In this lab you will learn about how you can build service resilience and fault tolerance into the applications both at the infrastructure level using OpenShift capabilities as well as at the application level using circuit breakers to prevent cascading failures when downstream dependencies fail.
An application’s capacity for serving clients is bounded by the amount of computing power allocated to them and although it’s possible to increase the computing power per instance, it’s far easier to keep the application instances within reasonable sizes and instead add more instances to increase serving capacity. Traditionally, due to the stateful nature of most monolithic applications, increasing capacity had been achieved via scaling up the application server and the underlying virtual or physical machine by adding more cpu and memory (vertical scaling). Cloud-native apps however are stateless and can be easily scaled up by spinning up more application instances and load-balancing requests between those instances (horizontal scaling).
In previous labs, you learned how to build container images from your application code and deploy them on OpenShift. Container images on OpenShift follow the immutable server pattern which guarantees your application instances will always start from a known well-configured state and makes deploying instances a repeatable practice. Immutable server pattern simplifies scaling out application instances to starting a new instance which is guaranteed to be identical to the existing instances and adding it to the load-balancer.
Now, let’s use the oc scale
command to scale up the Web UI pod in the CoolStore retail
application to 2 instances. In OpenShift, deployment config is responsible for starting the
application pods and ensuring the specified number of instances for each application pod
is running. Therefore the number of pods you want to scale to should be defined on the
deployment config.
You can scale pods up and down via the OpenShift Web Console by clicking on the up and down arrows on the right side of each pods blue circle. |
First, get list of deployment configs available in the project.
$ oc project {{COOLSTORE_PROJECT}} $ oc get dc NAME REVISION DESIRED CURRENT TRIGGERED BY catalog 1 1 1 config,image(catalog:latest) gateway 1 1 1 config,image(gateway:latest) inventory 1 1 1 config,image(inventory:latest) web 1 1 1 config,image(web:latest)
And then, scale the web
deployment config to 2 pods:
$ oc scale dc/web --replicas=2
The --replicas
option specified the number of Web UI pods that should be running. If you look
at the OpenShift Web Console, you can see a new pod is being started for the Web UI and as soon
as the health probes pass, it will be automatically added to the load-balancer.
You can verify that the new pod is added to the load balancer by checking the details of the Web UI service object:
$ oc describe svc/web ... Endpoints:, ...
Endpoints shows the IPs of the 2 pods that the load-balancer is sending traffic to.
The load-balancer by default, sends the client to the same pod on consequent requests. The load-balancing strategy can be specified using an annotation on the route object. Run the following to change the load-balancing strategy to round robin: $ oc annotate route/web haproxy.router.openshift.io/balance=roundrobin |
Although scaling up and scaling down pods are automated and easy using OpenShift, however it still requires a person or a system to run a command or invoke an API call (to OpenShift REST API. Yup! there is a REST API for all OpenShift operations) to scale the applications. That in turn needs to be in response to some sort of increase to the application load and therefore the person or the system needs to be aware of how much load the application is handling at all times to make the scaling decision.
OpenShift automates this aspect of scaling as well via automatically scaling the application pods up and down within a specified min and max boundary based on the container metrics such as cpu and memory consumption. In that case, if there is a surge of users visiting the CoolStore online shop due to holiday season coming up or a good deal on a product, OpenShift would automatically add more pods to handle the increased load on the application and after the load goes back down, the application is automatically scaled down to free up compute resources.
In order to define auto-scaling for a pod, we should first define how much cpu and memory a pod is allowed to consume which will act as a guideline for OpenShift to know when to scale the pod up or down. Since the deployment config is used when starting the application pods, the application pod resource (cpu and memory) containers should also be defined on the deployment config.
When allocating compute resources to application pods, each container may specify a request and a limit value each for CPU and memory. The {{OPENSHIFT_DOCS_BASE}}/dev_guide/compute_resources.html#dev-memory-requests[request^] values define how much resource should be dedicated to an application pod so that it can run. It’s the minimum resources needed in other words. The {{OPENSHIFT_DOCS_BASE}}/dev_guide/compute_resources.html#dev-memory-limits[limit^] values defines how much resource an application pod is allowed to consume, if there is more resources on the node available than what the pod has requested. This is to allow various quality of service tiers with regards to compute resources. You can read more about these quality of service tiers in {{OPENSHIFT_DOCS_BASE}}/dev_guide/compute_resources.html#quality-of-service-tiers[OpenShift Documentation^].
