (such syntastic or ALE)

  • If you use emacs, install the opam packages mentioned above and also install tuareg. Add the following to your .emacs file:

    (let ((opam-share (ignore-errors (car (process-lines "opam" "var" "share")))))
      (when (and opam-share (file-directory-p opam-share))
        ;; Register Merlin
        (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "emacs/site-lisp" opam-share))
        (load "tuareg-site-file")
        (autoload 'merlin-mode "merlin" nil t nil)
        ;; Automatically start it in OCaml buffers
        (add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook 'merlin-mode t)
        (add-hook 'caml-mode-hook 'merlin-mode t)))

    To use the Emacs built-in autocomplete, use M-x completion-at-point or M-tab. There are other Emacs autocompletion packages; see Emacs from scratch.

  • If you use VSCode, set up Merlin to work inside VSCode:

    • Make sure to be in the right switch (mina)
    • Add the OCaml Platform extension
    • You might get a prompt to install ocaml-lsp-server as well in the Sandbox
    • You might get a prompt to install ocamlformat-rpc as well in the Sandbox
    • Type "shell command:install code command in PATH"
    • Close all windows and instances of VSCode
    • From terminal, in your mina directory, run code .
    • Run dune build in the terminal inside VSCode

Running a node

The source code for the Mina node is located in src/app/cli/. After it is compiled, you can run the compiled binary like this:

dune exec src/app/cli/src/mina.exe -- daemon --libp2p-keypair /path/to/key

The results of a successful build appear in _build/default/src/app/cli/src/mina.exe.

The default configuration of the node depends on the build profile that is used during compilation. To connect to some networks, you need to compile the daemon with a specific profile.

Some setup is required:

Generate a key pair so that the daemon can create an account to issue blocks from using the same mina.exe binary:

dune exec src/app/cli/src/mina.exe -- libp2p generate-keypair --privkey-path /path/to/key

When prompted, enter a passphrase. During development, you can leave it blank for convenience, but using a passphrase is strongly encouraged when running a real node!

The running daemon expects to find this passphrase in an environment variable MINA_LIBP2P_PASS, which must be defined even if the passphrase is empty. The /path/to/key must belong to the user running the daemon. Set these filesystem permissions:

chmod 0600 /path/to/key
chmod 0700 /path/to

Additionally, you must provide a list of peers to connect to bootstrap the node. The list of peers depends on the network you want to connect to and is announced when the network is being launched. For Mainnet, the list of peers is available at:

The daemon.json config file also contains bootstrap data that is specific to the network the node is trying to connect to and must be tailored specifically for a particular network. This file can also override some of the configuration options selected during compilation. The daemon.json file can be extracted from the Docker image that is dedicated to running a particular network. If it's not located in the config directory, it can be pointed to with --config-file option.

The aforementioned bootstrap data includes the genesis ledger, i.e. the initial state of the blockchain. It is crucial for all the nodes on the network to have the same genesis ledger. While starting a new network, it is important that it contains at least one account possessing some funds. Otherwise, the network will not be able to bootstrap, as there will be no way to determine the next block producer.

When all of this setup is complete, you can launch the daemon. The following command assumes the key passphrase is set to pass:

MINA_LIBP2P_PASS=pass dune exec src/app/cli/src/mina.exe -- daemon --libp2p-keypair /path/to/key --peer-list-url https://example.peer.list --config-file /custom/path/to/daemon.json

The --seed flag tells the daemon to run a fresh network of its own. When this flag is used, specifying a peer list is not required, but is still possible. With --seed option the node does not crash, even if it does not manage to connect to any peers. To learn more, see the command line help:

dune exec src/app/cli/src/mina.exe -- -help

The command line help is the place to learn about other options to the Mina CLI and how to connect to an existing network, such as Mainnet.

