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Widar Weizhi Wang WidarWW
researcher wave modelling

NTNU Trondheim, Norway

Saulo Meirelles saulomeirelles
Download my thesis at

MetOcean Solutions

Salman Husain salhus
M.Sc., Ph.D.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory Denver, CO

Carlos A. Michelén Ströfer cmichelenstrofer
🌊🌊 Marine renewable energy 🌊🌊, Software research engineer, Data-driven methods, Julia programming, Mathematics, Open-source, Open science, Inclusive STEM

Sandia National Laboratories @sandialabs Albuquerque, NM

sEbastian biElicki pciuh
Senior researcher with 20+ years of experience in data processing, specializing in experimental data and signal analysis in ship hydromechanics.

Maritime Advanced Research Centre Gdansk

Jana Haddad janahaddad
coastal engineering, storm surge, nearshore waves, coastal flooding, data analysis
Quynh Nguyen quynhmoc95
CFD, Wave simulation
Keith Roberts krober10nd
Researcher/numerical modeler

W.F. Baird

Konstantinos Christakos KonstantinChri
Develop open-source Metocean tools

@metno @NTNU-IMT Norway