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Moncef dhkouri moncefdhk999
Moncef dhkouri

all organisation United states

iukkeopaa iukkeopaa
Slow is fast and People who like to toss and explore
邢洲 zhouzxing
Linux kernel distributed system and parallel programming
林允儿 Yoona Lim YoonaLimSauce

chinatelecom Shanghai, China

大唐卢照辞 datangyipin
Abhinay Lunawat abhinay5993


悟空 jdevtools
Martin Salo salomartin
Building AI to give everyone the ability to eat well every day. Co-Founder & CTO @yummyshop. Previously co-founded @Realeyes.

@yummyshop London

Seachal Seachal

Beijing, China

tianhe Gao mercuryZBC
I‘m from hrbust.

hrbust harbin

dragon 08183080
step by step, day by day...

Society Mars

Charles Wharton babyofish
Coding for living, Not living for coding

Nanjing, China

Nliver Nliver
If you start striving now, the worst outcome is still becoming a late bloomer. 如果你现在开始努力,最坏的结果不过是大器晚成。


Nagiur Rahaman nagiur

Lanzhou, Gansu, China

Aoxiang(Ace) Zhang ZHANG-AOXIANG
A QA tester in Amazon

Amazon China

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


17 Atopos17
20岁,大学生,Gitee同名,喜欢MacOS,Communist,Atopos_17,独一无二的17,和灵魂,有事情可以邮件联系,@yahoo.com与Gmail.com同名,在学习C/C++或者一些Operating System的一些东西,TCP/IP的一些东西也可以,在准备考研,但考不上。很爱@Crane19

@ california

libaoshen libaoshen
a coding monkey on the way


code monkey zredMonkey
Interested in Java | Go | Python etc.


YangyangMiao yangyangmiao666
2006年美国周刊年度风云人物 2008年感动中国组委会特别大奖 2022年奥林匹克杯获得者

USTC China

Charleno Pires charlenopires
Polyglot Developer (Working: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go; Know: Rust, Ocaml, ReScript, Elixir, Erlang, Ruby, Dart, Kotlin; Understand: Java, C#, PHP, Lua

Amarante | PI | Brazil

llq-yyds llq0802


刘小不狼狈 wisty
Only The Strong Survive.......
plus chiaweilee
◡̈ ᑋᵉᑊᑊᵒ ᵕ̈ ᵚᵒʳᑊᵈ

@alibaba Hangzhou, China

milliev millievn
keep study,keep cheerful
Candison KanDisheng
Senior Service R & D Engineer

@CodeMommy @ShareAny Universe