Building debian package locally

Debian package can be build locally by using below commands:

  1. Build binaries
make build
  1. Build debian for mina-devet (example for ubuntu 18.04):
./scripts/debian/ daemon_devnet

Building docker locally


  • debian package previously built
  • aptly app


  1. Start local debian repository
./scripts/debian/ start -b -c focal -d _build/ -m unstable -l -p 8081

IMPORTANT: debians should be placed in _build folder

  1. Build docker:
./scripts/docker/ --service mina-daemon -v 3.0.0-dkijania-local-debian-build-a099fc7 --network devnet --deb-codename focal --deb-version 3.0.0-dkijania-local-debian-build-a099fc7 


-v - base docker tag --deb-codename - input debian codename (buster,bullseye etc.) --deb-version - version of debian which docker will host

Using the Makefile

The Makefile contains placeholder targets for all the common tasks that need to be done and automatically knows how to use Docker.

The most important make targets are:

  • build: build the Mina binary
  • build_intgtest: build the test_executive for running integration tests
  • libp2p_helper: build the libp2p_helper
  • reformat: automatically use ocamlformat to reformat the source files (use it if the hook fails during a commit)

We use the Dune build system for OCaml code.

Steps for adding a new OCaml dependency

OCaml dependencies live in the opam.export file. This file is machine generated and must not be modified.

To add a new dependency, you most likely will need to create a new fresh switch to avoid pushing in any local dependency (like ocaml-lsp). The following commands assume that the version of the OCaml compiler used in the codebase is 4.14.0:

opam switch create mina_fresh 4.14.0
opam switch import opam.export

After that, install your dependency. You might have to specify versions of current dependencies to avoid having to upgrade dependencies. For example:

opam install alcotest cmdliner=1.0.3 fmt=0.8.6

Then, run the following command to update the ocaml.export file:

opam switch export opam.export

Steps for adding a new OCaml pinned dependency

Rarely, you may edit one of our forked opam-pinned packages, or add a new system dependency (like libsodium). Some of the pinned packages are git submodules, others inhabit the git Mina repository.

If an existing pinned package is updated, either in the Mina repository or in the the submodule's repository, it is automatically re-pinned in CI.

If you add a new package in the Mina repository or as a submodule, you must do all of the following:

  1. Update scripts/ with the required commands for Darwin systems
  2. Update dockerfiles/stages/ with the required packages

Common Dune tasks

To run unit tests for a single library, do dune runtest lib/$LIBNAME.

You might see a build error like this:

Error: Files src/lib/mina_base/mina_base.objs/account.cmx
       and src/lib/mina_base/mina_base.objs/token_id.cmx
       make inconsistent assumptions over implementation Crypto_params

You can work around it with rm -r src/_build/default/src/$OFFENDING_PATH and a rebuild. Here, the offending path is src/lib/mina_base/mina_base.objs.

Overriding Genesis Constants

Mina genesis constants consists of constants for the consensus algorithm, sizes for various data structures like transaction pool, scan state, ledger, etc. All the constants can be set at compile-time. A subset of the compile-time constants can be overridden when generating the genesis state using runtime_genesis_ledger.exe. A subset of those constants can again be overridden at runtime by passing the new values to the daemon.

The constants at compile-time are set for different configurations using optional compilation. This is how integration tests and builds with multiple configurations are run. Some of these constants defined in cannot be changed after building and require creating a new build profile (\*.mlh files) for any change in the values.

1. Constants that can be overridden when generating the genesis state are:

  • k (consensus constant)
  • delta (consensus constant)
  • genesis_state_timestamp
  • transaction pool max size

To override these constants, pass a json file to runtime_genesis_ledger.exe with the format:

  "k": 10,
  "delta": 3,
  "txpool_max_size": 3000,
  "genesis_state_timestamp": "2020-04-20 11:00:00-07:00"

The exe then packages the overridden constants along with the genesis ledger and the genesis proof for the daemon to consume.

2. Constants that can be overridden at runtime are:

  • genesis_state_timestamp
  • transaction pool max size

To do this, pass a json file to the daemon using the flag genesis-constants with the format:

  "txpool_max_size": 3000,
  "genesis_state_timestamp": "2020-04-20 11:00:00-07:00"

The daemon logs reflect these changes and mina client status displays some of the constants.