Set the following resource constraints on the Web UI pod:
Memory Request: 256 Mi
Memory Limit: 512 Mi
CPU Request: 200 millicore
CPU Limit: 400 millicore
CPU is measured in units called millicores. Each node in a cluster inspects the operating system to determine the amount of CPU cores on the node, then multiplies that value by 1000 to express its total capacity. For example, if a node has 2 cores, the node’s CPU capacity would be represented as 2000m. If you wanted to use 1/10 of a single core, it would be represented as 100m. Memory is measured in bytes and is specified with {{OPENSHIFT_DOCS_BASE}}/dev_guide/compute_resources.html#dev-compute-resources[SI suffices^] (E, P, T, G, M, K) or their power-of-two-equivalents (Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki). |
$ oc set resources dc/web --limits=cpu=400m,memory=512Mi --requests=cpu=200m,memory=256Mi deploymentconfig "web" resource requirements updated
You can also use the OpenShift Web Console by clicking on Applications >> Deployments within the {{COOLSTORE_PROJECT}} project. Click then on web and from the Actions menu on the top-right, choose Edit Resource Limits. |
The pods get restarted automatically setting the new resource limits in effect. Now you can define an
autoscaler using oc autoscale
command to scale the Web UI pods up to 5 instances whenever
the CPU consumption passes 50% utilization:
You can configure an autoscaler using OpenShift Web Console by clicking on Applications >> Deployments within the {{COOLSTORE_PROJECT}} project. Click then on web and from the Actions menu on the top-right, choose Add Autoscaler or Edit Autoscaler, depending on whether or not you already have an autoscaler configured. |
$ oc autoscale dc/web --min 1 --max 5 --cpu-percent=40 deploymentconfig "web" autoscaled
All set! Now the Web UI can scale automatically to multiple instances if the load on the CoolStore
online store increases. You can verify that using for example the siege
command-line utility, which
is a handy tool for running load tests against web endpoints and is already
installed within your CodeReady Workspaces workspace.
Run the following command in the Terminal window.
$ siege -c80 -d2 -t5M http://web.{{COOLSTORE_PROJECT}}.svc.cluster.local:8080
> Make sure to use your dedicated project {{COOLSTORE_PROJECT}}
Note that you are using the internal url of the Web UI in this command. Since CodeReady Workspaces is running on the same OpenShift cluster as Web UI, you can choose to use the external URL that is exposed on the load balancer or the internal user which goes directly to the Web UI pod and bypasses the load balancer. You can read more about internal service dns names in {{OPENSHIFT_DOCS_BASE}}/architecture/networking/networking.html[OpenShift Docs^].
As the load is generated, you will notice that it will create a spike in the Web UI cpu usage and trigger the autoscaler to scale the Web UI container to 5 pods (as configured on the deployment config) to cope with the load.
Depending on the resources available on the OpenShift cluster in the lab environment, the Web UI might scale to fewer than 5 pods to handle the extra load. Run the command again to generate more load. |
You can see the aggregated cpu metrics graph of all 5 Web UI pods by going to the OpenShift Web Console and clicking on Monitoring and then the arrow (>) on the left side of web-n under Deployments.
When the load on Web UI disappears, after a while OpenShift scales the Web UI pods down to the minimum or whatever this needed to cope with the load at that point.
We looked at how to build more resilience into the applications through scaling in the previous sections. In this section, you will learn how to recover application pods when failures happen. In fact, you don’t need to do anything because OpenShift automatically recovers failed pods when pods are not feeling healthy. The healthiness of application pods is determined via the {{OPENSHIFT_DOCS_BASE}}/dev_guide/application_health.html#container-health-checks-using-probes[health probes^] which was discussed in the previous labs.
There are three auto-healing scenarios that OpenShift handles automatically:
Application Pod Temporary Failure: when an application pod fails and does not pass its {{OPENSHIFT_DOCS_BASE}}/dev_guide/application_health.html#container-health-checks-using-probes[liveness health probe^], OpenShift restarts the pod in order to give the application a chance to recover and start functioning again. Issues such as deadlocks, memory leaks, network disturbance and more are all examples of issues that can most likely be resolved by restarting the application despite the potential bug remaining in the application.
