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Brave Kafka instrumentation

Add decorators for Kafka producer and consumer to enable tracing.

  • TracingProducer completes a producer span per record and propagates it via headers.
  • TracingConsumer completes a consumer span on poll, resuming a trace in headers if present.


  • This tracer is only compatible with Kafka versions including headers support ( > 0.11.0).
  • More information about "Message Tracing" here
  • Consumer#timeout(long, TimeUnit) is deprecated and removed in > 3.x. When using this method, Brave will fall-back to Consumer#timeout().


First, setup the generic Kafka component like this:

kafkaTracing = KafkaTracing.newBuilder(messagingTracing)

To use the producer simply wrap it like this :

Producer<K, V> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(settings);
Producer<K, V> tracingProducer = kafkaTracing.producer(producer);
tracingProducer.send(new ProducerRecord<K, V>("my-topic", key, value));

Same goes for the consumer :

Consumer<K, V> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(settings);
Consumer<K, V> tracingConsumer = kafkaTracing.consumer(consumer);

Sampling Policy

The default sampling policy is to use the default (trace ID) sampler for producer and consumer requests.

You can use an MessagingRuleSampler to override this based on Kafka topic names.

Ex. Here's a sampler that traces 100 consumer requests per second, except for the "alerts" topic. Other requests will use a global rate provided by the Tracing component.

import brave.sampler.Matchers;

import static brave.messaging.MessagingRequestMatchers.channelNameEquals;

  .putRule(channelNameEquals("alerts"), Sampler.NEVER_SAMPLE)
  .putRule(Matchers.alwaysMatch(), RateLimitingSampler.create(100))

kafkaTracing = KafkaTracing.create(messagingTracing);

What's happening?

Typically, there are three spans involved in message tracing:

  • If a message producer is traced, it completes a PRODUCER span per record
  • If a consumer is traced, poll completes a CONSUMER span based on the incoming record or topic
  • Message processors use KafkaTracing.nextSpan to create a span representing work

Similar to http, the trace context is propagated using headers. Unlike http, processing a message is decoupled from consuming it. For example, Consumer.poll receives messages in bulk, from potentially multiple topics at the same time. Instead of receiving one message like an http request, Consumer.poll can receive up to 500 by default. For this reason, a single CONSUMER span is shared for each invocation of poll when there is no incoming trace context. This span is the parent when KafkaTracing.nextSpan is later called.

Processing messages

When ready for processing use KafkaTracing.nextSpan to continue the trace.

// Typically, poll is in a loop. the consumer is wrapped
while (running) {
  ConsumerRecords<K, V> records = tracingConsumer.poll(1000);
  // either automatically or manually wrap your real process() method to use kafkaTracing.nextSpan()
  records.forEach(record -> process(record));

Since kafka-clients doesn't ship with a processing abstraction, we can't bake-in means to automatically trace message processors. Guessing how one might make a message processor library isn't great, as we'd not know what the signature is, if there are checked exceptions, if it is async or not. If you are using a common library, you may want to raise an issue so that you don't need to make custom instrumentation.

If you are in a position where you have a custom processing loop, you can do something like this to trace manually or you can do similar via automatic instrumentation like AspectJ.

<K, V> void process(ConsumerRecords<K, V> record) {
  // Grab any span from the record. The topic and key are automatically tagged
  Span span = kafkaTracing.nextSpan(record).name("process").start();

  // Below is the same setup as any synchronous tracing
  try (Tracer.SpanInScope scope = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) { // so logging can see trace ID
    return doProcess(record); // do the actual work
  } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
    span.error(e); // make sure any error gets into the span before it is finished
    throw e;
  } finally {
    span.finish(); // ensure the span representing this processing completes.

Single Root Span on Consumer

When a Tracing Kafka Consumer is processing records that do not have trace-context (i.e. Producer is not tracing) it will reuse the same root span poll to group all processing of records returned.

trace 1:
|- processing1
|- processing2
+- processing N

If this is not the desired behavior, users can customize it by setting singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch to false. This will create a root span poll for each record received.

trace 1:
+- processing1

trace 2:
+- processing2
trace N:
+- processing N