An all-on-one machine OpenStack cloud can be useful for development of OpenStack projects, OpenStack Charms, or for exercising and testing the same.
This repository provides resources and processes to support deployment of OpenStack in LXD containers using Juju, a powerful application modelling tool.
Such a process is useful in developer scenarios where OpenStack can be deployed to a single laptop or server, provided of course that enough resources are available on the host machine.
These bundles, configurations, and processes can be customised to fit numerous development or test scenarios.
Given that the entire cloud will be running on a single machine, that chosen machine (henceforth known as the "host") is expected to be well resourced in terms of CPU, memory, and storage backend. The resources available to the host will dictate the deploy time of the cloud.
The below specifications are considered sufficient to deploy the cloud (does not include workloads):
- 16 GiB memory
- 4 CPU cores (minimally i5 gen.)
It is important to have a fast disk subsystem. This can be achieved in various ways:
- dedicated SSD block device
- traditional RAID array
- ZFS pool backed by multiple block devices
- btrfs array backed by multiple block devices
Currently it is not possible to run Cinder with iSCSI/LVM based storage under LXD. This limits block storage solutions to those that reside within userspace, such as Ceph.
This section describes the networking environment that will be used in this example cloud.
The LXD network definition is summarised in this table:
value | comment | |
LXD bridge name | lxdbr0 | Can also denote the network |
LXD network address | | -- |
LXD bridge address | | -- |
LXD DHCP range | -> | Cloud node addresses |
Other network parameters:
The OpenStack floating IP range is ->
. -
The OpenStack internal network address is
and its IP range is192.168.20.10 ->
. -
IPv6 will be disabled on the container DHCP network (undercloud) as it can interfere with the host network (overcloud).
Jumbo frames will be enabled for network connections into the containers. This will help avoid packet fragmentation type problems that can occur with overlay networks (overcloud and undercloud).
Install Juju and the OpenStack CLI clients on the host:
sudo snap install juju --classic
sudo snap install openstackclients --classic
Install ZFS if you will be using it to manage pools outside of LXD:
sudo apt install zfsutils-linux
Note: On Bionic, LXD is installed by default via apt packages, yet it is recommended to use the snap. Providing you are not using the apt-based LXD, install the snap and remove the packages:
sudo snap install lxd
sudo apt purge liblxc1 lxcfs lxd lxd-client
The snap also includes a tool to migrate containers over from the apt-based
deployment: sudo lxd.migrate
. Once done it will offer to remove the old
Note: Ubuntu releases that are more recent than Bionic ship with LXD installed as a snap. There is nothing to do regarding LXD installation on these releases.
Download this repository:
git clone ~/openstack-on-lxd
OpenStack on LXD requires many thousands of file handles and the default kernel
thresholds should be increased accordingly. Not doing so may lead to issues
such as "too many open files". Kernel options should therefore be set as per
the LXD production setup guide, specifically those related to the
file. Note that swap usage will also be turned down to a
very low level.
Tip: Make a copy of file
before making changes so you can easily revert back to the original configuration.
Change the kernel's behaviour in real-time like this:
echo fs.inotify.max_queued_events=1048576 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo fs.inotify.max_user_instances=1048576 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1048576 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo vm.max_map_count=262144 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
#echo vm.swappiness=1 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p
LXD needs to be initialised and configured:
lxd init --auto
If the above fails, ensure your user is recognised as a member of the 'lxd'
group by issuing the newgrp lxd
Note: An interactive user session will result if the
option is omitted.
Configure the LXD network as described earlier:
lxc network set lxdbr0 ipv4.address
lxc network set lxdbr0 ipv4.dhcp.ranges
lxc network set lxdbr0 bridge.mtu 9000
lxc network unset lxdbr0 ipv6.address
lxc network unset lxdbr0 ipv6.nat
The third command enables Jumbo frames for the host's lxdbr0 bridge. We will later configure Jumbo frames for containers by updating the LXD profile that Juju will use when creating them.
