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Ismail ismail0ka
Software Engineer
Ayush AYUxH-dev
Student at IITR
varunrmallya varun-r-mallya
UG IITR '27| Systems programming | Developer @sdslabs | Development Intern @neander-ai

SDSLabs, IIT Roorkee

wittyAle jesusgavancho
██████ █████████
vibhatsu v1bh475u
CSE Undergrad @ IITR | System Programmer | Developer @sdslabs | CTF Player @InfoSecIITR
Networking + Cyber Security - Firewalls + Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing Enthusiast


Kapil Sareen KapilSareen
IIT Roorkee'27 | Developer | CTF Player @InfoSecIITR

Roorkee, India

Om Thorat Om-Thorat
building silly little websites 🎈

IIITDM Jabalpur

I am Riyan Gupta, pursuing my Bachelor of Technology degree at IIT Roorkee. I want to integrate tech in various on-demand fields in a better way.
Mradul Singhal cy4n1d3-p1x3l
Time without purpose is a prison.

Roorkee, Uttarakhand

Aditya Nagariya Aditya-Nagariya
Stay Hungry ,Stay Foolish
Parth Badgujar Parth-Badgujar
Exploring the latent space 🚀 | IIT Roorkee '26

@dsgiitr @infoseciitr Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India

Arnav Kirti arnavkirti
I am a Web3 Enthusiast and Competitive Programmer from IIT Roorkee.
Bornunique911 Bornunique911
| Cybersec Enthusiast | CTF player | Top 1% on | Infosec Researcher |
Ayush Chandekar ayu-ch
IIT Roorkee'27


Krishna Pandey krishna2803

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee Roorkee, Uttarakhand

Ahmad_Saad Kraken57
Coding like a cat on a keyboard—one curious paw at a time, while my computer dreams of a bug-free utopia in the cloud. 🐱🐾
Rares Stanciu rcstanciu

@sherlock-protocol Ethereum

Nilay Kamat Nilsiloid
I am Nilay, currently a 4th year CSE undergraduate at International Institute of Information Technology-Bangalore.

Bengaluru, India