This document contains a list of maintainers in this repo. See opensearch-project/.github/ that explains what the role of maintainer means, what maintainers do in this and other repos, and how they should be doing it. If you're interested in contributing, and becoming a maintainer, see CONTRIBUTING.
Maintainer | GitHub ID | Affiliation |
Tyler Ohlsen | ohltyler | Amazon |
Kaituo Li | kaituo | Amazon |
Jackie Han | jackiehanyang | Amazon |
Amit Galitzky | amitgalitz | Amazon |
Sean Zheng | sean-zheng-amazon | Amazon |
Dan Widdis | dbwiddis | Amazon |
Owais Kazi | owaiskazi19 | Amazon |
Josh Palis | joshpalis | Amazon |
Sudipto Guha | sudiptoguha | Amazon |
Maintainer | GitHub ID | Affiliation |
Yaliang | ylwu-amzn | Amazon |
Yizhe Liu | yizheliu-amazon | Amazon |
Vijayan Balasubramanian | VijayanB | Amazon |
Sarat Vemulapalli | saratvemulapalli | Amazon |