+ errorSpan.text(err.message);
+ $el.after(errorSpan);
+ }
+ } else if (display === "block") {
+ // If block, add an error just after the el, set visibility:none on the
+ // el, and position the error to be on top of the el.
+ // Mark it with a unique ID and CSS class so we can remove it later.
+ $el.css("visibility", "hidden");
+ if (err.message !== "") {
+ var errorDiv = $("").addClass(errClass).css("position", "absolute")
+ .css("top", el.offsetTop)
+ .css("left", el.offsetLeft)
+ // setting width can push out the page size, forcing otherwise
+ // unnecessary scrollbars to appear and making it impossible for
+ // the element to shrink; so use max-width instead
+ .css("maxWidth", el.offsetWidth)
+ .css("height", el.offsetHeight);
+ errorDiv.text(err.message);
+ $el.after(errorDiv);
+ // Really dumb way to keep the size/position of the error in sync with
+ // the parent element as the window is resized or whatever.
+ var intId = setInterval(function() {
+ if (!errorDiv[0].parentElement) {
+ clearInterval(intId);
+ return;
+ }
+ errorDiv
+ .css("top", el.offsetTop)
+ .css("left", el.offsetLeft)
+ .css("maxWidth", el.offsetWidth)
+ .css("height", el.offsetHeight);
+ }, 500);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ clearError: function(el) {
+ var $el = $(el);
+ var display = $el.data("restore-display-mode");
+ $el.data("restore-display-mode", null);
+ if (display === "inline" || display === "inline-block") {
+ if (display)
+ $el.css("display", display);
+ $(el.nextSibling).filter(".htmlwidgets-error").remove();
+ } else if (display === "block"){
+ $el.css("visibility", "inherit");
+ $(el.nextSibling).filter(".htmlwidgets-error").remove();
+ }
+ },
+ sizing: {}
+ };
+ // Called by widget bindings to register a new type of widget. The definition
+ // object can contain the following properties:
+ // - name (required) - A string indicating the binding name, which will be
+ // used by default as the CSS classname to look for.
+ // - initialize (optional) - A function(el) that will be called once per
+ // widget element; if a value is returned, it will be passed as the third
+ // value to renderValue.
+ // - renderValue (required) - A function(el, data, initValue) that will be
+ // called with data. Static contexts will cause this to be called once per
+ // element; Shiny apps will cause this to be called multiple times per
+ // element, as the data changes.
+ window.HTMLWidgets.widget = function(definition) {
+ if (!definition.name) {
+ throw new Error("Widget must have a name");
+ }
+ if (!definition.type) {
+ throw new Error("Widget must have a type");
+ }
+ // Currently we only support output widgets
+ if (definition.type !== "output") {
+ throw new Error("Unrecognized widget type '" + definition.type + "'");
+ }
+ // TODO: Verify that .name is a valid CSS classname
+ // Support new-style instance-bound definitions. Old-style class-bound
+ // definitions have one widget "object" per widget per type/class of
+ // widget; the renderValue and resize methods on such widget objects
+ // take el and instance arguments, because the widget object can't
+ // store them. New-style instance-bound definitions have one widget
+ // object per widget instance; the definition that's passed in doesn't
+ // provide renderValue or resize methods at all, just the single method
+ // factory(el, width, height)
+ // which returns an object that has renderValue(x) and resize(w, h).
+ // This enables a far more natural programming style for the widget
+ // author, who can store per-instance state using either OO-style
+ // instance fields or functional-style closure variables (I guess this
+ // is in contrast to what can only be called C-style pseudo-OO which is
+ // what we required before).
+ if (definition.factory) {
+ definition = createLegacyDefinitionAdapter(definition);
+ }
+ if (!definition.renderValue) {
+ throw new Error("Widget must have a renderValue function");
+ }
+ // For static rendering (non-Shiny), use a simple widget registration
+ // scheme. We also use this scheme for Shiny apps/documents that also
+ // contain static widgets.
+ window.HTMLWidgets.widgets = window.HTMLWidgets.widgets || [];
+ // Merge defaults into the definition; don't mutate the original definition.
+ var staticBinding = extend({}, defaults, definition);
+ overrideMethod(staticBinding, "find", function(superfunc) {
+ return function(scope) {
+ var results = superfunc(scope);
+ // Filter out Shiny outputs, we only want the static kind
+ return filterByClass(results, "html-widget-output", false);
+ };
+ });
+ window.HTMLWidgets.widgets.push(staticBinding);
+ if (shinyMode) {
+ // Shiny is running. Register the definition with an output binding.
+ // The definition itself will not be the output binding, instead
+ // we will make an output binding object that delegates to the
+ // definition. This is because we foolishly used the same method
+ // name (renderValue) for htmlwidgets definition and Shiny bindings
+ // but they actually have quite different semantics (the Shiny
+ // bindings receive data that includes lots of metadata that it
+ // strips off before calling htmlwidgets renderValue). We can't
+ // just ignore the difference because in some widgets it's helpful
+ // to call this.renderValue() from inside of resize(), and if
+ // we're not delegating, then that call will go to the Shiny
+ // version instead of the htmlwidgets version.
+ // Merge defaults with definition, without mutating either.
+ var bindingDef = extend({}, defaults, definition);
+ // This object will be our actual Shiny binding.
+ var shinyBinding = new Shiny.OutputBinding();
+ // With a few exceptions, we'll want to simply use the bindingDef's
+ // version of methods if they are available, otherwise fall back to
+ // Shiny's defaults. NOTE: If Shiny's output bindings gain additional
+ // methods in the future, and we want them to be overrideable by
+ // HTMLWidget binding definitions, then we'll need to add them to this
+ // list.
+ delegateMethod(shinyBinding, bindingDef, "getId");
+ delegateMethod(shinyBinding, bindingDef, "onValueChange");
+ delegateMethod(shinyBinding, bindingDef, "onValueError");
+ delegateMethod(shinyBinding, bindingDef, "renderError");
+ delegateMethod(shinyBinding, bindingDef, "clearError");
+ delegateMethod(shinyBinding, bindingDef, "showProgress");
+ // The find, renderValue, and resize are handled differently, because we
+ // want to actually decorate the behavior of the bindingDef methods.
+ shinyBinding.find = function(scope) {
+ var results = bindingDef.find(scope);
+ // Only return elements that are Shiny outputs, not static ones
+ var dynamicResults = results.filter(".html-widget-output");
+ // It's possible that whatever caused Shiny to think there might be
+ // new dynamic outputs, also caused there to be new static outputs.
+ // Since there might be lots of different htmlwidgets bindings, we
+ // schedule execution for later--no need to staticRender multiple
+ // times.
+ if (results.length !== dynamicResults.length)
+ scheduleStaticRender();
+ return dynamicResults;
+ };
+ // Wrap renderValue to handle initialization, which unfortunately isn't
+ // supported natively by Shiny at the time of this writing.
+ shinyBinding.renderValue = function(el, data) {
+ Shiny.renderDependencies(data.deps);
+ // Resolve strings marked as javascript literals to objects
+ if (!(data.evals instanceof Array)) data.evals = [data.evals];
+ for (var i = 0; data.evals && i < data.evals.length; i++) {
+ window.HTMLWidgets.evaluateStringMember(data.x, data.evals[i]);
+ }
+ if (!bindingDef.renderOnNullValue) {
+ if (data.x === null) {
+ el.style.visibility = "hidden";
+ return;
+ } else {
+ el.style.visibility = "inherit";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!elementData(el, "initialized")) {
+ initSizing(el);
+ elementData(el, "initialized", true);
+ if (bindingDef.initialize) {
+ var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+ var result = bindingDef.initialize(el, rect.width, rect.height);
+ elementData(el, "init_result", result);
+ }
+ }
+ bindingDef.renderValue(el, data.x, elementData(el, "init_result"));
+ evalAndRun(data.jsHooks.render, elementData(el, "init_result"), [el, data.x]);
+ };
+ // Only override resize if bindingDef implements it
+ if (bindingDef.resize) {
+ shinyBinding.resize = function(el, width, height) {
+ // Shiny can call resize before initialize/renderValue have been
+ // called, which doesn't make sense for widgets.
