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Research Software Engineer at the University of Sheffield. Working on the Fluctuating Finite Element Analysis (FFEA) biomolecular simulation software.

University of Sheffield Sheffield, UK

Yuliang Weng yld-weng
Research Software Engineer

The University of Sheffield

Rosanna Milner rosannamilner
Research Software Engineer, IT Services, University of Sheffield

@SheffieldUni Sheffield, UK

Research Data Scientist

University of Sheffield Sheffield

Shaurita D. Hutchins sdhutchins
Graduate Student Trainee at UAB. Genetics, Genomics, & Bioinformatics. Current lab: @uab-cgds-worthey. Former lab: @vallenderlab.

@uab-cgds-worthey, @datasnakes, @informaticsclub, @bham-rug Birmingham, AL

Emily Chambers evchambers
Data Specialist - FHEA - Data Connect - Sheffield University. SQL - Data analysis/viz - R Enthusiast - The Carpentries Instructor

University of Sheffield Sheffield

Farhad Allian f-allian
Research Data Engineer @ The University of Sheffield | PhD in Applied Mathematics

The University of Sheffield Sheffield

Carl D Kennedy Carldkennedy
Research Computing Consultant at The University of Sheffield

@SheffieldUni Sheffield

Will Furnass willfurnass
Research platforms engineer at the University of Sheffield

University of Sheffield UK

I am a PhD student in the University of Sheffield. My work is on crop domestication and modeling.

The University of Sheffield Sheffield, UK

Joe Heffer Joe-Heffer-Shef
Senior Research Data Engineer

The University of Sheffield Sheffield, United Kingdom

千千w wwyqianqian
aka. QianQian || polyu

@Muxi-Studio Sheffield