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Ahmad Samra rehabaam
A physicist trying to make sense of a bit in a qubit universe.. 🧐. Please excuse my for loops.. 🙃


Mohamed Megahed megantosh

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Berlin / Cairo

Djelloul djelloulB
Consultant IT Fullstack developer


Eduardo Sanchez-Duran edsanzd
Certified Data Analyst, with proficient in SQL, Python, Tableau, and Excel, allowing to analyze and visualize data effectively.

Bremen, Germany

Saba AZIRI SabaAz-BusinessDataAnalyst
Business Data Analyst 💻Python, Panda, Html, CSS, MySql, Power BI, Tableau, Excel, PowerQuery, Talend


Laurence LaurenceAdam31
I'm a French Data analyst, training at @DataScientest & working for public organization of treatment and distribution of drinking water and sanitation.

Le SAGe Toulouse

Mahautgr Gaia32
Hi I'm Mahaut GOOR, I am a Bioinformaticien specialized in evolutionary genetics 🦴🧬 based in IBENS (Paris)

Institut de Biologie de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris

Elsa Cesari ElsaCesari
Student @ 42

Paris, France

Abderrahmen Mansour Abdou240

Bertrandt Munich, Germany

Thibaut Gazagnes tgazagnes
👋 Data consultant

Datalyo Métropole de Lyon

Omar Choa omarchoa

Toulouse, France