+ if (elementData(el, "initialized")) {
+ bindingDef.resize(el, width, height, elementData(el, "init_result"));
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ Shiny.outputBindings.register(shinyBinding, bindingDef.name);
+ }
+ };
+ var scheduleStaticRenderTimerId = null;
+ function scheduleStaticRender() {
+ if (!scheduleStaticRenderTimerId) {
+ scheduleStaticRenderTimerId = setTimeout(function() {
+ scheduleStaticRenderTimerId = null;
+ window.HTMLWidgets.staticRender();
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Render static widgets after the document finishes loading
+ // Statically render all elements that are of this widget's class
+ window.HTMLWidgets.staticRender = function() {
+ var bindings = window.HTMLWidgets.widgets || [];
+ forEach(bindings, function(binding) {
+ var matches = binding.find(document.documentElement);
+ forEach(matches, function(el) {
+ var sizeObj = initSizing(el, binding);
+ var getSize = function(el) {
+ if (sizeObj) {
+ return {w: sizeObj.getWidth(), h: sizeObj.getHeight()}
+ } else {
+ var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return {w: rect.width, h: rect.height}
+ }
+ };
+ if (hasClass(el, "html-widget-static-bound"))
+ return;
+ el.className = el.className + " html-widget-static-bound";
+ var initResult;
+ if (binding.initialize) {
+ var size = getSize(el);
+ initResult = binding.initialize(el, size.w, size.h);
+ elementData(el, "init_result", initResult);
+ }
+ if (binding.resize) {
+ var lastSize = getSize(el);
+ var resizeHandler = function(e) {
+ var size = getSize(el);
+ if (size.w === 0 && size.h === 0)
+ return;
+ if (size.w === lastSize.w && size.h === lastSize.h)
+ return;
+ lastSize = size;
+ binding.resize(el, size.w, size.h, initResult);
+ };
+ on(window, "resize", resizeHandler);
+ // This is needed for cases where we're running in a Shiny
+ // app, but the widget itself is not a Shiny output, but
+ // rather a simple static widget. One example of this is
+ // an rmarkdown document that has runtime:shiny and widget
+ // that isn't in a render function. Shiny only knows to
+ // call resize handlers for Shiny outputs, not for static
+ // widgets, so we do it ourselves.
+ if (window.jQuery) {
+ window.jQuery(document).on(
+ "shown.htmlwidgets shown.bs.tab.htmlwidgets shown.bs.collapse.htmlwidgets",
+ resizeHandler
+ );
+ window.jQuery(document).on(
+ "hidden.htmlwidgets hidden.bs.tab.htmlwidgets hidden.bs.collapse.htmlwidgets",
+ resizeHandler
+ );
+ }
+ // This is needed for the specific case of ioslides, which
+ // flips slides between display:none and display:block.
+ // Ideally we would not have to have ioslide-specific code
+ // here, but rather have ioslides raise a generic event,
+ // but the rmarkdown package just went to CRAN so the
+ // window to getting that fixed may be long.
+ if (window.addEventListener) {
+ // It's OK to limit this to window.addEventListener
+ // browsers because ioslides itself only supports
+ // such browsers.
+ on(document, "slideenter", resizeHandler);
+ on(document, "slideleave", resizeHandler);
+ }
+ }
+ var scriptData = document.querySelector("script[data-for='" + el.id + "'][type='application/json']");
+ if (scriptData) {
+ var data = JSON.parse(scriptData.textContent || scriptData.text);
+ // Resolve strings marked as javascript literals to objects
+ if (!(data.evals instanceof Array)) data.evals = [data.evals];
+ for (var k = 0; data.evals && k < data.evals.length; k++) {
+ window.HTMLWidgets.evaluateStringMember(data.x, data.evals[k]);
+ }
+ binding.renderValue(el, data.x, initResult);
+ evalAndRun(data.jsHooks.render, initResult, [el, data.x]);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ invokePostRenderHandlers();
+ }
+ function has_jQuery3() {
+ if (!window.jQuery) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var $version = window.jQuery.fn.jquery;
+ var $major_version = parseInt($version.split(".")[0]);
+ return $major_version >= 3;
+ }
+ /*
+ / Shiny 1.4 bumped jQuery from 1.x to 3.x which means jQuery's
+ / on-ready handler (i.e., $(fn)) is now asyncronous (i.e., it now
+ / really means $(setTimeout(fn)).
+ / https://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/3.0/#breaking-change-document-ready-handlers-are-now-asynchronous
+ /
+ / Since Shiny uses $() to schedule initShiny, shiny>=1.4 calls initShiny
+ / one tick later than it did before, which means staticRender() is
+ / called renderValue() earlier than (advanced) widget authors might be expecting.
+ / https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/2630
+ /
+ / For a concrete example, leaflet has some methods (e.g., updateBounds)
+ / which reference Shiny methods registered in initShiny (e.g., setInputValue).
+ / Since leaflet is privy to this life-cycle, it knows to use setTimeout() to
+ / delay execution of those methods (until Shiny methods are ready)
+ / https://github.com/rstudio/leaflet/blob/18ec981/javascript/src/index.js#L266-L268
+ /
+ / Ideally widget authors wouldn't need to use this setTimeout() hack that
+ / leaflet uses to call Shiny methods on a staticRender(). In the long run,
+ / the logic initShiny should be broken up so that method registration happens
+ / right away, but binding happens later.
+ */
+ function maybeStaticRenderLater() {
+ if (shinyMode && has_jQuery3()) {
+ window.jQuery(window.HTMLWidgets.staticRender);
+ } else {
+ window.HTMLWidgets.staticRender();
+ }
+ }
+ if (document.addEventListener) {
+ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
+ document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", arguments.callee, false);
+ maybeStaticRenderLater();
+ }, false);
+ } else if (document.attachEvent) {
+ document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() {
+ if (document.readyState === "complete") {
+ document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee);
+ maybeStaticRenderLater();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ window.HTMLWidgets.getAttachmentUrl = function(depname, key) {
+ // If no key, default to the first item
+ if (typeof(key) === "undefined")
+ key = 1;
+ var link = document.getElementById(depname + "-" + key + "-attachment");
+ if (!link) {
+ throw new Error("Attachment " + depname + "/" + key + " not found in document");
+ }
+ return link.getAttribute("href");
+ };
+ window.HTMLWidgets.dataframeToD3 = function(df) {
+ var names = [];
+ var length;
+ for (var name in df) {
+ if (df.hasOwnProperty(name))
+ names.push(name);
+ if (typeof(df[name]) !== "object" || typeof(df[name].length) === "undefined") {
+ throw new Error("All fields must be arrays");
+ } else if (typeof(length) !== "undefined" && length !== df[name].length) {
+ throw new Error("All fields must be arrays of the same length");
+ }
+ length = df[name].length;
+ }
+ var results = [];
+ var item;
+ for (var row = 0; row < length; row++) {
+ item = {};
+ for (var col = 0; col < names.length; col++) {
+ item[names[col]] = df[names[col]][row];
+ }
+ results.push(item);
+ }
+ return results;
+ };
+ window.HTMLWidgets.transposeArray2D = function(array) {
+ if (array.length === 0) return array;
+ var newArray = array[0].map(function(col, i) {
+ return array.map(function(row) {
+ return row[i]
+ })
+ });
+ return newArray;
+ };
+ // Split value at splitChar, but allow splitChar to be escaped
+ // using escapeChar. Any other characters escaped by escapeChar
+ // will be included as usual (including escapeChar itself).
+ function splitWithEscape(value, splitChar, escapeChar) {
+ var results = [];
+ var escapeMode = false;
+ var currentResult = "";
+ for (var pos = 0; pos < value.length; pos++) {
+ if (!escapeMode) {
+ if (value[pos] === splitChar) {
+ results.push(currentResult);
+ currentResult = "";
+ } else if (value[pos] === escapeChar) {
+ escapeMode = true;
+ } else {
+ currentResult += value[pos];
+ }
+ } else {
+ currentResult += value[pos];
+ escapeMode = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentResult !== "") {
+ results.push(currentResult);
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ // Function authored by Yihui/JJ Allaire
+ window.HTMLWidgets.evaluateStringMember = function(o, member) {
+ var parts = splitWithEscape(member, '.', '\\');
+ for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var part = parts[i];
+ // part may be a character or 'numeric' member name
+ if (o !== null && typeof o === "object" && part in o) {
+ if (i == (l - 1)) { // if we are at the end of the line then evalulate
+ if (typeof o[part] === "string")
+ o[part] = tryEval(o[part]);
+ } else { // otherwise continue to next embedded object
+ o = o[part];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Retrieve the HTMLWidget instance (i.e. the return value of an
+ // HTMLWidget binding's initialize() or factory() function)
+ // associated with an element, or null if none.