Application Pod Permanent Failure: when an application pod fails and does not pass its {{OPENSHIFT_DOCS_BASE}}/dev_guide/application_health.html#container-health-checks-using-probes[readiness health probe^], it signals that the failure is more severe and restart is unlikely to help to mitigate the issue. OpenShift then removes the application pod from the load-balancer to prevent sending traffic to it.
Application Pod Removal: if an instance of the application pods gets removed, OpenShift automatically starts new identical application pods based on the same container image and configuration so that the specified number of instances are running at all times. An example of a removed pod is when an entire node (virtual or physical machine) crashes and is removed from the cluster.
OpenShift is quite orderly in this regard and if extra instances of the application pod would start running, it would kill the extra pods so that the number of running instances matches what is configured on the deployment config. |
All of the above comes out-of-the-box and doesn’t need any extra configuration. Remove the Catalog pod to verify how OpenShift starts the pod again. First, check the Catalog pod that is running:
$ oc get pods -l deploymentconfig=catalog NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE catalog-3-xf111 1/1 Running 0 42m
The -l
options tells the command to list pods that have the deploymentconfig=catalog
assigned to them. You can see pods labels using oc get pods --show-labels
Delete the Catalog pod.
oc delete pods -l deploymentconfig=catalog
You need to be fast for this one! List the Catalog pods again immediately:
$ oc get pods -l deploymentconfig=catalog NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE catalog-3-5dx5d 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 1s catalog-3-xf111 0/1 Terminating 0 4m
As the Catalog pod is being deleted, OpenShift notices the lack of 1 pod and starts a new Catalog pod automatically.
In this lab so far you have been looking at how to make sure the application pod is running, can scale to accommodate user load and recovers from failures. However failures also happen in the downstream services that an application is dependent on. It’s not uncommon that the whole application fails or slows down because one of the downstream services consumed by the application is not responsive or responds slowly.
Circuit Breaker is a pattern to address this issue and while it became popular with microservice architecture, it’s a useful pattern for all applications that depend on other services.
The idea behind the circuit breaker is that you wrap the API calls to downstream services in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the service invocation fails a certain number of times, the circuit breaker flips open, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error or a fallback logic without making the call to the unresponsive API. After a certain period, the circuit breaker will allow a call to the downstream service to test the waters. If the call is successful, the circuit breaker closes and would call the downstream service on consequent calls.
Spring Boot and Thorntail provide convenient integration with Hystrix which is a framework that provides circuit breaker functionality. Eclipse Vert.x, in addition to integration with Hystrix, provides built-in support for circuit breakers.
Let’s take the Inventory service down and see what happens to the CoolStore online shop.
$ oc scale dc/inventory --replicas=0
Now point your browser at the Web UI route url.
You can find the Web UI route url in the OpenShift Web Console above the web pod or
using the oc get routes command.
Although only the Inventory service is down, there are no products displayed in the online store because the Inventory service call failure propagates and causes the entire API Gateway to blow up!
The CoolStore online shop cannot function without the products list, however the inventory status is not a crucial bit in the shopping experience. Let’s add a circuit breaker for calls to the Inventory service and provide a default inventory status when the Inventory service is not responsive.
