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thyeh goodogod

Taoyuan, Taiwan

Like to listen rock & pop music. Favorite band is Fumon (previous. Formoza). Study in NTUST MIS master degree. Set a goal to use NLP in legal domain.

Taipei, Taiwan

Marcus Lin Marcus778899

E-elements 5F,NO.61,Lane76,Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist.,Tapei,Taiwan,R.O.C.

watercat watercatuwu
Hi, there :)

The Affiliated Zhongli Senior High School of NCU Taiwan

Yuan YuanData
Software Developer


Arthur Wu Lilyo

Hsinchu, Taiwan


UC San Diego La Jolla

Jane Su yuchen927
Hi, Jane is here.

Los Angeles

botanist420 botanist420
Hey Guys my name is Lucas who likes Monstera deliciosa pretty much recently I am a very newbie in Python I am inspired by Legend, one and only Mr.robot


V creativeson
洪健翔 Hung, Chien-Hsiang chienhsiang-hung

IT Management Associate at Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 富邦金控 Taiwan

Rex Wu tsunejui
Linux lover and OSS enthusiast.


十百千 x1001000
PHIL's Hello Implement Labs