+ window.HTMLWidgets.getInstance = function(el) {
+ return elementData(el, "init_result");
+ };
+ // Finds the first element in the scope that matches the selector,
+ // and returns the HTMLWidget instance (i.e. the return value of
+ // an HTMLWidget binding's initialize() or factory() function)
+ // associated with that element, if any. If no element matches the
+ // selector, or the first matching element has no HTMLWidget
+ // instance associated with it, then null is returned.
+ //
+ // The scope argument is optional, and defaults to window.document.
+ window.HTMLWidgets.find = function(scope, selector) {
+ if (arguments.length == 1) {
+ selector = scope;
+ scope = document;
+ }
+ var el = scope.querySelector(selector);
+ if (el === null) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return window.HTMLWidgets.getInstance(el);
+ }
+ };
+ // Finds all elements in the scope that match the selector, and
+ // returns the HTMLWidget instances (i.e. the return values of
+ // an HTMLWidget binding's initialize() or factory() function)
+ // associated with the elements, in an array. If elements that
+ // match the selector don't have an associated HTMLWidget
+ // instance, the returned array will contain nulls.
+ //
+ // The scope argument is optional, and defaults to window.document.
+ window.HTMLWidgets.findAll = function(scope, selector) {
+ if (arguments.length == 1) {
+ selector = scope;
+ scope = document;
+ }
+ var nodes = scope.querySelectorAll(selector);
+ var results = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+ results.push(window.HTMLWidgets.getInstance(nodes[i]));
+ }
+ return results;
+ };
+ var postRenderHandlers = [];
+ function invokePostRenderHandlers() {
+ while (postRenderHandlers.length) {
+ var handler = postRenderHandlers.shift();
+ if (handler) {
+ handler();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Register the given callback function to be invoked after the
+ // next time static widgets are rendered.
+ window.HTMLWidgets.addPostRenderHandler = function(callback) {
+ postRenderHandlers.push(callback);
+ };
+ // Takes a new-style instance-bound definition, and returns an
+ // old-style class-bound definition. This saves us from having
+ // to rewrite all the logic in this file to accomodate both
+ // types of definitions.
+ function createLegacyDefinitionAdapter(defn) {
+ var result = {
+ name: defn.name,
+ type: defn.type,
+ initialize: function(el, width, height) {
+ return defn.factory(el, width, height);
+ },
+ renderValue: function(el, x, instance) {
+ return instance.renderValue(x);
+ },
+ resize: function(el, width, height, instance) {
+ return instance.resize(width, height);
+ }
+ };
+ if (defn.find)
+ result.find = defn.find;
+ if (defn.renderError)
+ result.renderError = defn.renderError;
+ if (defn.clearError)
+ result.clearError = defn.clearError;
+ return result;
+ }
diff --git a/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-0.0.1/hover.js b/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-0.0.1/hover.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..073e7c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-0.0.1/hover.js
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// create element
+function newlabel(el){
+ var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ var newSpan = document.createElement("span");
+ newDiv.id = 'wcLabel';
+ newSpan.id = "wcSpan";
+ el.appendChild(newDiv);
+ document.getElementById("wcLabel").appendChild(newSpan);
+// hover function
+function cv_handleHover(item, dimension, evt) {
+ var el = document.getElementById("wcLabel");
+ if (!item) {
+ el.setAttribute('hidden', true);
+ return;
+ }
+ el.removeAttribute('hidden');
+ // console.log(evt.srcElement.offsetLeft);
+ el.style.left = dimension.x + evt.srcElement.offsetLeft + 'px';
+ el.style.top = dimension.y + evt.srcElement.offsetTop + 'px';
+ el.style.width = dimension.w + 'px';
+ el.style.height = dimension.h + 'px';
+ this.hoverDimension = dimension;
+ document.getElementById("wcSpan").setAttribute(
+ 'data-l10n-args', JSON.stringify({ word: item[0], count: item[1] }));
+ document.getElementById("wcSpan").innerHTML =item[0]+":" + item[1];
+function updateCanvasMask(maskCanvas) {
+ var ctx = maskCanvas.getContext('2d');
+ var imageData = ctx.getImageData(
+ 0, 0, maskCanvas.width, maskCanvas.height);
+ var newImageData = ctx.createImageData(imageData);
+ var toneSum = 0;
+ var toneCnt = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < imageData.data.length; i += 4) {
+ var alpha = imageData.data[i + 3];
+ if (alpha > 128) {
+ var tone = imageData.data[i]
+ + imageData.data[i + 1]
+ + imageData.data[i + 2];
+ toneSum += tone;
+ ++toneCnt;
+ }
+ }
+ var threshold = toneSum / toneCnt;
+ for (var i = 0; i < imageData.data.length; i += 4) {
+ var tone = imageData.data[i]
+ + imageData.data[i + 1]
+ + imageData.data[i + 2];
+ var alpha = imageData.data[i + 3];
+ if (alpha < 128 || tone > threshold) {
+ // Area not to draw
+ newImageData.data[i] = 0;
+ newImageData.data[i + 1] = 0;
+ newImageData.data[i + 2] = 0;
+ newImageData.data[i + 3] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Area to draw
+ // The color must be same with backgroundColor
+ newImageData.data[i] = 255;
+ newImageData.data[i + 1] = 255;
+ newImageData.data[i + 2] = 255;
+ newImageData.data[i + 3] = 255;
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.putImageData(newImageData, 0, 0);
+ console.log(maskCanvas.toDataURL());
+//mask function
+function maskInit(el,x){
+ console.log(1)
+ str = x.figBase64;
+ //console.log(str)
+ var newImg = new Image();
+ newImg.src = str;
+ newImg.style.position = 'absolute';
+ newImg.style.left = 0;
+ // console.log(el.clientHeight);
+ newImg.width = el.clientWidth;
+ newImg.height = el.clientHeight;
+ // maskCanvas = init(el, x, newImg);
+ vvalue = 128
+ ctx = el.firstChild.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.drawImage(newImg, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+ updateCanvasMask(ctx);
+ WordCloud(el.firstChild, { list: listData,
+ fontFamily: x.fontFamily,
+ fontWeight: x.fontWeight,
+ color: x.color,
+ minSize: x.minSize,
+ weightFactor: x.weightFactor,
+ backgroundColor: x.backgroundColor,
+ gridSize: x.gridSize,
+ minRotation: x.minRotation,
+ maxRotation: x.maxRotation,
+ shuffle: x.shuffle,
+ shape: x.shape,
+ rotateRatio: x.rotateRatio,
+ ellipticity: x.ellipticity,
+ clearCanvas: false,
+ drawMask: true,
+ hover: x.hover || cv_handleHover,
+ abortThreshold: 3000
+ });
diff --git a/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-0.0.1/wordcloud.css b/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-0.0.1/wordcloud.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6048f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-0.0.1/wordcloud.css
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#wcLabel {
+ position: absolute;
+ border: 2px solid #fff;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0 #008;
+ padding: 2px;
+ /*margin: -4px 0 0 -4px;*/
+ pointer-events: none; }
+#wcSpan {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
+ color: #333;
+ margin-top: 6px;
+ padding: 0 0.5em;
+ border-radius: 0.5em;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
diff --git a/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-0.0.1/wordcloud2-all.js b/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-0.0.1/wordcloud2-all.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03a48b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-0.0.1/wordcloud2-all.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@
+ * wordcloud2.js
+ * http://timdream.org/wordcloud2.js/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011 - 2013 Tim Chien
+ * Released under the MIT license
+ */
+'use strict';
+// setImmediate
+if (!window.setImmediate) {
+ window.setImmediate = (function setupSetImmediate() {
+ return window.msSetImmediate ||
+ window.webkitSetImmediate ||
+ window.mozSetImmediate ||
+ window.oSetImmediate ||
+ (function setupSetZeroTimeout() {
+ if (!window.postMessage || !window.addEventListener) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var callbacks = [undefined];
+ var message = 'zero-timeout-message';
+ // Like setTimeout, but only takes a function argument. There's
+ // no time argument (always zero) and no arguments (you have to
+ // use a closure).