In the gateway-vertx
project, open /projects/labs/gateway-vertx/src/main/java/com/redhat/cloudnative/gateway/GatewayVerticle.java
replace its code it with the following code:
package com.redhat.cloudnative.gateway;
import io.vertx.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerOptions;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.web.client.WebClientOptions;
import io.vertx.reactivex.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker;
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.AbstractVerticle;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.Router;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.RoutingContext;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.client.WebClient;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.client.predicate.ResponsePredicate;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.codec.BodyCodec;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.handler.CorsHandler;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.handler.StaticHandler;
import io.vertx.reactivex.servicediscovery.ServiceDiscovery;
import io.vertx.reactivex.servicediscovery.types.HttpEndpoint;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import io.reactivex.Observable;
import io.reactivex.Single;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class GatewayVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GatewayVerticle.class);
private WebClient catalog;
private WebClient inventory;
private CircuitBreaker circuit;
public void start() {
circuit = CircuitBreaker.create("inventory-circuit-breaker", vertx,
new CircuitBreakerOptions()
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
router.get("/health").handler(ctx -> ctx.response().end(new JsonObject().put("status", "UP").toString()));
ServiceDiscovery.create(vertx, discovery -> {
// Catalog lookup
Single<WebClient> catalogDiscoveryRequest = HttpEndpoint.rxGetWebClient(discovery,
rec -> rec.getName().equals("catalog"))
.onErrorReturn(t -> WebClient.create(vertx, new WebClientOptions()
.setDefaultHost(System.getProperty("catalog.api.host", "localhost"))
.setDefaultPort(Integer.getInteger("catalog.api.port", 9000))));
// Inventory lookup
Single<WebClient> inventoryDiscoveryRequest = HttpEndpoint.rxGetWebClient(discovery,
rec -> rec.getName().equals("inventory"))
.onErrorReturn(t -> WebClient.create(vertx, new WebClientOptions()
.setDefaultHost(System.getProperty("inventory.api.host", "localhost"))
.setDefaultPort(Integer.getInteger("inventory.api.port", 9001))));
// Zip all 3 requests
Single.zip(catalogDiscoveryRequest, inventoryDiscoveryRequest, (c, i) -> {
// When everything is done
catalog = c;
inventory = i;
return vertx.createHttpServer()
.listen(Integer.getInteger("http.port", 8080));
private void products(RoutingContext rc) {
// Retrieve catalog
.map(resp -> {
// Map the response to a list of JSON object
List<JsonObject> listOfProducts = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object product : resp.body()) {
return listOfProducts;
.flatMap(products -> {
// For each item from the catalog, invoke the inventory service
// and create a JsonArray containing all the results
return Observable.fromIterable(products)
.flatMapSingle(product ->
future ->
getAvailabilityFromInventory(product).subscribe(future::complete, future::fail),
error -> {
LOG.warn("Inventory error for {}: status code {}", product.getString("itemId"), error);
return product.copy();
.collect(JsonArray::new, JsonArray::add);
list -> rc.response().end(list.encodePrettily()),
error -> rc.response().setStatusCode(500).end(new JsonObject().put("error", error.getMessage()).toString())
private Single<JsonObject> getAvailabilityFromInventory(JsonObject product) {
// Retrieve the inventory for a given product
return inventory
.get("/api/inventory/" + product.getString("itemId"))
.map(resp -> {
if (resp.statusCode() != 200) {
LOG.warn("Inventory error for {}: status code {}",
product.getString("itemId"), resp.statusCode());
return product.copy();
return product.copy().put("availability",
new JsonObject().put("quantity", resp.body().getInteger("quantity")));
The above code is quite similar to the previous code however it wraps the calls to the Inventory
service in a CircuitBreaker
using the built-in circuit breaker in Vert.x. The circuit breaker
is configured to flip open after 3 failures and time out on the
calls after 1 second.
The circuit.rxExecuteCommandWithFallback(…)
method, defines the fallback logic for
when the circuit is open and logs an error without calling the Inventory service in those
Build and package the Gateway service using Maven by clicking on BUILD > build from the commands palette.
Although you can use the DEPLOY > fabric8:deploy from the commands palette, you
can also trigger a new container image build on OpenShift using
the oc start-build
command which allows you to build container images directly from the application
archives (jar
, war
, etc) without the need to have access to the source code for example by downloading
the jar
file form the Maven repository (e.g. Nexus or Artifactory).
$ oc start-build gateway-s2i --from-file=labs/gateway-vertx/target/gateway-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
As soon as the new gateway
container image is built, OpenShift deploys the new image automatically
thanks to the {{OPENSHIFT_DOCS_BASE}}/dev_guide/deployments/basic_deployment_operations.html#triggers[deployment triggers^]
defined on the gateway
deployment config.
Let’s try the Web UI again in the browser while the Inventory service is still down.
It looks better now! The Inventory service failure is contained and the inventory status is removed from the user interface and allows the CoolStore online shop to continue functioning and accept orders. Selling an out-of-stock product to a few customers can simply be resolved by a discount coupons while losing the trust of all visiting customers due to a crashed online store is not so easily repairable!
Scale the Inventory service back up before moving on to the next labs.
$ oc scale dc/inventory --replicas=1
Well done! Let’s move on to the next lab.