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Juno Network Bindings

CosmWasm bindings to custom TokenFactory features from Osmosis.


Before starting, make sure you have rustup along with a recent rustc and cargo version installed. Currently, we are testing on 1.64+.

And you need to have the wasm32-unknown-unknown target installed as well.

You can check that via:

rustc --version
cargo --version
rustup target list --installed
# if wasm32 is not listed above, run this
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

running tests

cargo test --locked


cargo build --locked

generate schema for osmosis contract

cd contracts/reflect
cargo schema --locked

This will give you a schema at contracts/reflect/schema/

build contract

cd contracts/reflect
cargo wasm

Understanding the tests

The main code is in src/ and the unit tests there run in pure rust, which makes them very quick to execute and give nice output on failures, especially if you do RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo unit-test.

We consider testing critical for anything on a blockchain, and recommend to always keep the tests up to date.

Generating JSON Schema

While the Wasm calls (instantiate, execute, query) accept JSON, this is not enough information to use it. We need to expose the schema for the expected messages to the clients. You can generate this schema by calling cargo schema, which will output 4 files in ./schema, corresponding to the 3 message types the contract accepts, as well as the internal State.

These files are in standard json-schema format, which should be usable by various client side tools, either to auto-generate codecs, or just to validate incoming json wrt. the defined schema.

Preparing the Wasm bytecode for production

Before we upload it to a chain, we need to ensure the smallest output size possible, as this will be included in the body of a transaction. We also want to have a reproducible build process, so third parties can verify that the uploaded Wasm code did indeed come from the claimed rust code.

To solve both these issues, we have produced rust-optimizer, a docker image to produce an extremely small build output in a consistent manner. The suggest way to run it is this:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

Or, If you're on an arm64 machine, you should use a docker image built with arm64.

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

We must mount the contract code to /code. You can use a absolute path instead of $(pwd) if you don't want to cd to the directory first. The other two volumes are nice for speedup. Mounting /code/target in particular is useful to avoid docker overwriting your local dev files with root permissions. Note the /code/target cache is unique for each contract being compiled to limit interference, while the registry cache is global.

This is rather slow compared to local compilations, especially the first compile of a given contract. The use of the two volume caches is very useful to speed up following compiles of the same contract.

This produces an artifacts directory with a PROJECT_NAME.wasm, as well as checksums.txt, containing the Sha256 hash of the wasm file. The wasm file is compiled deterministically (anyone else running the same docker on the same git commit should get the identical file with the same Sha256 hash). It is also stripped and minimized for upload to a blockchain (we will also gzip it in the uploading process to make it even smaller).

Writing contracts that interact with Osmosis

Choosing a network

To use these bindings in your contracts, you'll need to either deploy them to the testnet or have a localnet setup. Read the official docs to learn how to do this.

Note that Cosmwasm on Osmosis is permissioned, so you'll have to disabled permissioned Cosmwasm for easier development.

Parametrizing your inputs and results with the Osmosis types

in order for the integration to work the following types, defined in this bindings, will need to be used as the type of your inputs/outputs or to parametrize Cosmwasm types:

  • OsmosisQuery, which implements CustomQuery
  • OsmosisMsg, which implement CosmosMsg

Specifically, any function that uses Deps or DepsMut and needs to interact with the chain will need to parametrize them as Deps<OsmosisQuery> and DepsMut<OsmosisQuery>, and any Response that adds messages or submessages to be executed needs to be parametrized as Response<OsmosisMsg>.

Executing Osmosis queries

If you want to execute Osmosis queries inside your contract, you can do this without the need of message passing (see the Cosmwasm documentation on QuerySemantics).

To do this you can create an OsmosisQuery and a QueryRequest<OsmosisQuery> to be dispatched by the querier.