Optionally set up a ZFS storage backend. For example, to do this for a pool called 'lxd-zfs' that spans three unused block devices:
sudo zpool create lxd-zfs sdb sdc sdd
lxc storage create lxd-zfs zfs source=lxd-zfs
The LXD network configuration can be viewed with the command :command:lxc network show lxdbr0
It is recommended to verify that LXD itself is in good working order before continuing. Do this by creating a test container ('focal-1'), issuing a remote command on it, and then removing the container.
lxc launch ubuntu-daily:focal focal-1
lxc exec focal-1 whoami
lxc delete -f focal-1
Create a Juju controller based on the 'lxd' cloud type to manage the deployment:
juju bootstrap localhost lxd
This will also create the model 'default' and the corresponding LXD profile 'juju-default'. These will respectively be used to contain and configure the cloud containers.
Tip: An APT proxy, such as
, can be used to improve cloud installation performance. Define the proxy setting for the container 'default' model with the commandjuju model-config -m default apt-http-proxy=http://<host>:<port>
. See the Juju proxy documentation for guidance.
Update the 'juju-default' profile with the help of file lxd-profile.yaml
provided by the repository downloaded earlier:
cd ~/openstack-on-lxd
cat lxd-profile.yaml | lxc profile edit juju-default
This will ensure that the containers will have the permissions they need for a successful OpenStack deployment. It will also complete the enablement of Jumbo frames for the containers.
You will also need to update this profile if you are using ZFS. In this example deployment, the 'lxd-zfs' pool was previously set up:
lxc profile device set juju-default root pool=lxd-zfs
The resulting profile can be viewed with the command lxc profile show juju-default
Note: There is nothing special about the Juju 'default' model nor the LXD 'juju-default' profile. For instance, you can create the model 'victoria' and then update the auto-created profile with
juju add-model victoria
andcat lxd-profile.yaml | lxc profile edit juju-victoria
The bundles are located in the ~/openstack-on-lxd
directory. Choose one
that is appropriate for the host's architecture.
For amd64, arm64, and ppc64el the bundle filenames are of this format:
For s390x the bundle filenames have the '-s390x' suffix appended:
There are also some OVN-specific bundles.
As an example, if the host is amd64 and we want to deploy OpenStack Victoria running on Focal containers the following bundle will be selected:
Important: Starting with OpenStack Train, Ceph Mimic will be used in the bundles until a solution has been devised to address the dropping of directory backed OSD support in Ceph Nautilus. See bug GH #72.
Deploy the cloud now. Using our above example:
cd ~/openstack-on-lxd
juju deploy ./bundle-focal-victoria.yaml
You can watch deployment progress with the command watch -n 5 -c juju status --color
. This will take a while to complete.
It is normal for the ceilometer application to be blocked at the end of the process. Overcome this with an action:
juju run-action --wait ceilometer/0 ceilometer-upgrade
At this time it is recommended to verify that you can successfully query the cloud's resources. Begin by sourcing the supplied init file:
source openrcv3_project
openstack catalog list
openstack service list
openstack network agent list
openstack volume service list
You'll need to import a boot image into Glance in order to create instances. The image architecture should match that of the host. Here we import a Focal amd64 image and call it 'focal-amd64':
curl | \
openstack image create --public --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 \
Images for other Ubuntu releases and architectures can be obtained in a similar way, but for the ARM 64-bit (arm64) architecture you will need to configure the image to boot in UEFI mode:
curl | \
openstack image create --public --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 \
--property hw_firmware_type=uefi focal-arm64
Note: If you are using a ZFS storage backend, the nova-compute charm's
option is automatically disabled for OpenStack Pike and later. Be aware that using this setting in a production environment is discouraged as it may have an impact on performance.
