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Bilel TOUATI bileltouati
Passionate about technology and innovation, I am a computer professional specialized in artificial intelligence (AI) and data science


likai likaisun

123 shanghai

Oussama Jalleli oussjalleli
Rarely cheating Data Science student at ESPRIT, Tunisia but more interested in applying AI in Medical field.

Esprit School of engineering Tunis, Tunisia

Mohammad Taha Fakharian tahafkh
Science enthusiast | Enjoy to work on the intersection of mathematics, computer science, neuroscience and machine learning

@DataScience-ECE-UniversityOfTehran Tehran, Iran

Heitor Guimarães Hguimaraes
PhD student @ INRS / ML Researcher. Speech Representation Learning and Model Compression

Montreal, CA

Alfredo Lobaina lobaina7

Universidad de Oriente Santiago de Cuba

Ashkan Moradi ashkanmradi
Ph.D. student at INRS

Montreal, Quebec, CA

Hossein Rahmani hosseinra1983
Control Engineer, Electronic Lover, Travel Lover, Instagram : hrahmani1983


Alex alexandershaw4
Systems Neuroscientist. Senior Lecturer.


Yi Zhu zhu00121
PhD candidate at INRS; Audio&Speech&Physiological applications

MuSAE Lab Montreal, Canada

Bru bruAristimunha
Computer Science and Neuroscience. Brazil and France.
