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Dhomini Bezerra Picanço dhominicx
BSc. Computer Engineering - UFPA. R&D Intern at @lasseufpa

@lasseufpa Belém, Pará

Yuta Fujiyama yutatech
RoboCup Junior Soccer 2013~2021 "CIAO Tezukayama" "Leopard" | NHK Robocon 2021~2023 "Maquinista"

Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo

User onlydcx
18, Robocup

Tokyo, JP

Alexandr Mescheryakov AlexM-dev

Saint Petersburg

Maurício Godoy mggmauricio
Python Software Devoloper | Data Analyst | Machine Learning | Ros Student of Control and Automation Engineering at Federal University of Santa Maria

Qiron Robotics Santa Maria, Brasil

Chen Yao crankler
There is a rapture on the lonely shore

HIT / HITSZ / SUSTech Shenzhen