+ var setZeroTimeout = function setZeroTimeout(callback) {
+ var id = callbacks.length;
+ callbacks.push(callback);
+ window.postMessage(message + id.toString(36), '*');
+ return id;
+ };
+ window.addEventListener('message', function setZeroTimeoutMessage(evt) {
+ // Skipping checking event source, retarded IE confused this window
+ // object with another in the presence of iframe
+ if (typeof evt.data !== 'string' ||
+ evt.data.substr(0, message.length) !== message/* ||
+ evt.source !== window */) {
+ return;
+ }
+ evt.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ var id = parseInt(evt.data.substr(message.length), 36);
+ if (!callbacks[id]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ callbacks[id]();
+ callbacks[id] = undefined;
+ }, true);
+ /* specify clearImmediate() here since we need the scope */
+ window.clearImmediate = function clearZeroTimeout(id) {
+ if (!callbacks[id]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ callbacks[id] = undefined;
+ };
+ return setZeroTimeout;
+ })() ||
+ // fallback
+ function setImmediateFallback(fn) {
+ window.setTimeout(fn, 0);
+ };
+ })();
+if (!window.clearImmediate) {
+ window.clearImmediate = (function setupClearImmediate() {
+ return window.msClearImmediate ||
+ window.webkitClearImmediate ||
+ window.mozClearImmediate ||
+ window.oClearImmediate ||
+ // "clearZeroTimeout" is implement on the previous block ||
+ // fallback
+ function clearImmediateFallback(timer) {
+ window.clearTimeout(timer);
+ };
+ })();
+(function(global) {
+ // Check if WordCloud can run on this browser
+ var isSupported = (function isSupported() {
+ var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ if (!canvas || !canvas.getContext) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ if (!ctx.getImageData) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!ctx.fillText) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!Array.prototype.some) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!Array.prototype.push) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }());
+ // Find out if the browser impose minium font size by
+ // drawing small texts on a canvas and measure it's width.
+ var minFontSize = (function getMinFontSize() {
+ if (!isSupported) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var ctx = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');
+ // start from 20
+ var size = 20;
+ // two sizes to measure
+ var hanWidth, mWidth;
+ while (size) {
+ ctx.font = size.toString(10) + 'px sans-serif';
+ if ((ctx.measureText('\uFF37').width === hanWidth) &&
+ (ctx.measureText('m').width) === mWidth) {
+ return (size + 1);
+ }
+ hanWidth = ctx.measureText('\uFF37').width;
+ mWidth = ctx.measureText('m').width;
+ size--;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ })();
+ // Based on http://jsfromhell.com/array/shuffle
+ var shuffleArray = function shuffleArray(arr) {
+ for (var j, x, i = arr.length; i;
+ j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i),
+ x = arr[--i], arr[i] = arr[j],
+ arr[j] = x) {}
+ return arr;
+ };
+ var WordCloud = function WordCloud(elements, options) {
+ if (!isSupported) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!Array.isArray(elements)) {
+ elements = [elements];
+ }
+ elements.forEach(function(el, i) {
+ if (typeof el === 'string') {
+ elements[i] = document.getElementById(el);
+ if (!elements[i]) {
+ throw 'The element id specified is not found.';
+ }
+ } else if (!el.tagName && !el.appendChild) {
+ throw 'You must pass valid HTML elements, or ID of the element.';
+ }
+ });
+ /* Default values to be overwritten by options object */
+ var settings = {
+ list: [],
+ fontFamily: '"Trebuchet MS", "Heiti TC", "微軟正黑體", ' +
+ '"Arial Unicode MS", "Droid Fallback Sans", sans-serif',
+ fontWeight: 'normal',
+ color: 'random-dark',
+ minSize: 0, // 0 to disable
+ weightFactor: 1,
+ clearCanvas: true,
+ backgroundColor: '#fff', // opaque white = rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ gridSize: 8,
+ origin: null,
+ drawMask: false,
+ maskColor: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.3)',
+ maskGapWidth: 0.3,
+ wait: 0,
+ abortThreshold: 0, // disabled
+ abort: function noop() {},
+ minRotation: - Math.PI / 2,
+ maxRotation: Math.PI / 2,
+ shuffle: true,
+ rotateRatio: 0.1,
+ shape: 'circle',
+ ellipticity: 0.65,
+ classes: null,
+ hover: null,
+ click: null
+ };
+ if (options) {
+ for (var key in options) {
+ if (key in settings) {
+ settings[key] = options[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Convert weightFactor into a function */
+ if (typeof settings.weightFactor !== 'function') {
+ var factor = settings.weightFactor;
+ settings.weightFactor = function weightFactor(pt) {
+ return pt * factor; //in px
+ };
+ }
+ /* Convert shape into a function */
+ if (typeof settings.shape !== 'function') {
+ switch (settings.shape) {
+ case 'circle':
+ /* falls through */
+ default:
+ // 'circle' is the default and a shortcut in the code loop.
+ settings.shape = 'circle';
+ break;
+ case 'cardioid':
+ settings.shape = function shapeCardioid(theta) {
+ return 1 - Math.sin(theta);
+ };
+ break;
+ /*
+ To work out an X-gon, one has to calculate "m",
+ where 1/(cos(2*PI/X)+m*sin(2*PI/X)) = 1/(cos(0)+m*sin(0))
+ http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1%2F%28cos%282*PI%2FX%29%2Bm*sin%28
+ 2*PI%2FX%29%29+%3D+1%2F%28cos%280%29%2Bm*sin%280%29%29
+ Copy the solution into polar equation r = 1/(cos(t') + m*sin(t'))
+ where t' equals to mod(t, 2PI/X);
+ */
+ case 'diamond':
+ case 'square':
+ // http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot+r+%3D+1%2F%28cos%28mod+
+ // %28t%2C+PI%2F2%29%29%2Bsin%28mod+%28t%2C+PI%2F2%29%29%29%2C+t+%3D
+ // +0+..+2*PI
+ settings.shape = function shapeSquare(theta) {
+ var thetaPrime = theta % (2 * Math.PI / 4);
+ return 1 / (Math.cos(thetaPrime) + Math.sin(thetaPrime));
+ };
+ break;
+ case 'triangle-forward':
+ // http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot+r+%3D+1%2F%28cos%28mod+
+ // %28t%2C+2*PI%2F3%29%29%2Bsqrt%283%29sin%28mod+%28t%2C+2*PI%2F3%29
+ // %29%29%2C+t+%3D+0+..+2*PI
+ settings.shape = function shapeTriangle(theta) {
+ var thetaPrime = theta % (2 * Math.PI / 3);
+ return 1 / (Math.cos(thetaPrime) +
+ Math.sqrt(3) * Math.sin(thetaPrime));
+ };
+ break;
+ case 'triangle':
+ case 'triangle-upright':
+ settings.shape = function shapeTriangle(theta) {
+ var thetaPrime = (theta + Math.PI * 3 / 2) % (2 * Math.PI / 3);
+ return 1 / (Math.cos(thetaPrime) +
+ Math.sqrt(3) * Math.sin(thetaPrime));
+ };
+ break;
+ case 'pentagon':
+ settings.shape = function shapePentagon(theta) {
+ var thetaPrime = (theta + 0.955) % (2 * Math.PI / 5);
+ return 1 / (Math.cos(thetaPrime) +
+ 0.726543 * Math.sin(thetaPrime));
+ };
+ break;
+ case 'star':
+ settings.shape = function shapeStar(theta) {
+ var thetaPrime = (theta + 0.955) % (2 * Math.PI / 10);
+ if ((theta + 0.955) % (2 * Math.PI / 5) - (2 * Math.PI / 10) >= 0) {
+ return 1 / (Math.cos((2 * Math.PI / 10) - thetaPrime) +
+ 3.07768 * Math.sin((2 * Math.PI / 10) - thetaPrime));
+ } else {
+ return 1 / (Math.cos(thetaPrime) +
+ 3.07768 * Math.sin(thetaPrime));
+ }
+ };
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Make sure gridSize is a whole number and is not smaller than 4px */
+ settings.gridSize = Math.max(Math.floor(settings.gridSize), 4);
+ /* shorthand */
+ var g = settings.gridSize;
+ var maskRectWidth = g - settings.maskGapWidth;
+ /* normalize rotation settings */
+ var rotationRange = Math.abs(settings.maxRotation - settings.minRotation);
+ var minRotation = Math.min(settings.maxRotation, settings.minRotation);
+ /* information/object available to all functions, set when start() */
+ var grid, // 2d array containing filling information
+ ngx, ngy, // width and height of the grid
+ center, // position of the center of the cloud
+ maxRadius;
+ /* timestamp for measuring each putWord() action */
+ var escapeTime;
+ /* function for getting the color of the text */
+ var getTextColor;
+ function random_hsl_color(min, max) {
+ return 'hsl(' +
+ (Math.random() * 360).toFixed() + ',' +
+ (Math.random() * 30 + 70).toFixed() + '%,' +
+ (Math.random() * (max - min) + min).toFixed() + '%)';
+ }
+ switch (settings.color) {
+ case 'random-dark':
+ getTextColor = function getRandomDarkColor() {
+ return random_hsl_color(10, 50);
+ };
+ break;
+ case 'random-light':
+ getTextColor = function getRandomLightColor() {
+ return random_hsl_color(50, 90);
+ };
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (typeof settings.color === 'function') {
+ getTextColor = settings.color;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* function for getting the classes of the text */
+ var getTextClasses = null;
+ if (typeof settings.classes === 'function') {
+ getTextClasses = settings.classes;
+ }
+ /* Interactive */
+ var interactive = false;
+ var infoGrid = [];
+ var hovered;
+ var getInfoGridFromMouseTouchEvent =
+ function getInfoGridFromMouseTouchEvent(evt) {
+ var canvas = evt.currentTarget;
+ var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
+ var clientX;
+ var clientY;
+ /** Detect if touches are available */
+ if (evt.touches) {
+ clientX = evt.touches[0].clientX;
+ clientY = evt.touches[0].clientY;
+ } else {
+ clientX = evt.clientX;
+ clientY = evt.clientY;
+ }
+ var eventX = clientX - rect.left;
+ var eventY = clientY - rect.top;
+ var x = Math.floor(eventX * ((canvas.width / rect.width) || 1) / g);
+ var y = Math.floor(eventY * ((canvas.height / rect.height) || 1) / g);
+ return infoGrid[x][y];
+ };
+ var wordcloudhover = function wordcloudhover(evt) {
+ var info = getInfoGridFromMouseTouchEvent(evt);
+ if (hovered === info) {
+ return;
+ }
+ hovered = info;
+ if (!info) {
+ settings.hover(undefined, undefined, evt);
+ return;
+ }
+ settings.hover(info.item, info.dimension, evt);
+ };
+ var wordcloudclick = function wordcloudclick(evt) {
+ var info = getInfoGridFromMouseTouchEvent(evt);
+ if (!info) {
+ return;
+ }
+ settings.click(info.item, info.dimension, evt);
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ };
+ /* Get points on the grid for a given radius away from the center */
+ var pointsAtRadius = [];
+ var getPointsAtRadius = function getPointsAtRadius(radius) {
+ if (pointsAtRadius[radius]) {
+ return pointsAtRadius[radius];
+ }
+ // Look for these number of points on each radius
+ var T = radius * 8;
+ // Getting all the points at this radius
+ var t = T;
+ var points = [];
+ if (radius === 0) {
+ points.push([center[0], center[1], 0]);
+ }
+ while (t--) {
+ // distort the radius to put the cloud in shape
+ var rx = 1;
+ if (settings.shape !== 'circle') {
+ rx = settings.shape(t / T * 2 * Math.PI); // 0 to 1
+ }
+ // Push [x, y, t]; t is used solely for getTextColor()
+ points.push([
+ center[0] + radius * rx * Math.cos(-t / T * 2 * Math.PI),
+ center[1] + radius * rx * Math.sin(-t / T * 2 * Math.PI) *
+ settings.ellipticity,
+ t / T * 2 * Math.PI]);
+ }
+ pointsAtRadius[radius] = points;
+ return points;
+ };
+ /* Return true if we had spent too much time */
+ var exceedTime = function exceedTime() {
+ return ((settings.abortThreshold > 0) &&
+ ((new Date()).getTime() - escapeTime > settings.abortThreshold));
+ };
+ /* Get the deg of rotation according to settings, and luck. */
+ var getRotateDeg = function getRotateDeg() {
+ if (settings.rotateRatio === 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (Math.random() > settings.rotateRatio) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (rotationRange === 0) {
+ return minRotation;
+ }
+ return minRotation + Math.random() * rotationRange;
+ };
+ var getTextInfo = function getTextInfo(word, weight, rotateDeg) {
+ // calculate the acutal font size
+ // fontSize === 0 means weightFactor function wants the text skipped,
+ // and size < minSize means we cannot draw the text.
+ var debug = false;
+ var fontSize = settings.weightFactor(weight);
+ if (fontSize <= settings.minSize) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Scale factor here is to make sure fillText is not limited by
+ // the minium font size set by browser.
+ // It will always be 1 or 2n.
+ var mu = 1;
+ if (fontSize < minFontSize) {
+ mu = (function calculateScaleFactor() {
+ var mu = 2;
+ while (mu * fontSize < minFontSize) {
+ mu += 2;
+ }
+ return mu;
+ })();
+ }
+ var fcanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ var fctx = fcanvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true });
+ fctx.font = settings.fontWeight + ' ' +
+ (fontSize * mu).toString(10) + 'px ' + settings.fontFamily;
+ // Estimate the dimension of the text with measureText().
+ var fw = fctx.measureText(word).width / mu;
+ var fh = Math.max(fontSize * mu,
+ fctx.measureText('m').width,
+ fctx.measureText('\uFF37').width) / mu;
+ // Create a boundary box that is larger than our estimates,
+ // so text don't get cut of (it sill might)
+ var boxWidth = fw + fh * 2;
+ var boxHeight = fh * 3;
+ var fgw = Math.ceil(boxWidth / g);
+ var fgh = Math.ceil(boxHeight / g);
+ boxWidth = fgw * g;
+ boxHeight = fgh * g;
+ // Calculate the proper offsets to make the text centered at
+ // the preferred position.
+ // This is simply half of the width.
+ var fillTextOffsetX = - fw / 2;
+ // Instead of moving the box to the exact middle of the preferred
+ // position, for Y-offset we move 0.4 instead, so Latin alphabets look
+ // vertical centered.
+ var fillTextOffsetY = - fh * 0.4;
+ // Calculate the actual dimension of the canvas, considering the rotation.
+ var cgh = Math.ceil((boxWidth * Math.abs(Math.sin(rotateDeg)) +
+ boxHeight * Math.abs(Math.cos(rotateDeg))) / g);
+ var cgw = Math.ceil((boxWidth * Math.abs(Math.cos(rotateDeg)) +
+ boxHeight * Math.abs(Math.sin(rotateDeg))) / g);
+ var width = cgw * g;
+ var height = cgh * g;
+ fcanvas.setAttribute('width', width);
+ fcanvas.setAttribute('height', height);
+ if (debug) {
+ // Attach fcanvas to the DOM
+ document.body.appendChild(fcanvas);
+ // Save it's state so that we could restore and draw the grid correctly.
+ fctx.save();
+ }
+ // Scale the canvas with |mu|.
+ fctx.scale(1 / mu, 1 / mu);
+ fctx.translate(width * mu / 2, height * mu / 2);
+ fctx.rotate(- rotateDeg);
+ // Once the width/height is set, ctx info will be reset.
+ // Set it again here.
+ fctx.font = settings.fontWeight + ' ' +
+ (fontSize * mu).toString(10) + 'px ' + settings.fontFamily;
+ // Fill the text into the fcanvas.
+ // XXX: We cannot because textBaseline = 'top' here because
+ // Firefox and Chrome uses different default line-height for canvas.
+ // Please read https://bugzil.la/737852#c6.
+ // Here, we use textBaseline = 'middle' and draw the text at exactly
+ // 0.5 * fontSize lower.
