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Vincent Berthiaume vberthiaume
Audio programmer, drummer, producer. Loves C++, synthesizers, abrasive music, and funky coffee.

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Alexandre Enkerli Enkerli
Bilingual (French/English) technopedagogue, ethnographer, homeroaster, anthropologist, musicker, coffee enthusiast, Maker/dabbler.

Montreal, Qc

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Atlasmooth atlasmooth
Audiovisual Engineer

Around Corner

Stephen Graham stephram

Boston, United States

Mattèo Gauthier MatteoGauthier
Junior Web Developer, Freelance at Bordeaux, France



Sammy Smallman sammysmallman

@artifice-industries United Kingdom

Jean-Michaël Celerier jcelerier tech dir. @ossia lead dev : computer art engineering & research

@ossia Montréal

Aditia A. Pratama aditiapratama
I help Animation Studio deliver the works by streamline production pipeline | Animation Producer and CG Technical Director.

@Warnakala Studios Cyberjaya, Malaysia

Mohammadreza Hendiani Man2Dev
Fedora linux package maintainer | Fedora AI-ML sig member 🤖 | Advocate for Open Source 🌐 | Passionate about secure and transparent technology 🌍
Lucas lknknm
C/C++, C# + .NET, Python.

Some other place, some other time.

902metalhead 902heavymetal
Hobby enthusiast and knowledge seeker
Peilin Li Ross-Li
Oh I am the guy who tells other guys to fix the bugs. Information Systems major because I can't get into CS. But programming is self-study anyway right?


Bernardo smoge
Composer | Programmer | Musician | Performer | Crafting scores, sounds and code with equal passion. Exploring the intersections


Olivier Bienz lan-ensad
Laboratoire d'Artisanat Numérique @ensad Paris


z0rg seb776
Hi, I'm a graphics developer doing mostly live shader coding and creative code stuff
avery netherwaves
creative developer, multimedia artist, sound fiddler, forever learning

Montréal, Canada

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Ishikawa Ryuto stoneream

@folio-sec Tokyo, Japan

Nathan Young nathanhwyoung
code lizard, computer goblin
Navid navid

@topologicalmedialab Montreal

Alexander Hagerman n0mn0m

Louisville, KY