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Backfill Result Validation

Peter Nied edited this page Sep 19, 2024 · 8 revisions

After the backfill has been completed and the fleet has been stopped

Refresh the target cluster

Before examining the contents of the target cluster, it is recommended to run a _refresh and _flush on the target cluster. This will help ensure that the report and metrics of the cluster will be accurate portrayed.

Validate documents on target cluster

You can check the contents of the Target Cluster after the migration using the Console CLI:

console clusters cat-indices

Example cat-indices command output

health status index       uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green  open   my-index WJPVdHNyQ1KMKol84Cy72Q   1   0          8            0     44.7kb         44.7kb

health status index                        uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green  open   .opendistro_security         N3uy88FGT9eAO7FTbLqqqA   1   0         10            0     78.3kb         78.3kb

This will display the number of documents on each of the indices on the Target Cluster. It is further recommended to run some queries against the Target Cluster that mimic your production workflow and closely examine the results returned.

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