diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b6afc57..1b6f835 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,37 @@
-# UnusedRoutes
-## Installation
+## About The Project
+This project is a Symfony bundle that gives you information about the (un)used routes in your application.
+With this information you can safely delete the unused routes from your code.
+(back to top)
+## Getting Started
+### Installation
Make sure Composer is installed globally, as explained in the
[installation chapter](https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md)
@@ -39,7 +70,115 @@ return [
-## TODO
+## Usage
+After the installation the bundle will start registering the users activity.
+This activity will be stored by default in a file in `%kernel.logs_dir%/accessed_routes{Ymd}.log`
+To know which routes are unused execute the following command:
+php bin/console unused-routes:list
+This will show a table like this:
+---------------------- ------- -------------
+ Route #Uses Last access
+ ---------------------- ------- -------------
+ ux_live_component 0 -
+ admin_index 0 -
+ admin_post_index 0 -
+ admin_post_new 0 -
+ admin_post_show 0 -
+ admin_post_edit 0 -
+ admin_post_delete 0 -
+ blog_rss 0 -
+ blog_index_paginated 0 -
+ blog_post 0 -
+ comment_new 0 -
+ blog_search 0 -
+ security_login 0 -
+ user_edit 0 -
+ user_change_password 0 -
+ ---------------------- ------- -------------
+ ```
+Also you can pass the option `--show-all-routes` to add the info of the used routes
+php bin/console unused-routes:list --show-all-routes
+This will show a table like this:
+---------------------- ------- -------------
+ Route #Uses Last access
+ ---------------------- ------- -------------
+ ux_live_component 0 -
+ homepage 4 16/01/2024
+ admin_index 0 -
+ admin_post_index 0 -
+ admin_post_new 0 -
+ admin_post_show 0 -
+ admin_post_edit 0 -
+ admin_post_delete 0 -
+ blog_index 1 06/01/2024
+ blog_rss 0 -
+ blog_index_paginated 0 -
+ blog_post 0 -
+ comment_new 0 -
+ blog_search 0 -
+ security_login 0 -
+ user_edit 0 -
+ user_change_password 0 -
+ ---------------------- ------- -------------
+ ```
+Now the routes that have been accessed also appear here with some info of the number of acceses and the date of the last one.
+(back to top)
+### Configuration
+There are only two parameters in this bundle. The path where the file is stores and the filename.
+ file_path: '%kernel.logs_dir%'
+ file_name: 'accessed_routes.log'
+### Replacing how logs are stored/read
+If you want to replace the way of storing logs like using a database or another storaging strategy you can create your own service implementing the following interface:
+## Roadmap
- [x] Write a log file per day
- [x] Add tests
- [x] Add pipelines
@@ -47,6 +186,43 @@ return [
- [x] Run Tests
- [x] Coverage check
- [x] Phpstan
-- [ ] Improve Readme with description and usage
-- [ ] See if it's possible to autogenerate a bundle config file when installing
-- [ ] Add configuration to replace how we store/read logs
\ No newline at end of file
+- [x] Improve Readme with description and usage
+- [ ] Multiple routes can be assigned to the same action, take this into account in the result table
+- [ ] See if it's possible/worth it to autogenerate a bundle config file when installing
+- [ ] Add more methods to store/read logs
+- [ ] Add configuration to replace how we store/read logs
+See the [open issues](https://github.com/orbeji/unused-routes/issues) for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
+(back to top)
+## Contributing
+Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first
+to discuss what you would like to change.
+Please make sure to update tests as appropriate and that all the Github Actions are passing.
+(back to top)
+## License
+Distributed under the [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/) License.
+(back to top)
+## Contact
+Project Link: [https://github.com/orbeji/unused-routes](https://github.com/orbeji/unused-routes)
+(back to top)
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/screenshots/list.png differ