First, create the external network 'ext_net' and external subnet 'ext_subnet' which map directly to the LXD bridge:
openstack network create ext_net --external --share --default \
--provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network physnet1
openstack subnet create ext_subnet --allocation-pool start=,end= \
--subnet-range --no-dhcp --gateway --network ext_net
Then create the internal network 'int_net' and internal subnet 'int_subnet' for the instances to attach to:
openstack network create int_net --internal
openstack subnet create int_subnet \
--allocation-pool start=,end= \
--subnet-range \
--gateway --dns-nameserver \
--network int_net
Finally, connect the internal and external networks by means of router 'router1':
openstack router create router1
openstack router add subnet router1 int_subnet
openstack router set router1 --external-gateway ext_net
Create at least one flavor to define a hardware profile for new instances. Here we create one called 'm1.tiny':
openstack flavor create --public --ram 512 --disk 5 --ephemeral 0 --vcpus 1 m1.tiny
An SSH keypair needs to be imported into the cloud in order to access your instances.
Generate one first if you do not yet have one. This command creates a
passphraseless keypair (remove the -N
option to avoid that):
ssh-keygen -q -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_mykey
To import a keypair called 'mykey':
openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/ mykey
Allow ICMP (ping) and SSH traffic to flow to cloud instances by creating corresponding rules for each default security group:
for i in $(openstack security group list | awk '/default/{ print $2 }'); do
openstack security group rule create $i --protocol icmp --remote-ip;
openstack security group rule create $i --protocol tcp --remote-ip --dst-port 22;
You only need to perform this step once.
Note: For OpenStack on LXD, if the host is PowerNV (ppc64el) you will need to disable
manually before creating instances:
juju ssh nova-compute/0 sudo ppc64_cpu --smt=off
Create a Bionic instance called 'bionic-1' using the 'bionic-amd64' image and the 'm1.tiny' flavor:
NET_ID=$(openstack network show int_net -f value -c id)
openstack server create --image bionic-amd64 --flavor m1.tiny --key-name mykey \
--network=$NET_ID bionic-1
This step is optional.
To create a 10GiB volume called 'vol-10g' in Cinder and attach it to instance 'bionic-1':
openstack volume create --size=10 vol-10g
openstack server add volume bionic-1 vol-10g
openstack volume show vol-10g
The volume becomes immediately available to the instance. It will however need to be formatted and mounted before usage.
Request a floating IP address and assign it to instance 'bionic-1':
FLOATING_IP=$(openstack floating ip create -f value -c floating_ip_address ext_net)
openstack server add floating ip bionic-1 $FLOATING_IP
Log in to an instance by connecting to its floating IP address:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_mykey ubuntu@$FLOATING_IP
Here are a few troubleshooting tips if the SSH connection fails:
Ensure that the instance has booted correctly with :command:
openstack console log show <instance-name>
. -
Ensure that the metadata service is running with :command:
openstack network agent list
There are two web UIs available out of the box. These are the OpenStack dashboard and the Juju dashboard.
To access the OpenStack dashboard you'll need to determine its IP address and the admin user's credentials. These two commands will provide them, respectively:
juju status openstack-dashboard | grep -A1 'Public address'
juju run --unit keystone/leader 'leader-get admin_passwd'
Our example cloud yields an address of ''.
Point your browser at the below URL and use the credentials (use your own IP address):
domain: admin_domain
user: admin
password: ??????????
If the host is remote you can use SSH local port forwarding to access it (use your own IP address):
ssh -N -L 10080: <remote-host>
The URL then becomes: http://localhost:10080/horizon
To access the Juju dashboard you'll need to determine its URL and credentials. Do so like this:
juju dashboard
Our example cloud shows:
Dashboard 0.1.7 for controller "lxd" is enabled at:
Your login credential is:
username: admin
password: 86f650892c26180a6bf2a116fb7df486
If the host is remote you can use SSH local port forwarding to access it (use your own IP address):
ssh -N -L 10070: <remote-host>
The URL then becomes: https://localhost:10070/dashboard