+ fctx.fillStyle = '#000';
+ fctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
+ fctx.fillText(word, fillTextOffsetX * mu,
+ (fillTextOffsetY + fontSize * 0.5) * mu);
+ // Get the pixels of the text
+ var imageData = fctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data;
+ if (exceedTime()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (debug) {
+ // Draw the box of the original estimation
+ fctx.strokeRect(fillTextOffsetX * mu,
+ fillTextOffsetY, fw * mu, fh * mu);
+ fctx.restore();
+ }
+ // Read the pixels and save the information to the occupied array
+ var occupied = [];
+ var gx = cgw, gy, x, y;
+ var bounds = [cgh / 2, cgw / 2, cgh / 2, cgw / 2];
+ while (gx--) {
+ gy = cgh;
+ while (gy--) {
+ y = g;
+ singleGridLoop: {
+ while (y--) {
+ x = g;
+ while (x--) {
+ if (imageData[((gy * g + y) * width +
+ (gx * g + x)) * 4 + 3]) {
+ occupied.push([gx, gy]);
+ if (gx < bounds[3]) {
+ bounds[3] = gx;
+ }
+ if (gx > bounds[1]) {
+ bounds[1] = gx;
+ }
+ if (gy < bounds[0]) {
+ bounds[0] = gy;
+ }
+ if (gy > bounds[2]) {
+ bounds[2] = gy;
+ }
+ if (debug) {
+ fctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)';
+ fctx.fillRect(gx * g, gy * g, g - 0.5, g - 0.5);
+ }
+ break singleGridLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug) {
+ fctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)';
+ fctx.fillRect(gx * g, gy * g, g - 0.5, g - 0.5);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug) {
+ fctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)';
+ fctx.fillRect(bounds[3] * g,
+ bounds[0] * g,
+ (bounds[1] - bounds[3] + 1) * g,
+ (bounds[2] - bounds[0] + 1) * g);
+ }
+ // Return information needed to create the text on the real canvas
+ return {
+ mu: mu,
+ occupied: occupied,
+ bounds: bounds,
+ gw: cgw,
+ gh: cgh,
+ fillTextOffsetX: fillTextOffsetX,
+ fillTextOffsetY: fillTextOffsetY,
+ fillTextWidth: fw,
+ fillTextHeight: fh,
+ fontSize: fontSize
+ };
+ };
+ /* Determine if there is room available in the given dimension */
+ var canFitText = function canFitText(gx, gy, gw, gh, occupied) {
+ // Go through the occupied points,
+ // return false if the space is not available.
+ var i = occupied.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ var px = gx + occupied[i][0];
+ var py = gy + occupied[i][1];
+ if (px >= ngx || py >= ngy || px < 0 || py < 0 || !grid[px][py]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ /* Actually draw the text on the grid */
+ var drawText = function drawText(gx, gy, info, word, weight,
+ distance, theta, rotateDeg, attributes) {
+ var fontSize = info.fontSize;
+ var color;
+ if (getTextColor) {
+ color = getTextColor(word, weight, fontSize, distance, theta);
+ } else if (settings.color instanceof Array) {
+ color = settings.color.shift() || 'black'; // pass a array in setting, default 'black'
+ } else {
+ color = settings.color;
+ }
+ var classes;
+ if (getTextClasses) {
+ classes = getTextClasses(word, weight, fontSize, distance, theta);
+ } else {
+ classes = settings.classes;
+ }
+ var dimension;
+ var bounds = info.bounds;
+ dimension = {
+ x: (gx + bounds[3]) * g,
+ y: (gy + bounds[0]) * g,
+ w: (bounds[1] - bounds[3] + 1) * g,
+ h: (bounds[2] - bounds[0] + 1) * g
+ };
+ elements.forEach(function(el) {
+ if (el.getContext) {
+ var ctx = el.getContext('2d');
+ var mu = info.mu;
+ // Save the current state before messing it
+ ctx.save();
+ ctx.scale(1 / mu, 1 / mu);
+ ctx.font = settings.fontWeight + ' ' +
+ (fontSize * mu).toString(10) + 'px ' + settings.fontFamily;
+ ctx.fillStyle = color;
+ // Translate the canvas position to the origin coordinate of where
+ // the text should be put.
+ ctx.translate((gx + info.gw / 2) * g * mu,
+ (gy + info.gh / 2) * g * mu);
+ if (rotateDeg !== 0) {
+ ctx.rotate(- rotateDeg);
+ }
+ // Finally, fill the text.
+ // XXX: We cannot because textBaseline = 'top' here because
+ // Firefox and Chrome uses different default line-height for canvas.
+ // Please read https://bugzil.la/737852#c6.
+ // Here, we use textBaseline = 'middle' and draw the text at exactly
+ // 0.5 * fontSize lower.
+ ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
+ ctx.fillText(word, info.fillTextOffsetX * mu,
+ (info.fillTextOffsetY + fontSize * 0.5) * mu);
+ // The below box is always matches how s are positioned
+ /* ctx.strokeRect(info.fillTextOffsetX, info.fillTextOffsetY,
+ info.fillTextWidth, info.fillTextHeight); */
+ // Restore the state.
+ ctx.restore();
+ } else {
+ // drawText on DIV element
+ var span = document.createElement('span');
+ var transformRule = '';
+ transformRule = 'rotate(' + (- rotateDeg / Math.PI * 180) + 'deg) ';
+ if (info.mu !== 1) {
+ transformRule +=
+ 'translateX(-' + (info.fillTextWidth / 4) + 'px) ' +
+ 'scale(' + (1 / info.mu) + ')';
+ }
+ var styleRules = {
+ 'position': 'absolute',
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'font': settings.fontWeight + ' ' +
+ (fontSize * info.mu) + 'px ' + settings.fontFamily,
+ 'left': ((gx + info.gw / 2) * g + info.fillTextOffsetX) + 'px',
+ 'top': ((gy + info.gh / 2) * g + info.fillTextOffsetY) + 'px',
+ 'width': info.fillTextWidth + 'px',
+ 'height': info.fillTextHeight + 'px',
+ 'lineHeight': fontSize + 'px',
+ 'whiteSpace': 'nowrap',
+ 'transform': transformRule,
+ 'webkitTransform': transformRule,
+ 'msTransform': transformRule,
+ 'transformOrigin': '50% 40%',
+ 'webkitTransformOrigin': '50% 40%',
+ 'msTransformOrigin': '50% 40%'
+ };
+ if (color) {
+ styleRules.color = color;
+ }
+ span.textContent = word;
+ for (var cssProp in styleRules) {
+ span.style[cssProp] = styleRules[cssProp];
+ }
+ if (attributes) {
+ for (var attribute in attributes) {
+ span.setAttribute(attribute, attributes[attribute]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (classes) {
+ span.className += classes;
+ }
+ el.appendChild(span);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /* Help function to updateGrid */
+ var fillGridAt = function fillGridAt(x, y, drawMask, dimension, item) {
+ if (x >= ngx || y >= ngy || x < 0 || y < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ grid[x][y] = false;
+ if (drawMask) {
+ var ctx = elements[0].getContext('2d');
+ ctx.fillRect(x * g, y * g, maskRectWidth, maskRectWidth);
+ }
+ if (interactive) {
+ infoGrid[x][y] = { item: item, dimension: dimension };
+ }
+ };
+ /* Update the filling information of the given space with occupied points.
+ Draw the mask on the canvas if necessary. */
+ var updateGrid = function updateGrid(gx, gy, gw, gh, info, item) {
+ var occupied = info.occupied;
+ var drawMask = settings.drawMask;
+ var ctx;
+ if (drawMask) {
+ ctx = elements[0].getContext('2d');
+ ctx.save();
+ ctx.fillStyle = settings.maskColor;
+ }
+ var dimension;
+ if (interactive) {
+ var bounds = info.bounds;
+ dimension = {
+ x: (gx + bounds[3]) * g,
+ y: (gy + bounds[0]) * g,
+ w: (bounds[1] - bounds[3] + 1) * g,
+ h: (bounds[2] - bounds[0] + 1) * g
+ };
+ }
+ var i = occupied.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ fillGridAt(gx + occupied[i][0], gy + occupied[i][1],
+ drawMask, dimension, item);
+ }
+ if (drawMask) {
+ ctx.restore();
+ }
+ };
+ /* putWord() processes each item on the list,
+ calculate it's size and determine it's position, and actually
+ put it on the canvas. */
+ var putWord = function putWord(item) {
+ var word, weight, attributes;
+ if (Array.isArray(item)) {
+ word = item[0];
+ weight = item[1];
+ } else {
+ word = item.word;
+ weight = item.weight;
+ attributes = item.attributes;
+ }
+ var rotateDeg = getRotateDeg();
+ // get info needed to put the text onto the canvas
+ var info = getTextInfo(word, weight, rotateDeg);
+ // not getting the info means we shouldn't be drawing this one.
