You have 2 things you can do:
- Either open an issue about a bug, feature request, page, or component,
- Or close an issue, by writing and/or implementing it in your own fork!
Figma Design Sheet
is here in case you want to take a look.
Bear in mind that it's still in development!
Firstly, install your dependencies!
yarn install
Next up, create yourself a .env
# .env
REACT_APP_API_URL = {your backend api url here}
Then you can do:
yarn start
for a development server, or
yarn run build
for building the project into static, deployable files.
Additionally, you can do
yarn run lint
to see formatting errors andyarn run lint:fix
to fix them. Don't worry if you forgot to lint your code! Someone will definitely fix it in another commit for you 😃
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
"eslint.validate": ["js"],
"editor.formatOnSave": true
/* eslint-disable */