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Developer Guide

Forking and Cloning

Fork this repository on GitHub, and clone locally with git clone.

Install Prerequisites

JDK 14

OpenSearch components build using Java 14 at a minimum. This means you must have a JDK 14 installed with the environment variable JAVA_HOME referencing the path to Java home for your JDK 14 installation, e.g. JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-14.


  1. Clone the repository (see Forking and Cloning)
  2. Make sure JAVA_HOME is pointing to a Java 14 JDK (see Install Prerequisites)
  3. Launch Intellij IDEA, Choose Import Project and select the settings.gradle file in the root of this package.


This package uses the Gradle build system. Gradle comes with excellent documentation that should be your first stop when trying to figure out how to operate or modify the build. we also use the OpenSearch build tools for Gradle. These tools are idiosyncratic and don't always follow the conventions and instructions for building regular Java code using Gradle. Not everything in this package will work the way it's described in the Gradle documentation. If you encounter such a situation, the OpenSearch build tools source code is your best bet for figuring out what's going on.

Currently we just put RCF jar in lib as dependency. Plan to publish to Maven and we can import it later. Before publishing to Maven, you can still build this package directly and find source code in RCF Github package.

Building from the command line

  1. ./gradlew build builds and tests
  2. ./gradlew :run launches a single node cluster with anomaly-detection (and job-scheduler) plugin installed
  3. ./gradlew :integTest launches a single node cluster with anomaly-detection (and job-scheduler) plugin installed and runs all integration tests except security
  4. ./gradlew :integTest --tests="**.test execute foo" runs a single integration test class or method
  5. ./gradlew integTestRemote -Dtests.cluster=localhost:9200 -Dtests.clustername="docker-cluster" -Dhttps=true -Duser=admin -Dpassword=<admin-password> launches integration tests against a local cluster and run tests with security
  6. ./gradlew spotlessApply formats code. And/or import formatting rules in .eclipseformat.xml with IDE.
  7. ./gradlew adBwcCluster#mixedClusterTask launches a cluster with three nodes of bwc version of OpenSearch with anomaly-detection and job-scheduler and tests backwards compatibility by upgrading one of the nodes with the current version of OpenSearch with anomaly-detection and job-scheduler creating a mixed cluster.
  8. ./gradlew adBwcCluster#rollingUpgradeClusterTask launches a cluster with three nodes of bwc version of OpenSearch with anomaly-detection and job-scheduler and tests backwards compatibility by performing rolling upgrade of each node with the current version of OpenSearch with anomaly-detection and job-scheduler.
  9. ./gradlew adBwcCluster#fullRestartClusterTask launches a cluster with three nodes of bwc version of OpenSearch with anomaly-detection and job-scheduler and tests backwards compatibility by performing a full restart on the cluster upgrading all the nodes with the current version of OpenSearch with anomaly-detection and job-scheduler.
  10. ./gradlew bwcTestSuite runs all the above bwc tests combined.
  11. ./gradlew ':test' --tests "" -Dtests.seed=2AEBDBBAE75AC5E0 -Dtests.locale=es-CU -Dtests.timezone=Chile/EasterIsland -Dtest.logs=true -Dmodel-benchmark=true launches HCAD model performance tests and logs the result in the standard output
  12. ./gradlew integTest --tests "" -Dtests.seed=60CDDB34427ACD0C -Dtests.locale=kab-DZ -Dtests.timezone=Asia/Hebron -Dtest.logs=true -Dmodel-benchmark=true launches single stream AD model performance tests and logs the result in the standard output

When launching a cluster using one of the above commands logs are placed in /build/cluster/run node0/opensearch-<version>/logs. Though the logs are teed to the console, in practices it's best to check the actual log file.

Building from the IDE

Currently, the only IDE we support is IntelliJ IDEA. It's free, it's open source, it works. The gradle tasks above can also be launched from IntelliJ's Gradle toolbar and the extra parameters can be passed in via the Launch Configurations VM arguments.


Sometimes it's useful to attach a debugger to either the OpenSearch cluster or the integ tests to see what's going on. When running unit tests you can just hit 'Debug' from the IDE's gutter to debug the tests. To debug code running in an actual server run:

./gradlew :integTest --debug-jvm # to start a cluster and run integ tests
./gradlew :run --debug-jvm # to just start a cluster that can be debugged

The OpenSearch server JVM will launch suspended and wait for a debugger to attach to localhost:8000 before starting the OpenSearch server.

To debug code running in an integ test (which exercises the server from a separate JVM) run:

./gradlew -Dtest.debug :integTest 

The test runner JVM will start suspended and wait for a debugger to attach to localhost:5005 before running the tests.

Advanced: Launching multi node clusters locally

Sometimes you need to launch a cluster with more than one OpenSearch server process.

You can do this by running ./gradlew run -PnumNodes=<numberOfNodesYouWant>

You can also debug a multi-node cluster, by using a combination of above multi-node and debug steps. But, you must set up debugger configurations to listen on each port starting from 5005 and increasing by 1 for each node.


The Github workflow in backport.yml creates backport PRs automatically when the original PR with an appropriate label backport <backport-branch-name> is merged to main with the backport workflow run successfully on the PR. For example, if a PR on main needs to be backported to 1.x branch, add a label backport 1.x to the PR and make sure the backport workflow runs on the PR along with other checks. Once this PR is merged to main, the workflow will create a backport PR to the 1.x branch.

Gradle Plugins

Distribution Download Plugin

The Distribution Download plugin downloads the latest version of OpenSearch by default, and supports overriding this behavior by setting customDistributionUrl. This will help to pull artifacts from custom location for testing during release process.

./gradlew integTest -PcustomDistributionUrl=""