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Ildeberto Vasconcelos IldySilva
Software Engineer

Equilibrium Angola/Luanda

Pratiksha lastoyster
An individual Flabbergasted by advances in web , exploring learning paths one step at a time !

Green Forest

Max Inf0rmatik3r
Frontend Software Engineer @ Vodafone Web, iOS & Flutter Dev

Vodafone GmbH Bonn

Antonio Petricciuoli antoniopetricc

@antoniopetricciuoli Naples

Justin Baumann jxstxn1
Flutter Dev with a love for building shelf middlewares and with a love for a good cup of coffee

GoLeasy North-Rhine-Westphalia

Robin Schönau robiness
proud flutter developer @ phntm with a penchant for game development and privacy preserving smart home

phntm Cologne