+ if (!info) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (exceedTime()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Skip the loop if we have already know the bounding box of
+ // word is larger than the canvas.
+ var bounds = info.bounds;
+ if ((bounds[1] - bounds[3] + 1) > ngx ||
+ (bounds[2] - bounds[0] + 1) > ngy) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Determine the position to put the text by
+ // start looking for the nearest points
+ var r = maxRadius + 1;
+ var tryToPutWordAtPoint = function(gxy) {
+ var gx = Math.floor(gxy[0] - info.gw / 2);
+ var gy = Math.floor(gxy[1] - info.gh / 2);
+ var gw = info.gw;
+ var gh = info.gh;
+ // If we cannot fit the text at this position, return false
+ // and go to the next position.
+ if (!canFitText(gx, gy, gw, gh, info.occupied)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Actually put the text on the canvas
+ drawText(gx, gy, info, word, weight,
+ (maxRadius - r), gxy[2], rotateDeg, attributes);
+ // Mark the spaces on the grid as filled
+ updateGrid(gx, gy, gw, gh, info, item);
+ // Return true so some() will stop and also return true.
+ return true;
+ };
+ while (r--) {
+ var points = getPointsAtRadius(maxRadius - r);
+ if (settings.shuffle) {
+ points = [].concat(points);
+ shuffleArray(points);
+ }
+ // Try to fit the words by looking at each point.
+ // array.some() will stop and return true
+ // when putWordAtPoint() returns true.
+ // If all the points returns false, array.some() returns false.
+ var drawn = points.some(tryToPutWordAtPoint);
+ if (drawn) {
+ // leave putWord() and return true
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // we tried all distances but text won't fit, return false
+ return false;
+ };
+ /* Send DOM event to all elements. Will stop sending event and return
+ if the previous one is canceled (for cancelable events). */
+ var sendEvent = function sendEvent(type, cancelable, detail) {
+ if (cancelable) {
+ return !elements.some(function(el) {
+ var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
+ evt.initCustomEvent(type, true, cancelable, detail || {});
+ return !el.dispatchEvent(evt);
+ }, this);
+ } else {
+ elements.forEach(function(el) {
+ var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
+ evt.initCustomEvent(type, true, cancelable, detail || {});
+ el.dispatchEvent(evt);
+ }, this);
+ }
+ };
+ /* Start drawing on a canvas */
+ var start = function start() {
+ // For dimensions, clearCanvas etc.,
+ // we only care about the first element.
+ var canvas = elements[0];
+ if (canvas.getContext) {
+ ngx = Math.floor(canvas.width / g);
+ ngy = Math.floor(canvas.height / g);
+ } else {
+ var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
+ ngx = Math.floor(rect.width / g);
+ ngy = Math.floor(rect.height / g);
+ }
+ // Sending a wordcloudstart event which cause the previous loop to stop.
+ // Do nothing if the event is canceled.
+ if (!sendEvent('wordcloudstart', true)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Determine the center of the word cloud
+ center = (settings.origin) ?
+ [settings.origin[0]/g, settings.origin[1]/g] :
+ [ngx / 2, ngy / 2];
+ // Maxium radius to look for space
+ maxRadius = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(ngx * ngx + ngy * ngy));
+ /* Clear the canvas only if the clearCanvas is set,
+ if not, update the grid to the current canvas state */
+ grid = [];
+ var gx, gy, i;
+ if (!canvas.getContext || settings.clearCanvas) {
+ elements.forEach(function(el) {
+ if (el.getContext) {
+ var ctx = el.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.fillStyle = settings.backgroundColor;
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ngx * (g + 1), ngy * (g + 1));
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ngx * (g + 1), ngy * (g + 1));
+ } else {
+ el.textContent = '';
+ el.style.backgroundColor = settings.backgroundColor;
+ }
+ });
+ /* fill the grid with empty state */
+ gx = ngx;
+ while (gx--) {
+ grid[gx] = [];
+ gy = ngy;
+ while (gy--) {
+ grid[gx][gy] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Determine bgPixel by creating
+ another canvas and fill the specified background color. */
+ var bctx = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');
+ bctx.fillStyle = settings.backgroundColor;
+ bctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ var bgPixel = bctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data;
+ /* Read back the pixels of the canvas we got to tell which part of the
+ canvas is empty.
+ (no clearCanvas only works with a canvas, not divs) */
+ var imageData =
+ canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, ngx * g, ngy * g).data;
+ gx = ngx;
+ var x, y;
+ while (gx--) {
+ grid[gx] = [];
+ gy = ngy;
+ while (gy--) {
+ y = g;
+ singleGridLoop: while (y--) {
+ x = g;
+ while (x--) {
+ i = 4;
+ while (i--) {
+ if (imageData[((gy * g + y) * ngx * g +
+ (gx * g + x)) * 4 + i] !== bgPixel[i]) {
+ grid[gx][gy] = false;
+ break singleGridLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (grid[gx][gy] !== false) {
+ grid[gx][gy] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ imageData = bctx = bgPixel = undefined;
+ }
+ // fill the infoGrid with empty state if we need it
+ if (settings.hover || settings.click) {
+ interactive = true;
+ /* fill the grid with empty state */
+ gx = ngx + 1;
+ while (gx--) {
+ infoGrid[gx] = [];
+ }
+ if (settings.hover) {
+ canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', wordcloudhover);
+ }
+ if (settings.click) {
+ canvas.addEventListener('click', wordcloudclick);
+ canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', wordcloudclick);
+ canvas.addEventListener('touchend', function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ canvas.style.webkitTapHighlightColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
+ }
+ canvas.addEventListener('wordcloudstart', function stopInteraction() {
+ canvas.removeEventListener('wordcloudstart', stopInteraction);
+ canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', wordcloudhover);
+ canvas.removeEventListener('click', wordcloudclick);
+ hovered = undefined;
+ });
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ var loopingFunction, stoppingFunction;
+ if (settings.wait !== 0) {
+ loopingFunction = window.setTimeout;
+ stoppingFunction = window.clearTimeout;
+ } else {
+ loopingFunction = window.setImmediate;
+ stoppingFunction = window.clearImmediate;
+ }
+ var addEventListener = function addEventListener(type, listener) {
+ elements.forEach(function(el) {
+ el.addEventListener(type, listener);
+ }, this);
+ };
+ var removeEventListener = function removeEventListener(type, listener) {
+ elements.forEach(function(el) {
+ el.removeEventListener(type, listener);
+ }, this);
+ };
+ var anotherWordCloudStart = function anotherWordCloudStart() {
+ removeEventListener('wordcloudstart', anotherWordCloudStart);
+ stoppingFunction(timer);
+ };
+ addEventListener('wordcloudstart', anotherWordCloudStart);
+ var timer = loopingFunction(function loop() {
+ if (i >= settings.list.length) {
+ stoppingFunction(timer);
+ sendEvent('wordcloudstop', false);
+ removeEventListener('wordcloudstart', anotherWordCloudStart);
+ return;
+ }
+ escapeTime = (new Date()).getTime();
+ var drawn = putWord(settings.list[i]);
+ var canceled = !sendEvent('wordclouddrawn', true, {
+ item: settings.list[i], drawn: drawn });
+ if (exceedTime() || canceled) {
+ stoppingFunction(timer);
+ settings.abort();
+ sendEvent('wordcloudabort', false);
+ sendEvent('wordcloudstop', false);
+ removeEventListener('wordcloudstart', anotherWordCloudStart);
+ return;
+ }
+ i++;
+ timer = loopingFunction(loop, settings.wait);
+ }, settings.wait);
+ };
+ // All set, start the drawing
+ start();
+ };
+ WordCloud.isSupported = isSupported;
+ WordCloud.minFontSize = minFontSize;
+ // Expose the library as an AMD module
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ define('wordcloud', [], function() { return WordCloud; });
+ } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+ module.exports = WordCloud;
+ } else {
+ global.WordCloud = WordCloud;
+ }
+})(this); //jshint ignore:line
diff --git a/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-binding-0.2.1/wordcloud2.js b/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-binding-0.2.1/wordcloud2.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e0067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/figures/wc_files/wordcloud2-binding-0.2.1/wordcloud2.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ name: 'wordcloud2',
+ type: 'output',
+ initialize: function(el, width, height) {
+ var newCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
+ newCanvas.height = height;
+ newCanvas.width = width;
+ newCanvas.id = "canvas";
+ el.appendChild(newCanvas);
+ newlabel(el);
+ return(el.firstChild);
+ },
+ renderValue: function(el, x, instance) {
+ // parse gexf data
+ listData=[];
+ for(var i=0; i
+ mutate(das_policy = case_when(
+ published_year < 2020 ~ "pre-2020",
+ TRUE ~ "2020 or later"
+ )) |>
+ mutate(das_type = case_when(
+ das_type == "in paper" ~ "available in paper",
+ das_type == "on request" ~ "available on request",
+ TRUE ~ das_type
+ )) |>
+ mutate(das_type = case_when(
+ is.na(das_type) ~ "missing",
+ TRUE ~ das_type
+ ))
+Now, we can summarize for data availability statement (DAS) type and policy year.
