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Hang Qiao wangjiaming1503
tumor microenvironment using RNA-Seq, 16s rRNA sequencing, and bioinformatics in the field of Clinical Oncology
Sébastien Celles scls19fr
Professeur agrégé (PRAG / Assigned Associate professor) of Applied physics and Computer Sc. at University of Poitiers (France) s dot celles at gmail dot com

Université de Poitiers Poitiers

Cristian B. taabrcr
🥷 Tech Lead with Passion to Innovate ! 💻 Implementing Ideas in the Cloud ☁️☁️ 🕵️‍♀️ Web App | Data Science | AI and ML ✍ Always Learning and Practicing

@NinjaArch World

Fernando Rivas fenandosr
Software engineering at @bit-a-bit-org Leading bioinformatics at @genomx-org Contributing bioinformatician at @mcps-epcm-org (@mcps-analysts)

@Bit-a-Bit-org @Genomx-org @mcps-analysts @mcps-epcm-org @serhoyuno Mexico City

Zanchi Federico z3br4p01nt
Yoga practitioner.

z3br4p01nt Italy