The following code createds a PoolState variant of OsmosisQuery and passes it to the querier:

    let pool_query = OsmosisQuery::PoolState { id: 1 };
    let query = QueryRequest::from(pool_query);
    let pool_info: PoolStateResponse = deps.querier.query(&query)?;

The following queries the spot price of two denoms but uses the helper spot_price function of OsmosisQuery to simplify the query creation:

    let spot_price = OsmosisQuery::spot_price(1, &denom1, &denom2);
    let query = QueryRequest::from(spot_price);
    let response: SpotPriceResponse = deps.querier.query(&query)?;

Please note that the deps used in both these queries need to be of type Deps<OsmosisQuery> (or DepsMut<OsmosisQuery>). Otherwise the default implementation would assume an Empty custom query,

Executing transactions as (sub)messages

To execute osmosis transactions as part of your contract's execute response. You can create create the OsmosisMsg and provide it as part of your contract's response.

Here is an example of how to execute a swap as part of the

See the Cosmwasm documentation on submessages for more details about how this gets executed and how to handle replies.

fn execute_swap(
    _deps: DepsMut,
    _info: MessageInfo,
    input: u128,
    min_output: u128,
) -> Result<Response<OsmosisMsg>, ContractError> {
    let swap = OsmosisMsg::simple_swap(
        SwapAmountWithLimit::ExactIn {
            input: Uint128::from(input),
            min_output: Uint128::from(min_output),
    let msgs = vec![SubMsg::new(swap)];

        .add_attribute("action", "execute_swap")

Note that DepsMut is not parametrized in that function as it's not being used in it (so the default DepsMut<Empty> sufices). However, if your contract is using the deps somewhere else, chances are you will want to unify the types along your contract, so having the input parameter be DepsMut<OsmosisQuery> is probably a good idea.

For more information on the parameters of the OsmosisMsg used above, see the Osmosis Cosmwasm API documentation (TBD).

Executing custom transactions

If the transaction you want to execute is not provided by this API, you can still execute it using CustomMsg.

ToDo: Add an example.

Writing integration tests that mock the Osmosis responses

To be able to write tests for the functions that depend on interacting with Osmosis, you will need to mock the chain so that it can handle your contract requests and provide the right responses.

To do that, you will need to:

Create and initialize an app

        let mut app = OsmosisApp::new();
        //... setup your variables here
        app.init_modules(|router, _, storage| {
            router.custom.set_pool(storage, 1, &pool).unwrap();
                .init_balance(storage, &owner, init_funds)
                .init_balance(storage, &borrower, pool_funds.clone())

Define a wrapper for your contract

    pub fn contract<C, Q>() -> Box<dyn Contract<C, Q>>
        C: Clone + Debug + PartialEq + JsonSchema + DeserializeOwned + 'static,
        Q: CustomQuery + DeserializeOwned + 'static,
        >: Contract<C, Q>,
        let contract = ContractWrapper::new(execute, instantiate, query); //.with_reply(reply);

Instantiate your contract

        let contract: Box<dyn Contract<OsmosisMsg, OsmosisQuery>> = contract();
        let code_id = app.store_code(contract);

        // Instantiate the contract
        let msg = InstantiateMsg {
            admin: None,
            funds_denom: "usdc".to_string(),
            collateral_denom: "gamm/pool/1".to_string(),
        let contract_addr = app
            .instantiate_contract(code_id, owner.clone(), &msg, &[], "shark", None)

Execute your messages and test the results

        let balance = app.wrap().query_balance(&borrower, "usdc").unwrap();
        assert_eq!(balance.amount, Uint128::new(0));

        let amount = 6;
        let msg = ExecuteMsg::Borrow { amount };  // This is a message defined by your contract

        let wasm_msg = CosmosMsg::Wasm(WasmMsg::Execute {
            contract_addr: contract_addr.into(),
            msg: to_binary(&&inner_msg).unwrap(),
            funds: vec![],

        app.execute(borrower.clone(), wasm_msg).unwrap();

        let balance = app.wrap().query_balance(&borrower, "usdc").unwrap();
        assert_eq!(balance.amount, Uint128::new(amount));