+```{r data_summary}
+washdev_das_type_n <- washdev_das_type |>
+ count(das_policy, das_type)
+### 2. Visualization on Data Availability Statement Types
+We use a barplot to visualize the information with the following code.
+In addition, we annnotate the policy change to highlight the impact.
+```{r build_figure}
+fig_das_type <- washdev_das_type_n |>
+ ggplot(aes(x = reorder(das_type, n), y = n, fill = das_policy)) +
+ geom_col(position = position_dodge(), width = 0.6) +
+ geom_text(aes(label = n),
+ vjust = 0.5,
+ hjust = -0.5,
+ size = 3,
+ position = position_dodge(width = 0.5)
+ ) +
+ coord_flip() +
+ # Add annotation about policy change
+ annotate("text",
+ x = 3.77,
+ y = 150,
+ size = 3,
+ label = "after introducing policy\nfor data availability statement",
+ color = "gray20") +
+ geom_curve(aes(x = 3.95, y = 142, xend = 3.95, yend = 70),
+ curvature = 0.5,
+ arrow = arrow(type = "closed", length = unit(0.1, "inches")),
+ color = "gray20") +
+ # Style of the figure
+ labs(
+ title = "Data Availability Statement",
+ subtitle = "Analysis of 924 articles published in Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (2011 to 2023)",
+ fill = "published year",
+ y = "number of publications",
+ x = "data availability statement") +
+ scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 600, 100), limits = c(0,600)) +
+ scale_fill_colorblind() +
+ theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
+ plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 10))
+# https://www.iwapublishing.com/news/iwa-publishing-2020-annual-review
+```{r display_figure}
+# Display the figure
+- You can see the data availability statements on the vertical axis and the number of publications on the horizontal axis
+- Colors differentiate between papers published before 2020 and in 2020 or later, when a policy was introduced that requires authors to select one of the three data availability statements
+- After that policy was introduced, we still found 15% of papers without a data availability statement, while 60% of articles stated that data was available in the paper, which could also be as supplementary material
+## What file types are researchers choosing for supplementary materials?
+From the above analysis, we can see that many people opt for data available within the paper or supplementary materials. What file types are researchers choosing for supplementary materials? Are they PDF reports, word documents, or spreadsheets?
+Answers to these questions are important to understand the data accessibility. Data stored and uploaded in pdf reports are less ideal for reuse and reproducibility. Therefore, in this section, we look at the supplementary mateirials with the variable `supp_file_type` that lists out the file types of supplementary materials.
+### 1. Data Preparation
+We look at the Supplementary Material of all articles published in 2020 or later. In particular, the variable `supp_file_type` was built as a list-column to contain a list of file types of an article. We use `unnest` to expand information as follows.
+washdev_supp_file_type_n <- washdev_das_type |>
+ filter(das_policy == "2020 or later") |>
+ select(paperid, das_type, supp_file_type) |>
+ unnest(supp_file_type) |>
+ mutate(supp_file_type = case_when(
+ is.na(supp_file_type) ~ "missing",
+ TRUE ~ supp_file_type
+ )) |>
+ count(das_type, supp_file_type)
+### 2. Summary on Supplementary Material File Types
+We aggregate each file type to show the distribution of files types used in the supplementary materials.
+tbl_supp_type <- washdev_supp_file_type_n |>
+ group_by(supp_file_type) |>
+ summarise(n = sum(n)) |>
+ arrange(desc(n)) |>
+ mutate(perc = n / sum(n) * 100)
+# Display the table
+tbl_supp_type |>
+ gt() |>
+ tab_header(title = "Supplementary Material",
+ subtitle = "Articles published 2020 or later") |>
+ tab_style(locations = cells_column_labels(),
+ style = cell_text(weight = "bold")) |>
+ fmt_number(columns = c(perc), decimals = 1) |>
+ cols_label(supp_file_type = "file type", n = "n", perc = "%") |>
+ tab_footnote(
+ footnote = md("One article can have multiple files."),
+ locations = cells_column_labels(columns = n)
+ )
+- Half of the published articles still had no data published alongside the article
+- But, the most insightful take-away is that not a single file was shared in a file type format that would qualify for following FAIR principles for data sharing.
+- That is something we are hoping to change, where sharing data as CSV files would already go a long way.
diff --git a/vignettes/articles/examples.Rmd b/vignettes/articles/examples.Rmd
index d6f3a36..239ce73 100644
--- a/vignettes/articles/examples.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/articles/examples.Rmd
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-title: "examples"
+title: "Case Study I: Authors in WASH for Development"
+author: "Mian Zhong"
```{r, include = FALSE}
@@ -9,6 +11,78 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(
-```{r setup}
+In this post, we will explore the author information in the dataset `washdev`. According to the journal website, WASH Development gives support for authors from LMIC to increase their access to publication in the journal:
+> *The Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development* is concerned to attract high quality papers from a wide range of countries, sectors and disciplines. Its Editors recognise that there are barriers that often discourage individuals and teams, especially in low income countries, from publishing in international journals.
+Furthermore, to concern with the research conducted in the LMIC countries, the journal also gives the following instructions:
+> *The Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development* welcomes publications with lead and co-authors from countries at all stages of development. We often receive submissions reporting on work undertaken in a country other than that of residence or citizenship of the authors. We normally expect that such work will have involved active and substantive participation of individuals from the country concerned as partners and that they will therefore be engaged as co-authors. Papers submitted where this is not the case may be rejected. Exceptions include papers based on re-analysis of previously published data.
+Now, let us explore the dataset about the first and correspondence authors in the journal.
+```{r setup, message = FALSE, warning=FALSE}
+First, we can have a look at the distribution of the number of authors.
+```{r num_author, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE}
+ggplot(data = washdev, aes(x = num_authors)) +
+ geom_histogram() +
+ labs(title = "Number of authors",
+ subtitle = "from publications of The Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development",
+ x = "Number of Authors", y = "Count")
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+num_diff_country <- washdev |>
+ filter(first_author_affiliation_country != correspondence_author_affiliation_country) |>
+ nrow()
+Are first author and correspondence author from the same country? Yes, only `r num_diff_country` are from different countries.
+What are the top 10 countries(or regions) the first authors from?
+```{r first_author, echo=TRUE}
+washdev |>
+ group_by(first_author_affiliation_country) |>
+ filter(!is.na(first_author_affiliation_country)) |>
+ summarise(count=n()) |>
+ arrange(desc(count)) |>
+ head(10) |>
+ ggplot() +
+ geom_col(aes(x = fct_reorder(first_author_affiliation_country, count),
+ y = count)) +
+ coord_flip() +
+ scale_x_discrete(labels = scales::label_wrap(20))+
+ labs(x = "Country", y = "Count",
+ title = "Top 10 countries of first author",
+ subtitle = "in publications of The Journal of WASH for Development (2011-2023)") +
+ theme_light()
+And correspondence authors?
+```{r corr_author, echo=TRUE}
+washdev |>
+ group_by(correspondence_author_affiliation_country) |>
+ filter(!is.na(correspondence_author_affiliation_country)) |>
+ summarise(count=n()) |>
+ arrange(desc(count)) |>
+ head(10) |>
+ ggplot() +
+ geom_col(aes(x = fct_reorder(correspondence_author_affiliation_country, count),
+ y = count)) +
+ coord_flip() +
+ scale_x_discrete(labels = scales::label_wrap(20))+
+ labs(x = "Country", y = "Count",
+ title = "Top 10 countries of correspondence author",
+ subtitle = "in publications of The Journal of WASH for Development (2011-2023)") +
+ theme_light()