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İsmail Furkan Saygın ifsygn
New Software Developer, and MSc.Structural Engineer from İTÜ


21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

ija ija-wang
M.Arch THU


Miskamasaka miskamasaka
Bad Architect


İlterhan 1ilterhan1
Hi i'm ilterhan im currently student as a computer engineering in Bursa Uludag University


Ansen.An Ansen-An-McNA

Robert McNeel & Associates Chengdu, China

Cheng Ke ck1212
Hi~. This is Cheng Ke, a master's student at Tongji University, China. Mainly interested in topology optimization, mechanical simulation, and 3D modeling.

Tongji University

Daniel Hardesty Lewis dhardestylewis
Research engineer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center

@TACC Austin, United States

Sam Potter sampotter

Coreform, LLC Seattle, WA

Iliana Papadopoulou ilianakp
software developer, emerging technologies, architect

Reope Copenhagen

Agnes Tan Agnestan

McNeel Asia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia