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Maciej (Magic) Balura Maciej-Balura

Universität Wien Vienna

Jun Lyu lyuj2022
Postdoc fellow at NCI/NIH
Pei-Hong Zhang Pei-Hong

Shanghai institute of Nutrition and Health (Former CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology), Chinese Academy of Science ShangHai


CUHK HongKong

Yance Feng hippo-yf
A traveller between statistics, mathematics, and biology
Vik Vik2025
Vik, a bioinformatics engineer, devotes himself to multi - omics research and artificial intelligence, constantly exploring their intersections and applications

Scicence Advances Guangzhou,China

Gianlucca Colangelo gianluccacolangelo
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computational Biology, MSc. Building multi-omics AI tools to understand diseases

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Haad Bhutta hbhutta

HLI Vancouver, B.C.

Seongmin Cheon seongminlab

Chonnam national univ Gwangju

motutaj motutaj

Medical College of Wisconsin

PVenRT pent1162
Biologist as an informatician

FreeLancer Taipei

Daniel J. Gomez danielgomez88
Molecular Biologist/Bioinformatician. Master's student @ Cal State East Bay & Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford Cancer Institute, Genetics Department

@StanfordBioinformatics @MoTrPAC SF Bay Area

Zé Paulo codesbyze
Mostly interested in longevity.

Aachen, Germany

BioDawg JoJoTsui


John Foster focyte

Focyte London, UK

Akanksha Sachan akanksha-sachan
PhD Student in Computational Biology Trying to decipher the chromatin and its regulatory code

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

arrowif arrowifjn
biomedicine phd

Southwest medical university China

Farnoosh Ostad farnooshoa
Engineer with a passion for biology and data

SGS Canada

Tychele Turner tycheleturner
PhD Human Genetics & Molecular Biology

Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, Missouri

Hasnahana Chetia hchetia
Postdoctoral Associate in Computational Genomics/Epigenomics.

Rockefeller University New York

benben-miao benben-miao
PhD student at Xiamen University, Engaged in biological research and innovation in bioinformatics. The developer of HiPlot, OmicsSuite, TOmicsVis.

Xiamen University China

Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

Beirui Niu BRNiu
I’m interested in figuring out the interaction of genome and environment by combining the genome, transcriptome, and epigenome information.

IGDB,CAS Beijing, China

Zixi chenzixi07

Shenzhen University Shenzhen, China