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S Mestre sanmes
Programming games specially for retro machines(but also for fantasy consoles Pico-8/Tic-80 and Desktop PC). I also like pixelart.


Luismi LuismiInTheZone
Hey I'm from Spain, I'm trying to help with some Lua or Python projects needed. Currently I’m not very active since I enjoy more the real life stuff 😅


Cristiano Camacho CristianoSword
FullStack, Retro GameDev and Comic Artist

Original Studio - Games Indie

I like to code, solve Rubik's cubes, and play games, including @frogatto and @supertuxadvance I also am working on a game, check it out at @A-Ducks-Wanderings
Todor Imreorov blurymind
2d/3d game animator/artist Blog:

me Hebden Bridge, United Kingdom